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Every semester, the UCA Athenaeum receives theses from the Schedler Honors College. These papers, accounting by chief Honor College students, beset a all-inclusive arrangement of capacity acceptance athenaeum advisers to advance references and appearance examples of well-written papers.
HC: 86-01 – Blair, Lisa M.; “La Simbologia Machadiana: Un Estudio De Un Concepto Del Sueno”, 1986, 28p
HC: 86-02 – Buffaloe, Donald R.; “John Muir and Aldo Leopold: Their Influence on the American Attention Movement”, 1986, 28p
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HC: 86-03 – Gray, Nancy; “The Philosophic Novel: A Abstraction in Aesthetics”, 1986, 29p
HC: 86-04 – Hawkins, Judy; “Our Responsibility To The Hungry”, 1986, 29p
HC: 86-05 – Meadors, Karen; “Sexist Accent in a Changing Society”, 1986, 25p
HC: 86-06 – Miller, Paul R.; “Talk About Talk About Art”, 1986, 31p
HC: 86-07 – Myers, William T.; “The Relevancy of Activity afterwards Death for a Process Theodicy”, 1986, 29p
HC: 86-08 – Palmer, Jerry; “Environmental Controls: The Cost of a Advantageous World”, 1986, 21p
HC: 86-09 – Plafcan, Gerald; “Government Intervention in the Economy”, 1986, 42p
HC: 86-10-Rogers, Edmundo G.; “The Nature of Love: Marcel or Sartre an Intellectual Discussion of the Problem”, 1986, 52p
HC: 86-11 – Sharp, Jeff W.; “Language and Artificial Intelligence”, 1986, 17p
HC: 86-12 – Shastri, Ananda; “Reliable Theories and the Dependability of Extraordinary Claims”, 1986, 18p
HC: 86-13 – Wilson, Janet K.; “Depression in Women: A Psychosocial Perspective”, 1986, 40p
HC: 87-01 – Adams, Scott; “Journalism and Civil Religion: The InterconnectionsBetween the American Journalistic System and the Civil Religion of the United States”, 1987, 19p
HC: 87-02 – Fuller, G.L.; “War: Modern Moral Precepts and Nuclear Deterrent Justification”, 1987, 49p
HC: 87-03 – Kingan, Robert John; “Intuitive Process and Formal Construction: The Acceptation of Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem”, 1987, 29p
HC: 88-01 – Dirck, Brian; “For I accept Become Death…”: The Holocaust – As – Shrine”, 1988, 51p
HC: 88-02 – Eldridge, Keri, E.; “The Alienation of Individual’s”, 1988, 16p
HC: 88-04 – Leubker, Monica; “Sexual Harassment: Women Are Fighting Back”, 1988, 32p
HC: 88-05 – Russell, Paula S.; “Cultural and Psychological Factors That Influence The Development of Entrepreneurial Behavior in European Societies”, 1988, 27p
HC: 88-06 – Wall, Byron Robert; “Theodicy of C.S. Lewis: The Problem of Human Evil”, 1988, 27p
HC: 88-07 – Wear, Kay Lynn; “Redefining the Term Gifted and Identification Characteristics of Primary Age Children”, 1988, 50p
HC: 88-08 – Wilson, Melissa; “Harmful Effects Of Repression On a Changing Society”, 1988, 23p
HC: 88-09 – Young, Tami L.; “Perspectives On The Interaction Of Psychology In Christian Counseling”, 1988, 20p
HC: 89-01 – Brewer, Evangeline M.; “A Discussion of the Modifiability In Preschool Children”, 1989, 54p
HC: 89-02 – Buchan, Chuck; “The New Public Administration Movement and Its Appulse On Organizational Theory: A Twenty Year Retrospective”, 1989, 14p
HC: 89-03 – Bull, Donna; “The Use of Comparative Analysis in Finding The Cultural Acceptation of Variations in Fairy Tales”, 1989, 40p
HC: 89-04 – Dean, Deborah Ann; “The Amusing Comedies of Aphra Behn and Beth Henley – A Perspective”, 1989, 29p
HC: 89-05 – Gamble, Gina Marie; “Management Philosophy of Theory Z: Applications To Improve Education”, 1989, 56p
HC: 89-06 – Henderson Caroline Blythe; “The Appulse of Computer Technology In the Field of Music”, 1989, 39p
HC: 89-07 – Leding, Carl; “Theories Of The Growth Of Knowledge: Biology Or Sociology?,” 1989, 21p
HC: 89-08 – Messer, Rachel L; “The American Adversary System: A Critique Of Anne Strick’s, Injustice For All”, 1989, 20p
HC: 89-09 – Thurman, Glen M.; “Behavior and Thought: A Critique of Artificial Intelligence Research”, 1989, 22p
HC: 90-01 – Arnhart, David William; “Science: Revision or Revolution?,” 1990, 18p
HC: 90-02 – Tromater, Britt-Marie; “Rape: Power-Play in Disguise,” 1990, 26p
HC: 90-03 – Post, Margaret Amanda; “The Nature of Myth: The Environment’s Effect on the Creation of Myth by Primitive Man”, 1990, 49p
HC: 90-04 – Matthews-Wood, Lisa Madeline; “Countercultures: The Adolescent Crusade”, 1990, 22p
HC: 91-01 – Archer, Walter C.; “The Role of Truth-Telling in the Physician/Patient Relationship”, 1991, 16p
HC: 91-02 – Crouch, Elizabeth; “Engendered Lives: The Structure and Process of the Feminine Role”, 1991, 29p
HC: 91-03 – Phillips, Tami M.; “Lord of the Flies: The Beast Within”. 1991, 16p
HC: 91-04 – Taverner, Rebecca Diane; “Alexandra, Empress of Russia: An Historical Reassessment”, 1991, 37p
HC: 91-05 – Tanguay, Edward John; “Toward Proficiency in Foreign Accent Teaching: Reevaluating Our Methods”, 1991, 63p
HC: 91-06 – Whitbey, Stanley G.; “Business” and “Ethics” As Nonmutually Exclusive Terms: Kantian Ethics in a Modern Business Setting”, 1991, 23p
HC: 91-07 – Ezell, Karol Ann; “Living With Myth and Joseph Campbell”, 1991, 18p
HC: 91-08 – Treat, Rita; “White Tail Deer and Timber Management: An Ozark Perspective”, 1991, 35p
HC: 91-09 – Batterton, Jamie Ann; “Dual-Earner Families: An Examination”, 1991, 35p
HC: 91-10 – Zaloudek, Heather Lynn; “Experiences and Survival Techniques of Women Victims of the Holocaust”, 1991, 41p
HC: 92-01 – Kahland, Brad Michael; “Coca Assembly in Peru and Bolivia”, 1992, 26p
HC: 92-02 – Davis, Martha Karen; “Bibliotherapy and Children’s Award Winning Books’, 1992, 36p
HC: 92-03 – Thomas, Shannon Renee; “Social Insurance and the Medical System in Germany”, 1992, 29p
HC: 92-04 – Somova, Marla Woodward; “Categorization and the Sexes: A Socio/Psycholinguistic Perspective”, 1992, 26p
HC: 93-01 – Armstrong, Jan Nance; “Making A Case for Multicultural Education”, 1993, 48p
HC: 93-02 – Brown-Damron, Jill M; “The European Community: A Struggling Postmodern Evolution”, 1993, 32p
HC: 93-03 – Davis, Heather Dawn: “Frida Kahol: Her Life, Her Times, Her Art”, 1993, 18p
HC: 93-04 – Dielmann, Kim Bernice; “The Cultural Taboo of Incest and the Modern Ancestors Unit”, 1993, 28p
HC: 93-05 – Doran, Jennifer; “Identity in Ceremony and Personal Narrative”, 1993, 20p
HC: 93-06 – Fletcher, Wendi Ryna and Green, Kim Ranae: “Beyond The Deconstruction of Objectivity in the Media’, 1993, 29p
HC: 93-07 – Godwin, Jennifer Ann; “A Catalyst for Change: The Civil War and It Effect on Women”, 1993, 27p
HC: 93-08 – Hopkins, Jerry; “The Emerging All-around Economy; Ability As Communication”, 1993, 41p
HC: 93-09 – Jackson, Steven; “The Arab-Israeli Crisis: Its Origins and Solutions”, 1993, 26p
HC: 93-10 – Lawrence, George Stephen; “Literary Portraits of Unmerited Suffering; 1993, 25p
HC: 93-11 – Lewis, Tamara; “The Diary of Annie Mae Bordeaux”, 1993, 70p
HC: 93-12 – Sorrows, Jay P.; “Unexperienced Oedipus: A Deweyan Critique of Freud’s Oedipus Complex:, 1993, 28p
HC: 93-13 – Mullins Jr. Morell E.; “Dreamtime”, 1993, 304p
HC: 93-14 – Miller-Warren. Susan Marie; “Does the Legal Text Speak For Itself?: A Current Debate”, 1993, 30p
HC: 93-15 – Sheesley, Christopher Paul; “The Activity and Times of Albert Einstein”, 1993, 40p
HC: 94-01 – Atkinson, Marcia; “Factors That Influence Learning Amid The Elderly: Teaching Nutrition Behavior Modification”, 1994, 40p
HC: 94-02 –Fuson, Jennifer Ann; “Cognitive Constructivism and the Therapeutic Healing of Eating Disorders”, 1995, 44p
HC: 94-03 – Mobley, Georgiaberry Almitra Enoch; “Descriptive Accent in Texts Discussing The Art of Sub-Saharan Africa”, 1994, 25p
HC: 94-04 – Dycus, Dorris Leslie; “Stepmother Mythas: Do Labels Help Or Hinder?”, 1994, 24p
HC: 94-05 – Faulkenberry, Gwendolann Adell; “The Activity of Thackeray’s Literature”, 1994, 19p
HC: 94-06 – Pierce, Jennifer Elaine May; “The Insanity Defense”. 1994, 20p
HC: 94-07 – Jackson, Lesley Kaye; “Character Development in the Psychological Novels of Thomas Hardy”, 1994, 17p
HC: 94-08 – Clark-Mitchum, Becca; “Mind Over Grey Matter: One Women’s Struggle With Language”, 1994, 129p
HC: 94-09 – Sorrows, Susan Renee Heskett; “Grief and Loss Experienced by Nurses When Their Patients Die:, 1994, 38p
HC: 94-10 – Oberer, Emily Anne; “Corporate-Supported Adolescent Care”, 1994, 18p
HC: 94-11 – Adolescent Jared; “Multicultural Education – Moving Appear a New Curriculum”, 1994, 27p
HC: 94-12 – Crawford, Michelle Lee; “Violence in Arkansas Aerial Schools: A Appearance From The Principal’s Office”, 1994, 145p
HC: 94-13 – Smith, Mary Shernell; “The Effects of Mentoring on Minorities in College Education, A Case Study: The Matriculation of Entering African-American Acceptance In the Fall 1994 Class at the University of Central Arkansas”, 1999, 94p
HC: 94-15 – Thompson, Cody; “The Ecology Appulse of NAFTA: A Critical Reappraisal”, 1994, 34p
HC: 94-17 – Villines, Larry S.: “Cultural Differences and Their Affect on Business Management”, 1994, 25p
HC: 95-01 – Bingham, D’ Andra D.: “The Human Genome Project: Its Amusing and Ethical Implications”, 1995, 47p
HC: 95-02 – Bowles, Laura Niswonger; “The Hero’s Journey: Masculine and Feminine Archetypes”, 1995, 56p
HC: 95-03 – Chollar, Natalie; “The Poorest of the Poor: A Attending at Homelessness in America”, 1995, 41p
HC: 95-04 – Colley, Emily Kay; “Television and Cultural Chaos: The Call for Media Literacy”, 1995, 57p
HC: 95-05 – Corbitt, Ruth Ann; “The Judeo-Christian Tradition: A Need for Ecological Integrity”, 1995, 40p
HC: 95-06 – Key, Shawn H.; “Conduct Unbecoming: Homosexuality and the Christian Response” 1995, 27p
HC: 95-07 – Lea, Jarrett Boyd; “Social Darwinism: A Descent with Modification”, 1995, 27p
HC: 95-08 – Markey, Janell; “Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering: A Survey”, 1994, 29p
HC: 95-09 – Meador, Scott; A CD, “Visualization of Age-old Theater Architecture in a Multi-Media Learning Program”, 1995
HC: 95-10 – Olds, Carl Blaine :Heroes and Anxiety: “A Tillichian Approach To Myths and Myth-Making”, 1995, 42p
HC: 95-11 – Murphy, Mildred Cecilia; “Abortion: An Ethical Dilemma”, 1995, 113p
HC: 95-12 – Noble, Rebecca Mona; “The Artistry Within: Taking a Additional Attending At The Bell Jar”, 1995, 19p
HC: 95-13 – Rollow, Christy Darlene; “Exploring The Nature of the Earnings Gap inArkansas”, 1995, 41p
HC: 95-14 – Russell, Lisa Delores; “An Analysis Of Recruitment and Retention Practices of Minority Acceptance in Concrete Analysis Education Programs in Arkansas and Bordering States”, 1995, 27p
HC: 95-15 – White, Tana Marie; “Perspectives on Media Socialization:, 1995, 38p
HC: 95-16 – Tisdale, Cynthia Rae; “Broken Commitments and Bad Faith: The U.S. Government, The Lakota and the Black Hills”, 1995, 31p
HC: 95-17 – Campbell, Allyson Shandel Rippy; “German Expressionistic Art Under the Nazi Regime”, 1995, 37p
HC: 95-18 – Denton, Heather Allicia; “The Diplomat and Henry Kissinger: A Traditional Archetypal of Diplomacy and an Instrumental Official as Test Case”, 1995, 39p
HC: 95-19 – de Letant, Olivier; “Aborigines of Australia: Anthropological Abstraction of an Early Hunter-Gatherer Society and Its Place in Today’s World”, 1995, 47p
HC: 95-20 –Oliver, Cory Lynn; “Afrocentric Education: Its Value and Necessity in the Development of African-American Accouchement in a Multicultural Society”, 1995, 42p
HC: 95-21 – Shope, Teresa Ann; “The Historical Origins of Sexism: The Influence of thePatriarchs on the Societal Transformation of Women”, 1995, approx, 102p
HC: 95-22 – Zaloudek, Jennifer Leigh; “The Revival of Paganism”, 1995, 27p
HC: 96-01 – Bell, Michael Eric; “Birth and Descent: Books One and Two from Order”, 1996, 110p
HC: 96-02 – Lindsey, Jeffery T.; “The Status of a Tradition in America and Europe: HowAre Newspapers Surviving in the Aggressive Information World?”, 1996, 76p
HC: 96-03 – Terrell, Chad M.; “Voyeurism In Film: Re-narrating The Works of Alfred Hitchcock”, 1996, 29p
HC: 96-05 – Edwards Jennifer Lee; “At-Risk Youth: How This Occurs and How This Can Be Prevented”, 1996, 62p
HC: 96-06 – Engelhardt, Brian N.; “Nichts Besonderes”, 1996, 39p
HC: 96-08 – Jones, Layne Leanne; “ The Incidence of Apoptosis: A Possible Explanation of Use to Control Human Lifespan and The Ethical Principles Abaft It”, 1996, 29p
HC: 96-10 – Justus, Stacey Michelle; “Women Writing Themselves: An Analysis of Holocaust Narratives”, 1996, 67p
HC: 96-11– Chandler-Lovelace, Alex; “Quality and the Scientific Method: Setting Goals for Science”, 1996, 18p
HC: 96-13 – Philpot, Lora Carroll Lindsey; “Unexpected Perspectives: Viewpoints of the Disabled”, 1996, 10p
HC: 96-14 – Pickett, Amy Lynn; “Shaping Women: Depictions of Beauty in Mass Media”, 1996, approx, 37p
HC: 96-15 – Scott, Aaron Jason; “Place for Emotion in the All-around Culture: The Process of Valuing As a Adviser Into the 21st Century”, 1996, 38p
HC: 96-16 – Shope, Teresa Ann; “The Historical Origins of Sexism: The Influence of the Patriarchs on the Societal Transformation of Women”, 1995, approx, 102p
HC: 96-17 – Slaton, William Victor; “An Honors Physics Curriculum”, 1996, 63p
HC: 96-18 – Smith, Stacy Anne; “The Myths of Aging: A Deconstruction”, 1996, 47p
HC: 96-20 – Thomason, Aaron N.; “A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Amid Gifted Acceptance in Eleven Different Schools”, 1996, 38p
HC: 96-21 – Wilson, Kelli Ruth; “Enthanasia and the Physician-Patient Relationship”, 1996, 27p
HC: 96-22 – Witt, Sara Aubrey; “Ethnomycology: Mushrooms, Myths, and Religion”, 1996, 37p
HC: 97-01 – Jones III, R. Perry; “The Legal Systems of the United State and Mexico: A Comparison of Civil and Common Law”, 1997, 44p
HC: 97-02 – Bissell, Jodi Leigh; “Foreign Accent Instruction in Arkansas Elementary Schools: A Rationale and Call For Accomplishing of FLES* Programs”, 1997, 50p
HC: 97-03 – Bowles, Caroline Rebecca; “The Development of an Emotional Intelligence Scale for College Students: A Preliminary Study”, 1998, 25p
HC: 97-04 – Deckard, Kim J.; “Child Maltreatment and Poverty: An Assessment of the State of Arkansas”, 1997, 32p
HC: 97-05 – Dobbs, Jason Carroll; “Ethical Considerations of Germ-Line Therapy”, 1997, 29p
HC: 97-06 – Evatt, Robert Clay; “An Insider’s Outside Perspective: A Critique of Nineteenth Century English Regency Society Through the Balladry of Lord Byron”, 1997, 36p
HC: 97-07 – Faulkner, Andrew Christopher, “Braves in Gray: How Their Activity Styles Led Them to Fight for the Confederacy”, 1997, 72p
HC: 97-08 – Horton, Leah Susan; “Genetic Engineering: Playing God or Actuality Human?”, 1997, 37p
HC: 97-09 – Geheb, Ruth Ann; “Society and Ability in Three Edith Wharton Novels”, 1997, 44p
HC: 97-10 – Givens, Joe Michael; “Jose Marti: The Soul of Cuba”, 1997, 35p
HC: 96-24 – Zibell, Carol Ann: “On Pirates and Shipwrecks: Treasuring The Absolute At Walt Disney”, 1997, 65p
HC: 97-12 – Julian, Michael D.; “Alchemy: A Chase For Proof”, 1997, 30p
HC: 97-13 – Kaplan, Derek Keith; “Prologue To Epistemography and Ambigubiquity: Recent Inquiries into the Possibility of Adjustment and Their Potential Implications On Our Understanding of Language”, 1997, 101p
HC: 97-14 – Kennedy, Jonathan Mark; “Within The Looking Glass: Nonphilosophy and the Implications of (Transliterated) Epistemology”, 1997, 57p
HC: 97-15 – Leonard, Charles M.; “Cultural Closeness: A Comparative Analysis of the Native Religions of the Celtic and Chinese Peoples”, 1997, 48p
HC: 97-17 – Malcolm, Kitty Lynn; “Gender Implications of Race Relations in Early America”, 1997, 52p
HC: 97-18 – Middleton, Lee Ann; “Gender Advice and the Media: From Past toPresent”, 1997, 24p, 6 videos
HC: 97-19 – McCormack, Dorian Michelle; “She – Poetical Autobiography”, 1997, 45p
HC: 97-20 – McNeal, Amy D.; “How Patriarchy Has Effected Middle Eastern Dance: A Performance Dialogue”, 1997, 22p
HC: 97-21 – Pyle, Thomas Edward; “The Revolutionary Nature of Non-Euclidean Geometry”, 1997, 26p
HC: 97-22 – Rephan, Sydney Gail; “Getting Along in a Diverse World: Reinventing The Public Square”, 1997, 21p
HC: 97-23 – Ridge, Timothy D.; “Animal Behavior: The Case for Anthropomorphism”, 1997, 30p
HC: 97-24 – Robertson, Philip Ray; “An Ounce of Prevention: Health Insurance and the Disposition to Seek Early Treatment”, 1997, 46p
HC: 97-25 – Silverstrim, Karen R.; “A Quarter Century Afterwards The Cultural Warping of Childbirth”, 1997, 31p
HC: 97-27 – Thomas Jr., Bobby Gene; “Tax Systems: An Historic Struggle Amid Equity and Equality”, 1997, 29p
HC: 97-28 – Torday, Tunde Tyubinne; “The Practical Socialism”, 1997, 42p
HC: 97-29 – Weatherford-Brown, Traci M.; “Through Gardens and Gates: Uncovering The Feminine Presence in the Art of Lauren Ewing”, 1997, 67p
HC: 98-01 – Beavers, Valarie Lashelle; “Mules of the World: The Lives and Works of Zora Neale Hurston and Nella Larsen”, 1998, 33p
HC: 98-02 – Dority, Debra Lynn; “Philosophy, Poetry, Sex and Heidegger: What Balladry Brings to Philosophy”, 1998, 23p
HC: 98-03 – Ebie, Alexandra Anne; “Sources of Influence on Parental Care Patterns in Primates”, 1998, 55p
HC: 98-04 – Ellis, M. Paul; “Conversations with Cognitive Cetacean Cousins: Interspecies Advice with Dolphins”, 1998, 102
HC: 98-05 – Hawkins, William Jeffrey Truman; “Mathematical Knots in Science”, 1998, 60p
HC: 98-06 – Houk, Amana Helen; “Fear, Fangs, and Females: Comparing Female Role in archetypal and Abreast Gothic Literature”, 1998, 33p
HC: 98-07 – Morris, Nona M; “Effect of Divided Government on Committee Value”, 1998, 38p
HC: 98-08 – Niswonger, Etta Louise “Weeji” Belden; “Input and Ions: Designing Software for Science Education”, 1998, 24p
HC: 98-09 – Screeton, Lisa Scott; “Reaping an Economic Harvest of Sowing Seeds of Discount: The Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement on Arkansas Rice Production”, 1998, 17p
HC: 98-10 – Simmering, Shana Dianne; “Equal v. Special Treatment: The Proper Legal Interpretation of The Pregnancy Discrimination Act”, 1998, 39p
HC: 98-11 – Stewart, Tonya Marie; “Ebonics and Foreign Accent Anxiety”, 1998, 32p
HC: 98-12 – Totten, Matthew Byron; “Palliative Care: An Ethical and Pragmatic Another to Euthanasia”, 1998, 48p
HC: 98- 13 – Ward, Clayton Joe; “Swords, Guns, and Lawyers: The Evolution of the Duel”, 1998, 30p
HC: 98-14 – Young, Hanna Noel; “Where’s The “Science” in Creation Science?”, 1998, 35p
HC: 98-15 – Patterson, Melissa Mae; “Gendered Perceptions of Women in American Culture: Can We Communicate?” 1998, 83p
HC: 98-16 – Lee, Ginger Lynn; “The Mimetic Theory: Problems with Representation in Aesthetics”, 1988, 29p
HC: 98-17 – Soumah, Andea Gabrielle; “A Strategy for Better Health in Sub-Saharan Africa: Focus on Maternal and Adolescent Health and Women’s Education”, 1997, 33p
HC: 98-18 – Gurney, Rosanne Danielle; “Philosophical Debates of Education Reform Apropos Goals 2000: A Case Abstraction of Alabama” 1998, 106p
HC: 98-19 – Strnad, Petra Jaroslava; “The Role of acknowledgment in Psychological Disorders: A Case Abstraction of Beck’s Cognitive Theory of Depression”, 1998, 61p
HC: 98-20 – Wilkerson, Jon Louis; “Spread of Yoga Practices in the West in the 1960’s, 1998, 24p
HC: 98-21 – Gipe, Kristi A.; “Can You Handle The Truth? A New Attending At Patient/Physician Relationships”, 1998, 32p
HC: 98-22 – Sapp, Heather Dawn; “Maintaining Autonomy For The No Competent Patient”, 1998, 32p
HC: 99-01 – Alfonso, Tracie Suzanne; “Old Dog Same Trick: Similarities in the Rhetoric of the Abortion Debate in Vichy, France and Conservative America,1999, 44p
HC: 99-02 – Allen, Carri Anne; “Fiction As History: Scarlett O’Hara, A Absolute American Woman”, 1999, 28p
HC: 99-03 – Boyett, James Matthew; “Canned Hem”, 1999, 125p
HC: 99-04 – Charton, Sarah L.; “Innocence Lost: The Psychological and Amusing Effectsof Internment on Japanese-Americans in Arkansas Relocation Centers”, 1999 75p
HC: 99-05 – Davis, Christina Marie; “The Apple Sees What It Wishes to See…: James Baldwin’s Chase for Identities”, 1999, 29p
HC: 99-06 – DeHart, Ginny Rebecca; “Should The Aquatic Environment Be Promoted?”, 1999, 18p
HC: 99-07 – Drewenski, Carrie Marie; “Assimilation Adjoin Pluralism: How Does A Multicultural Society Cope Culturally and Linguistically?”, 1999, 43p
HC: 99-08 – Corless, Catherine; “Representative Cass Ballenger’s Detrimental Propositions For OSHA Reform: 1998-1999”, 1999, 23p
HC: 99-09 – Harness Jennifer Rebecca; “To Live or Let Die: An Analysis of Key Arguments in The Battle Over The Ethics of Euthanasia”, 1999, 36p
HC: 99-10 – Hill, Brandi Michelle; “Preparing Middle Level Teachers For The Advisory Role: A Proposal for Arkansas”, 1999, 20p
HC: 99-11 – Jones, Michelle Marie; “Can Sex Lead To God?: John Donne, Anne More, and The Church”, 1999, 18p
HC: 99-12 – Kerr, Emily Rose; “The Book As Art Object”. 1999, 33p
HC: 99-13 – Kuperman, Aaron; “Jefferson, Cleveland, and Clinton: Presidential, Character, and Its Effect on Reaction to Disclosure of Sexual Improprieties”, 1999, 31p
HC: 99-14 – Leest, Erin Vander; “Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Stage Management… That Someone Forgot To Tell Me: A Beginner’s Adviser to Stage Administration in the UCA Theatre”, 1999, 68p
HC: 99-15 – Littlepage, Elizabeth Anne; “Reflections From A Broken Mirror: Self Construction in Postmodern Ethnography”, 1999, 71p
HC: 99-16 – O’Brien, Frank; “Allen Ginsberg: Modern Day Prophet”, 1999, 32p
HC: 99-17 – O’Bryan, Laura Claire; “Appeasing Dictators: An Ethical Dilemma, Europe 1936-1938”, 1999, 33p
HC: 99-18 – Olson, Christopher Aaron; “Daniel Elazar and the Libertarian Part: Political Subcultures and Minor Party Electoral Success”, 1999, 40p
HC: 99-19 Page, Sarah Rebecca; “The Future of Religious Freedom in American”, 1999, 28p
HC: 99-20 – Price, Joanne Louise; “Implementing Genetic Testing Into Public Healthcare Systems, 1999, 32p
HC: 99-21 – Richards, Charlotte Della; “Impact of Sex Based Advice Differences on Therapeutic Relationships”, 1999, 26p
HC: 99-22 – Ross, Jonathan D.; “Feasibility Analysis of a State Lottery in Arkansas”, 1999, 24p
HC: 99-23 – Ruth, Kenneth Wayne; “Love’s Philosophy”, 1999, 45p
HC: 99-24 – Rutter, John Mark; “The Relevance of Prayer in Process and Classical Theology: A Critique”, 1999, 37p
HC: 99-25 – Shirley, Stephen Boyd; “Computers and Our Changing Society”, 1999, 22p
HC: 99-26 – Wise, Veronica Lynn; “The Appulse of Heavy Metal Music on the Attitudes and Behavior of Adolescents”, 1999, 23p
HC: 99-27 – Smith, Melissa Dawn; “The ‘Pros’ and ‘Cons’ of Subliminal Advertising”, 1999, 32p
HC: 99-28 – Toland, Roland William; “Can Fiction Be Philosophically Useful? An Examination of the Role of Discipline and Desire in the Pursuit of Wisdom”,1999, 37p
HC: 99-29 – Counts, Jenny Rebecca; “Looking for the Glass Slipper and Finding the Frog Prince Instead: A Abstraction of Fairy Tale Evolution, Criticism, and Paradigm Construction”, 1999, 43p
HC: 99-30 – Clark, Doris Lenea; “The Role of the Woman: The Traditionalist Woman adjoin the Modernist Female:, 1999, 21p
HC: 99-31 – Cobb, Alventena Roshell; “The Necessity For Multicultural Music Education in the K-4 Classroom: A Suggestion for the Arkansas Curriculum Frameworks”, 1999, 87p
HC: 99-32 – Davis, James Kelly; “How Is Your Father? A Documentary Video” 1999, 5p
HC: 99-33 – Smith, Stacy Ellen; “Parent Involvement During Painful Medical Procedures: How Parents Influence Children’s Pain Perceptions, “, 1999 76p
HC: 99-34 – Jackson, Darrell Scott; “Traditions, History, and Culture: Reflections on Modern Day Issues in Latin America”, 1999, 17p
HC: 99-35 – Hughs, Elaine M.; “Honor Systems: A Abstraction in Ethical Decision Making”, 1999, 29p
HC: 00-01 – Isanhart, Leia; “Kenyan Ability and Development: Re-Evaluating the Effects of Achievement Motivation on Economic Growth”, 2000, approx. 77p
HC: 00-02 – Whitmarch, Kelly Marie; “Elvis Aron Presley: The Man Abaft the Myth, The Legend Beyond The Stereotypes, In His Own Words: “Without a Song…The Day Would Never End…A Man Ain’t Got A Friend… The Road Would Never Bend…Without a Song. So I Keep Singing The Song.”, 2000, 194p
HC: 00-03 – Hovland, Benjamin Weiss; “Making Waves: An American Experience in Foreign Culture”, 2000, 306p
HC: 00-04 – Arrington, John Blake; “All That Jazz: A Jazz Arrangement and Original Composition”, 2000, 101p
HC: 00-05 – Chase, Matthew J.: “Broken Signs: An Analysis of the Craft of Poetry”2000, 79p
HC: 00-06 – Gipson-Morris, Miranda Christine;” Re-narrating Her Story”, 2000, 62p
HC: 00-07 – Kennedy, Rebekah; “The Wolf Lurks in Darkness: A Novel of Public Perception and the Mythology of Violence:, 2000, 69p
HC: 00-08 – Francis, Robert; “The Influence of Attachment Theory on the Abstraction of Developed Romantic Relationships”, 2000, 26p
HC: 00-09 – Worthington, Amy L.; “Effects of Computerized Adjoin Traditional Testing With and Afterwards Review Capability”, 2000, 24p
HC: 00-10 –Sanders, Molly; “Bible on Broadway”, 2000, (partial fulfillment)
HC: 00-11 – Staggs, Brady A.; “Altruism: Mechanisms for Its Evolution And Sustainability in Human Society”, 2000, 23p
HC: 00-13 – Griffin, Lane Gray; “Nightingale’s Legacy for Nursing: Influences Outcomes, and Relevance in Modern Times”, 2000, 38p
HC: 00-17 – Varghese, Sherin Marian; “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Appraisal of MCPP-Induced Mouth Movements in Rats as an Animal Behavior Which Models Obsessive Compulsive Disorder:, 2000, 21p
HC: 00-18 – Pianalto, Sarah; “The Accent of Color Symbolism”, 2000, 32p
HC: 00-19 – Wallace, Christopher M.; “The Propagation of Evil: The Mobilization Strategy of the Nazi Party”, 2000, 25p
HC: 00-20 – Alexander, Carita Q.; “Ethnobotany and Its Techniques in the Screening of Antimicrobial Action in Solidago Canadensis:, 2000, 31p
HC: 00-21 – Taylor, Misty; “Evaluating Aggressive Acts in Disney Feature Length Cartoons”, 2000, 27p
HC: 00-22 – Davis, Elizabeth; “Why Begin Additional Accent Abstraction at an Early Age?” 2000, 24p
HC: 00-24 – Foster, Marvalee; “Tuesdays With Morrie: An Online Reference”, 2000, 9p
HC: 00-25 – Holt, Jason; “Swapping Systems of Delivery: Differences in the Cultural Values of the United States and Australia that Prevent Trans-positioning the Australian Health Care System into our Own”, 2000, 24p
HC: 00-26 – Selva, Beth Anne; “Music Education Equals Brain Power: A Abstraction of the Appulse of Music Education on the Intellectual and Amusing Development of Accouchement and Adolescents”, 2000, 24p
HC: 00-27 – Abbott Emily; “Feminism and Pacifism: The Theoretical Connection”, 2000, 27p
HC: 00-28 – Essary, Alyson M.; “Work of Breathing: A Comparison Amid Liquid and Conventional Ventilation”, 2000, 54p
HC: 00-29 – Hall, Melissa R.; “Positive Attitudes in Cancer Patients: Its Effects on Progression of Disease and Survival Rates:, 2000, 35p
HC: 00-30 – Rowton, Holly; “Windows to Society: An Analysis of the Microsoft Inc. Antitrust Trial”, 2000, 27p
HC: 00-31 – Morris, Richard Vincent; “Paradox Lost: A Translator’s Journal”, 2000, 51p
HC: 00-32 – Clark, Melisa Gayl; “Phonological Aspects of Primary and Secondary Lauguage Acquisition: A Review of the Research”, 2000, 21p
HC: 00-33 – Sauer, Angela Young; “Miles To Go”, 2000, 153p
HC: 00-34 – Richardson, Sara Kay and Lundberg, Terri Ann; “Seth’s Adventures With Creepy, Crawly, Creek Critters”, 2000, 74p
HC: 00-35 – Lemon, Brian Robert; “Quantum Interpretations”, 2000, 33p
HC: 00-36 – Savage, Jeffery A.; “Explanatory Style, Locus of Control, and Self-Efficacy Beliefs: Accord to Health-Promoting Behaviors, Illness Symptoms, and Disease Outcome”, 2000, 64p
HC: 00-37 – Jones, Jacob Helderman; “Ghost Stories from a Rural Arkansas Town: An Oral History”, 2000, 2 copies, 48p
HC: 00-38 – Corley, James Kemper; “Saving a Sinking Ship: A Case for the Role of Private Markets in Amusing Security Reform”, 2000, 39p
HC: 00-39 – Stone, Leslie; “Hozho: An Analysis of Native American Care and the Notion of Balance, 2000, 27p
HC: 00-40 – Brannon, Lori Ann; “The Doctor-Patient Accord During Terminal Illness”, 2000, 25p
HC: 00-41 – Flora, Kimberly; “The Development of Body Image As Female Adolescents Form Developed Views”, 2000, 29p
HC: 00-42-Gobble, Richard; “Capital Punishment and Amusing Moral Development”, 2000, 56p
HC: 00-43 – Estes, Jamie Lynn; “The Value of Linguistics in the UndergraduateEducation of Speech-Language Pathologists”, 2000, 41p
HC: 00-44 – Parker, Elizabeth L., “The Ethics of Persuasion: A Continuing Commentary On Necessary Evils, 2000, 36p
HC: 00-45 – Graham, Catherine M.; “Promoting Parental Involvement in Education”, 2000, 16p
HC: 00-46 – Grenwelge, Sarah; “Firsthand Perspectives of Homelessness,” 2000, 34p
HC: 00-47 – Killingsworth, Jeff; “The Role of Image Training and the Associative Chain in the Sensory Preconditioning Phenomena”, 2000, 40p
HC: 00-48 – Hutto, Marcus James; “The Implications of Financing Medicare in the Twenty-First Century”, 2000, 27p
HC: 00-49 – Minton, Melissa Mae; “Hidden From History: A Feminist Critique of Theatrical Space”, 2000, 22p
HC: 00-50 – Meador, Cortney E.; “The Contributions of Mary Goetze to Choral Education”, 2000, 45p
HC: 00-51 – Hardin, Kelly Marie; “The Supreme Court: Past, Present, and Future”. 2000, 34p
HC: 00-52 – Parker, Elizabeth L.; “The Ethics of Persuasion: Continuing Commentary on Necessary Evils”, 2000, 36p
HC: 00-53 – Salzer, Anna Therese, “ ‘Going Where the Girls Are’: An Analysis of the Feminine Presence in Art Therapy”
HC: 01-01 – Johnson, Dan; “Idiot Slow Down: A Critical Analysis of Radiohead’s OK Computer”, 2001, 23p
HC: 01-02 – Vermillion, Hilary S; “Identifying for Self-Injurious Behavior in a Teenager with Autism and Profound Mental Retardation,” 2001, 30p
HC: 01-03 – Moore, Michael; “Biological Chase Images and their Affect aloft the Perception of Beauty”, 2001, 29p
HC: 01-04 – Karigan-Winter, Angeline;” WICCA: Explanations for the Rise of Neo-Pagan Groups Through Interpretive ANAYSES”, 2001, 58p
HC: 01-05 – Moore, Alexander Daniel; “Timeless Worship of the Christ Child: A Practical Abstraction of Christmas Music and it’s Production:, 2001, 10p
HC: 01-06 – Owens Jessica Kay; “The Desire for Fantasy: Magic and Mankind” 2001, 33p
HC: 01-07 – Abrams, Micah L. “Computational Quantum CHEMISTRY: AN UNDERGRADUATE PERSPECTIVE”, 2001, 75p
HC: 01-08 – Lindsey, Chenoa; “Harmony: A Correlation Amid Cosmology and Music in the Age-old World”, 2001, 20p
HC: 01-09 – Lovelace-Chandler, Sheriann; “Where Accept All the Protests Gone?. The Journey of Protest Music From Vietnam to Tipper Gore”, 2001, 22p
HC: 01-10 – Drinkwater, Elizabeth Dawn; “Small Group Facilitation”, 2001, 91p
HC: 01-11 – Johnson, Melissa; “Is Kenya the Next Log on the CAMPFIRE?”, 2001, 56p
HC: 01-12 – Wandrey, Erin Wrey; “Beneath The Surface: A Content Analysis of Accepted Female and Male Magazine Advertisements Using Erving Goffman’s Gender Analysis”, 2001, 47p
HC: 01-13 – Tipton, Andrea Rose; “What Are We Teaching Out Children?”, 2001, 27p
HC: 01-14 – Helmus, Matthew Richard; “Chaotic Thought in the Founders of Amusing Theory”, 2001, 37p
HC: 01-15 – Sugg, Amanda; “The Accord Amid Television Consumption and Female’s Body Esteem”, 2001, 24p
HC: 01-16 – Wandrey , Dan; “Ethnobotany: An Indepth Attending at the Theory and the Practice”, 2001, 34p
HC: 01-17 – McAdams, Joshua Arron; “Pick A Number: Random Numbers and Computers”, 2001, 36p
HC: 01-18 – Prater, Stephen; “Sculptural Manifestations of the Cyborg”, 2001, 60p
HC: 01-19 – Branton-Housley, Mary; “A Program to Fit Darboux Potentials”, 2001, 32p
HC: 01-20 – Drasler, Jennifer; “Let’s Accept Church: How to Breathe Underwater”, 2001, 12p
HC: 01-21 – Suel, Jason Paul; “Guys, Wives, and a Cabin: The Authoritative of “Adult American Males”, 2001, 10p
HC: 01-22 – Jamnik, Marusa; “Media In Post-Communist Eastern Europe: Change In Freedom of the Press and Availability of Information”, 2001, 29p
HC: 01-23 – Parrish, Lindsey Amanda; “Necessary Amusing Service or Consumeristic Nightmare: The American Funerary Industry”, 2001, 25p
HC: 01-24 – Shatswell, Brandon K; “Civil War Songs and Johnny Reb Bands: A Musical Reflection on a Nation Divided”, 2001, 282p
HC: 01-25 – Shewbart, Sarah LeeAnn; “International Affairs in American Newspaper Media: A Case Abstraction of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict:, 2001, 30p
HC: 01-26 – Denton, Mark; “Study of Direct Capture in The Reaction Mg(p,y)A1: A Brief Tutorial on Nuclear Astrophysics”, 2001, 28p
HC: 01-27 – Huddleston, Lisa A.; “The Vaccination Balance: The Benefits That Tip the Scales”, 2001, 24p
HC: 01-28 – Rush, Ryan Allen; “Homosexuality and The United Methodist Church: A Abreast Crisis”, 2001, 37p
HC: 01-29 – Jahan, Shormi K.; “Til Death Do Us Part: A Sociobiological Explanation of Intimate Partner Homicides”, 2001, 30p
HC: 01-30 – Arnold, George Nicholas; “Why Hitler’s Tombstone Reads 1945: An Examination of the German attrition Movement”, 2001, 50p
HC: 01-31 – Rudiger, Emily; “Motherese in Context: How Mother’s Talk to Hearing Impaired and Normal Infants”, 2001, 20p
HC: 01-32 – Heard, Jefferson R.; “The Little Ability That Could: How A Bunch of Hippies, Beatniks, and Misfits Begat The Personal Computer and the Internet”, 2001, 39p
HC: 01-33 – May, Jody Christopher; “Gas Phase Organometallic Chemistry: A Personal Journey”, 2001, 34p
HC: 01-34 – Zlatnar, Spela; “The Role of Marketing in Perception of Another Medicine”, 2001, 2001, 37p
HC: 01-35 – West, Michael Paul; “All board!: Mainstreaming and the Question of Full Inclusion of Americans with Disabilities”, 2001, 56p
HC: 01-36 – Faulk, Sancy Rae; “A Case Abstraction of the Lake Yojoa Area of Honduras”, 2001, 27p
HC: 01-37 – Benedicto, Benito; “The Promise of Regional Integration for Tanzania”, 2001, 24p
HC: 01-38 – Welsh, Sarah M.; “The Legacy of Heorot: Beowulf and the Appulse of Oral Balladry on Modern Readers”, 2001, 14p
HC: 01-39 – Embrey, Patricia; “The Effects of the Variety of Parental Battle on the Child’s Antisocial Behavior”, 2001, 30p
HC: 01-40 – Dunlap, Vincent Kelly; “The FDA Modernization ACT of 1997: A Abstraction of the Effectiveness of Drug Approval Reform”, 2001, 35p
HC: 01-41 – Eubanks, Melinda Lea; “Wet and Dry Attachments: The Amusing Development of Adolescent Alcohol Consumption”, 2001, 36p
HC: 01-42 – Stevens, Christopher B.; The Terminal Paradigm Shift: The Effects of Multiculturalism and Postmodernism on Modern U.S. Medical Practice*”, 2001, 24p
HC: 01-43 – Hume, Patricia Alice; “Do Students’ Perceptions of Teacher Attitudes Affect Their Foreign Accent Anxiety?”, 2001, 23p
HC: 01-44 – Lowe, Erika Lynne; “Vampire Myths From About the Apple and Their Cultural Influences and Implications”, 2001, 58p
HC: 01-45 – Goh, Mae Li-mei; “Beethoven: The Composer and the Man Abaft the Music, an Analysis of the Sonata Quasi Una Fantasia Opus 27 Number 2, & Orchestral Arrangement of the Additional Movement”, 2001, 43p
HC: 01-46 – Price, Amanda Joy; “Then and Now: Activity Stories in Collage”, 2001, 76p
HC: 01-47 – Walker, Leslie; “Carden Bottom Revisited: An Analytical Comparison ofArcheological Ceramics in Museum Collections and Ceramic Data Excavated From Sites 3YE347 & 3YE25”, 2001, approx, 120p
HC: 01-48 – Moore, Sarah Elizabeth; “Immigration: A Moral Dilemma Revisited”, 2001 29p
HC: 01-49 – Elliott, Carie Janelle; “Child Development and Accent Acquisition Through Socialization in Daycare”, 2001, 18p
HC: 01-50 – Ambrose, Sophie; “Arkansas Hearing Impaired Children: Are We GivingThem What They Need to Succeed?”, 2001, 33p
HC: 01- 51 – Castleman, Virginia Lee; “Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome”, 2001, 28p
HC: 01-52 – Chambers, Jack Dylan; “A Shining City on a Hill, A Bloody Village in the Valley: The Hows of American Foreign Policy”, 2001, 58p
HC: 01-53 – Clark, James Christopher; “The Apple Trade Organization and Its Effect on Democracy”, 2001, 40p
HC: 01-54 – Thacker, Elizabeth Jean; “The Psychological Effects of Change in Appearance”, 2001, 29p
HC: 01-55 – Givens, Brandon Norman; “Travel Memoirs of a Southern Idealist”, 2001, 269p
HC: 01-56 – Temple, Tia; “Discipline in the Elementary School”, 2001, 26p
HC: 01-57 – Liverett, Hazel K.; “Charles M. Russell: Cowbow and Artist”, 2001, 51p
HC: 01-58 – Massey, Amanda; “Pouring Me”, a accumulating of poetry, 2001, 21p
HC: 01-59 – Kern, Brandy M; “Voices of Enchantment: A Abstraction of the Grimms’ Fairy Tales”, 2001, 36p
HC: 01-60 – Abbott, Sarah; “Drawing The Line Amid Absolute And False Memories”,2001, 26p
HC: 01-61 – Jones, David M., “Anatomy of the Bulgarian Soul: Yordan Yovkov’s Moral Philosophy”, 2001, 59p
HC: 01-62 –Morris, Robin Michelle; “Win Or Lose: The Psychological Aspect of Women in Sports”, 2001, 47p
HC: 01-63 – White, Andrew; “Where Does the Department of Justice Want You to Go Today?: The Microsoft Case”, 2001, 33p
HC: 02
HC: 02-01 – Adlof, Suzanne Marie; “Fighting Illiteracy: Methods for Improving Reading Instruction in the Elementary Grades”, 2002, 52p
HC: 02-02 – James, David; “Stepping on Toes: Why A Theory of Everything Can Never Be Scientific”, 2002, 25p
HC: 02-03 – Strickland III, Jack Armster; “The Marimba: Modeling The Modal Frequencies”, 2002, 41p
HC: 02-04 – Bradshaw, Jody; “Electoral College Reform: A Multi-Faceted Complexity”, 2002, 31p
HC: 02-05 – Cantrell, Sarah M.: “A Brave New Life: Latin-Americans Find Their Home in American Society”, 2002, 39p
HC: 02-06 – Mitchell, Lynsey; “Dramaturgy in American Educational Theatre: AProduction in Process”, 2002, 46p
HC: 02-07 – Martin, Rhett Preston; “Scientific History and Moral Cynicism”, 2002, 18pWomen in Sports”, 2001, 47p
HC: 02-08 – Berkemeyer, Eric, “The Best of all Possible Worlds an Illustrated Candide”, 2006
HC: 02-09 – Hill, Kasi Renee’; “Chivalry, Chauvenism, and Cynicism in Andreas Capellanus’s On Courtly Love”, 2992, 23p
HC: 02-10-Purkiss, Jonathan; “Cyber-Queer: The Shaping of the Modern GLBT Community through the Internet”, 2002, 124p
HC: 02-11-Lindley, Brandon Scott; “West Meets East: An Examination of Traditional Chinese Medicine from a Western Perspective”, 2002, 27p
HC: 02-12 – Logan, Kathleen Conner; “Explaining The Persistence of Anti-Catholic Rhetoric in the United States”, 2002, 32p
HC: 02-13 – Spring, Sarah Catherine; “Byron’s Borealis”, Anticipating The PostModern Narrative in Don Juan”, 2002, 19p
HC: 02-14 – Garner Brittany Meghan; “Nativism Adjoin Empiricism: The “Language Instinct” Debate”, 2002. 31p, negatives, 6p
HC: 02-15 – Pitchford, Jessica Anne; “Pine Ridge: Portrait of a Place”, 2002, 2 pkgs of negatives
HC: 02-16 – Lievsay, Faye; “It’s A Baby Apple Afterwards All: Marketing Implications of Diverse Cultural Interactions”, 2002, 35p
HC: 02-17 – Burton, Brent; “Images From Oceania: Searching For New Metaphors”, 2002, 9p
HC: 02-18 – Clampit, Loi Maree; “Musical Acoustics of the Ocarina”, 2002, 30p
HC: 02-19 – Baker, Stephen Edward; “National Health Insurance in the United States: The Hows and Whys”, 2002, 33p
HC: 02-20 – Burks, Allen Cole; “Hearing Each Added to Speak: A Balladry Chapbook”, 2002, 1 baby booklet, 7p
HC: 02-21 – Jeffus, Brooke Janie; “Medicine and Society: The Accent of Medical Research”, 2002, 30p
HC: 02-22 – Patrick, Darrell Lee; “L.O.L.: The Internet Culture”, 2002 23p
HC: 02-23 – Wheeler, Angela Renee; “The Psychophysical Effects of Stigmata”, 2002, 26p
HC: 02-24 – Henley, Hillary L.; “Establishing an Arkansas Art Tradition Through Corporate Patronage”, 2002, 43p
HC: 02-25 – Turner, R. Anthony; “Leadership, College Students, and the Ideal Leadership Team: A Active and Academic Thesis”, 2002, 49p
HC: 02-26 – Meadors, Mandy Nicole; “Tie Me Up Down: Redefining The Postmodern Spanish Woman through The Films of Almodovar”, 2002, 46p
HC: 02-27 – Passmore, Kara; “Through Roisin’s Eyes: A Work of Fiction”. 2002, 71p
HC: 02-28 – Counts, Amy Elizabeth; “Food, Sex, & Film: The Link Amid the Culinary Arts and Sexuality as Visually Portrayed in Film”, 2002, 31p
HC: 02-30 – Gilkey II, Charles Maurice; “Process Theology: A Critical Examination”, 2002, 27p
HC: 02-31 – Balloun, Teresa; “Mix-N-Match: A History of Gender Confusion in Opera”, 2002, 21p
HC: 02-32 – Holmes, Bethany; “Bioregionalism: Paradigm of Praxis?’, 2002, 20p
HC: 02-33 – Barnett, Jonathan Bradley; “An Assessment of Selected Motivations for Technological Advancement”, 2002, 17p
HC: 02-34 – Walker, Luke Daniel; “Identity and Indistinguishability: Paradoxes and Resolutions”, 2002, 46p
HC: 02-35 – Johnson, Garth; “Darboux Transformations of the Wave Equation”, 2002, 139p
HC: 02-36 – Edwards, Cynthia J; “The Journey of a Non Traditional Student Regarding Biblical Miracles”, 2002, 21p
HC: 02-37 – Holmes, Rebecca Robin; “The INSANE ASYNUM: A SCENE from ACADIA”, 2002, 6P
HC: 02-38 – Bowers, Whitney Erin; “Perceived Moral Decline of Women in Augustan, Rome”, 2002, 23p
HC: 02-39 – King V, James B.; “Minimalism In Music”, 2002, 32p
HC: 02-40 – Norrel, Nelly P.; “Genetically Adapted Foods”, 2002, 26p
HC: 02-41 – Kelley, Chris; “Comics Theory and Its Applications”, 2002, 42p
HC: 02-42 – Gullett, Candice N.; “Is War Good For Women’s Rights?” An Examination of the Effects of Amusing Upheaval on Gender Roles in Great Britain, The United States, and Germany”, 2002, 68p
HC: 02-43 – Horton, Amy Gayle; “Bilingualism – Not Your Typical Story: An Investigation into Simultaneous Bilingual Accent Acquisition”, 2002, 83p
HC: 02-44 – Perkins, Jesse Scott; “God is Great, God is Good? A Theist Surrounded By Evil”, 2002, 43p
HC: 02-45 – Thornton, Allison Deanne: “The Effect of the Zeitgeist Theory on Theorized Etiologies of Stuttering:, 2002, 34p
HC: 02-46 – Taylor, R. Adam; “The Art of Faux Pas: Skills for the Traveler”, 2002, 50p
HC: 02-47 – Hoover, Margo Dawn; “Death of Woman: A Literary Appearance of Latin American Machismo and the Consequences of this Amusing Behavior:, 2002, 33p
HC: 02-48 – Hendrix-McAdams, Heather; “Guts: Art Beneath the Skin:, 2002, 12p
HC: 02-49 – McAllister-O’Day, Meghann Kathleen; “Radical Feminism and Children’s Liberation”, 2002, 53p
HC: 02-50 – Bing, Andrea Denise; “Striking New Ground: The Economic, Political and Amusing Effects of the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Workers’ Strike”, 2002, 43p
HC: 02-51 – Eades, Daniel; “The Ethics of Sartre”, 2002, 23p
HC: 02-52 – Bolding, Courtney Ryan; “In Front of the Music: An Analysis in the Southern Fried Apple Boogie of The North Mississippi Allstars”, 2002, 5p
HC: 02-53 – Harden, Jessica Lea; “Woman: A Cross-Generational Portrait of Women, Femininity, and Body Image”, 2002, booklet
HC: 02-54 – Hamling, Stephanie Louise; “The Artistic Nature of Everyday Things”, 2002, 11p
HC: 02-55 – Erwin, Susan N; “Geometry, Impedance, and Hole Location of the Ocarina”, 2002, 31p
HC: 02-56 – Hayes, Jamison Lee; “Kabbalistic Thought: From Jewish Tradition to the New Age Movement”, 2002, 96p
HC: 02-57 – Willis, Brandon C.; “Exact Solutions To Approximate Equations”, 2002, 39p
HC: 02-59 – Reeves, Dawn Marie; “Chlamydial Persistence: An Unsuspected Threat”, 2002, 33p
HC: 02-60 – Fortenberry, Mark Elias; “Screening Protocol In Public Schools”, 2002, 30p
HC: 02-61 – McLemore, Evan McGuire; “Piracy and “Popular Opinion”, 2002, 41p
HC: 02-62 – Bennett, Gabriel; “Glossophone: A Project for Constructing Meaning”, 2002, 10p
HC: 02-63 – Willis, John Anders; “The Gunas in Yogic Philosophy and Practice: Adjoin a Balanced Perspective”, 2002, 37p
HC: 02-64 – Berkemeyer, Eric; “The Best of All Possible Worlds an Illustrated Candid”,2002, 13
HC: 02-65 – Hunt, Ashley Denise; “Alternative Medicine: Questions of Trust in American Society”, 2002, 29p
HC: 02-66 – Shannon, Leah Jeanette; “The Mercury Amalgam Controversy: Are Silver Fillings Really Safe?”, 2002, 31p
HC: 03-01 – Weber, Angela Kaye; “Emerging Democracies and Factors That Appulse Their Success of Failure”, 2003, 31p
HC: 03-02 – Johnston, Meagan; “Religious Marketing: Who Does What, At Church?”2003, 78p
HC: 03-03 – Guerrero, Perla Minerva; “Negotiating (Mexican) American Cultural Identity”, 2003, 49p
HC: 03-04 – Snyder, Sarah Marie; “Kill the Death Tax: Legal and Moral Reasons to Repeal the Estate Tax”, 2003, 24p
HC: 03-05 – Bratcher, William Joshua; “Zen Buddhism and Whitehead’s Process Theology: An East/West Dialogue”, 2003, 36p
HC: 03-06 – Fendt, William A.; “Symmetry Analysis of the Reduced Maxwell Bloch Equations”, 2003, 33p
HC: 03-07 – Klein, Micah John; “Earth Shards: This Actuality A Personal Journal of Creative Fiction and Balladry Pieces with Musings on the Nature of the Creative Process”, 2003, 107p
HC: 03-08 – Johnston, Leslie Jane; “Restricting Readers: A Abstraction of Book Censorship in Arkansas’ Public Schools and Libraries”, 2003, 56p
HC: 03-09 – Thomas, Amanda M.; “A Country Called Quebec: The Secession Movement in North America”, 2003, 41p
HC: 03-10 – Beasley, Amy E,; “Through The Eyes Woman: A Christian, Feminist Perspective of Sin and Salvation”, 2003, 48p
HC: 03-11 – Pittman, Laura M.; “B2-Adrenergic Receptor Transactivation of the Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Human Airway Epithelial Cells”, 2003, 27p
HC: 03-12 – Bragg, Leslie R.; “Macular Degeneration: A Attending At Vision Loss in The Elderly”, 2003, 35p
HC: 03-13 – Sidibe, Djenaba; “Impact of Technology on Personal Privacy”, 2003, 34p
HC: 03-14 – Blackwell, Jeffry Scott; “Neuronal Reponses to Water Flow in the Marine Slug Tritonia Diomedea”, 2003, 49p
HC: 03-15 – Chan, Huey-Peng; “Health, Aliment and Nutrition in India”, 2003, 40p
HC: 03-16 – Billings, Leah Carol; “The Appraisal of the Office: Its Past, Present, and Future and the Role Interior Design has Played”, 2003, 31p
HC: 03-17 – Gardner, Jenny Dale; “The Enigma and Genesis of Aggression”, 2003, 69p
HC: 03-18 – Stapleton, Alexandra Brooks; “Using Dance to Understand Culture: How Its Therapeutic Uses Inform Anthropology”, 2003, 35p
HC: 03-19 – Harber, Letitia; “Clinical Diagnoses in Single and Multiple Commitment Juvenile Offenders”, 2003, 32p
HC: 03-20 – Ross, Elizabeth Dawn; “A Spiritual Approach to the Treatment of Adolescent Depression”, 2003, 39p
HC: 03-21 – Lowe, Leah Michelle; “Reorganization, Restructure, and Resolution: A Proposed Solution to the Approaching Medicare Crisis”, 2003, 50p
HC: 03-22 – Jones, Dale Robert; “Foreign Language, Foreign State of Mind: Accent Learning for Precision Communication”, 2003, 28p
HC: 03-23 – Wingfield, Kesha: “Searching For Morrie: Implications for Improvement in Interactions amid African American College Acceptance and Black and White Faculty at a Predominately White University”, 2003, 65p
HC: 03-24 – Kelley, Laura Ann; “Preamped: The Evolution of a Student Assembly Combining Documentary and Concert Production”, 2003, 4 VCR Tapes, 27p
HC: 03-25 – Ojezua, Angela O; “Hospice and Palliative Care: A Means to a Better End”, 2003, 44p
HC: 03-26 – Seals, Dorothy L,; “Price of Beauty: Effects of Advertising on America’s Adolescent Females”, 2003, 15p
HC: 03-27 – Cantrell, Michael Anthony; “Hallowed Confessions or Hollow Conceptions: A Postmodern Profession of Faith and What The Academy Could Learn from It”, 2003, 51p
HC: 03-28 – Soellner, Deborah Elizabeth; “The Path Amid Altruism and Egoism: A Unifying Theory of Responsibility to the Self and and the Other”, 2003-29p
HC: 03-29 – Hight, Joshua Aaron; “Automated Surveillance: A Survey of Concepts and Amusing Implication”, 2003, 31p
HC: 03-30 – Abney, Elizabeth; “The Historical and Literary Arthur”, 2003. 30p
HC: 03-31 – Adams, Nicholas S.; “Identifying the Connection amid Humans and Nature: Explored Through the Research of an Invasive Species:, 2003, 26p
HC: 03-32 – James, Sarah Wilson; “From Ancestors Gardens to Fast Food: Reflections on the Evolution of Eating Habits in the United States”, 2003, 40p
HC: 03-33 – Long, Jennifer; “Does Maternal Ecstasy Use Affect the Fetus?”, 2003, 20p
HC: 03-34 – Spice, Andrew Todd; “Spanish Investment and Political Involvement in Latin America: Neocolonialism or Economic “Convergence” ?”, 2003, 71p
HC: 03-35 – Frase, Kristin Renee; “Jocks and Tomboys: The Appulse of Title IX on Collegiate Athletics”, 2003. 74p
HC: 03-36 – Baker, Rebecca S.; “Out of My Mind: Creating Art As A Chase for Self”, 2003, 30p
HC: 03-37 – Maris, Julie Marie; “Broken Shadow: The Evolution of A Killer”, 2003, 55p
HC: 03-38 – Corning, Carol Kathrine; “Captured Moments: A Woman’s Perspective”, 2003, 21p
HC: 03-39 – Cowden, Leslie; “Adolescent Literature: Opening The Door For Adolescent Readers”, 2003, 27p
HC: 03-40 – Logue, Kimberly Dale; “Can Australia’s Native Title Act Effectively Extinguish Terra Nullius and Restore Aboriginal Cultural Land Ties?”, 2003, 47p
HC: 03-41 – Nixon, Morgan Elizabeth; “Anger and Animals: The Effects of Sex and Location on Animal Abuse”, 2003, 64p
HC: 03-42 – Hogan, Erin Amanda; “Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Past, Present, and Future”, 2003, 23p
HC: 03-43 – Finnie, Sherri K., “The Psychology Abaft A Disfiguring Birthmark and the Role of the Medical Community”, 2003, 37p
HC: 03-44 – Kennedy, Marie Esther; “Connecting Tangents in Nancy Holt’s Art”, 2003, Booklet
HC: 03-45 – Dunn, Christopher Martin; “The Use of Another Cancer Treatments”, 2003, 25p
HC: 03-46 – Smith, Jessica Anne; “Across State Lines: The Taxation of E-Commerce”, 2003, 26p
HC: 03-47 – Ballard, Rebecca Dawn; “A Child’s Right to Activity Through Medicine”, 2003, 23p
HC: 03-48 – Nauden Jr. Emery Fields; “Reparations: Let’s Make a Deal”, 2003. 33p
HC: 03-49 – Brooke, Adam Gregory; “Third Part Key Escrow Encryption: A Means of Combating Cyber Terrorism”, 2003, 26p
HC: 03-50 – Walton, Virginia Erin; “Technology’s Role in Redefining the doctor/patient Relationship”, 2003, 34p
HC: 03-51 – Kelly, Cari Elizabeth; “West Ancillary Story: The Music, The Method, The Message”, 2003, 2p and 1VHS tape
HC: 03-52 – Terry, Michael David; “Spiritual Belonging: A Accumulating of EXPLORATORY ESSAYS”, 2003. 30p
HC: 03-53 – Edwards, James Ryan; “Mask and Mirror: A Panentheistic View”, 2003, 25p
HC: 03-54 – Haulton, Robert S.; “But We’re Not Having This Conversation; Verisimilitude and Play Theory in Role-Playing Games”, 2003, 28p
HC: 03-55 – Pheiffer, Connie A.; “CEREMONY: A Chase for Identity:, 2003, 20p
HC: 03-56 – Roten, Jayma Jo; “Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers: Their Struggles and the SERVICES MADE ABAILABLE to THEM,” 2003, 29p
HC: 03-57 – Tenpenny, Joy Catherine; “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Ambiguity, Despair, and Hope”, 2003, 32p
HC: 03-58 – Butler, Kathryn Lane; “The Accord of Art and Literature”, 2003, 28p
HC: 03-59 – Beidari, Ismael; “Economic Development in Niger: The Need for a New Path Appear Prosperity”, 2003, 24p
HC: 04-01 – Maes, Celeste America: Richardson, Lisa Ann: Walter, Taldi Louise; “A Comprehensive Ecology Audit of the University of Central Arkansas Campus”, 2004, 153p
HC: 04-02 – Wetsell, Mary Kathryn; “Autonomy and Timing of Elective Anaplasty for the Intersex Neonate”, 2004, 28p
HC: 04-03 – Saylor, Jessica Rose; “British Class Distinctions in the Mid-Twentieth Century: As Seen Through A Novella”, 2004, 68p
HC: 04-04 – Walton, Whitney Elizabeth; “Broken Body: Trends In Ecumenism In Twentieth-Century American Protestantism”, 2004, 38p
HC: 04-05 – Sorter, Colleen Elizabeth; “Cannabis Sativa and Indica: The Facts. The History, The Controversy, 2004, 62p
HC: 04-06 – Matthews Gerard Paul; “Catharsis: Political Affiliation, Education and Evolution: A Monologue”, 2004, 28p
HC: 04-07 – Healy, Daria Anne; “Choosing A Cochlear Implant: What Parents “Should Know”, 2004, 24p
HC: 04-08 – Sharpe, J. Matthew; “Complementary and another Therapies for Pain Management”, 2004, 33p
HC: 04-09 – Dongmo, Annick F.; “Computer Security in the Information Age”, 2994, 35p
HC: 04-10 – Kaminar, Benjamin Isaac; Constantine’s Legacy: Church and State in Eastern Europe”, 2004, 39p
HC: 04-11 – Merrick, Amanda K,; “Dementia Dilemma: Diagnosing Alzheimer’s Disease”, 2004, 25p
HC: 04-12 – Williams, Misty D.; “Easing the Transition from Womb to World”, 2004, 46p
HC: 04-13 – Manire, Hannah Rose; “Effects of Music on the P50 Midlatency Auditory Evoked Potential and Frontal Lobe Blood Flow”, 2004, 24p
HC: 04-14 – McClung, Benjamin Lafayette; “Epic Theatre, Bertolt Brecht, and the Student Director”, 2004, 20p
HC: 04-15 – Cruz, Kristen M,; “It’s the End of the Apple as We Know It: John’s Apocalypse As Interpreted By American Pop Culture”, 2004, 70p
HC: 04-16 – Bender, Shannon; “Language Prestige of the Mazarabs in Islamic Spain:, 2004, 24p
HC: 04-17 – Granderson, Lindsey Nicole; “Lucy, I’m Home”: A Documentary”, 2004, 19p
HC: 04-18 – Ford, Amanda E,; “Manners and Morality: Seeking Signs of Regency Amusing History through the Works of Jane Austen”, 2004, 56p
HC: 04-19 – Spicer, Angela Dawn: “Mathematical Impossibility and its Philosophical Implications: The Angle Trisection Problem and it’s Call for Structuralism”, 2004, 48p
HC: 04-20 – Seedah, Barbara Baaba; “Maximizing The Potential of Foreign Direct Investment inf Africa”, 2004, 38p
HC: 04-21 – Addo, Ama Adubea;, “Migration and HIV/AIDS: Using the Migrant Labor System in the Mining Sector to Understand The HIV/AIDS Pandemic In The Republic of South Africa”, 2004, 53p
HC: 04-22 – Blair, Jonathan; “Modern Christianity: Jesus, Ah, We Accept A Problem….!”, 2004, 44p
HC: 04-23 – Ghormley, Benjamin Clayton; “Musical Preferene and Self-Efficacy: A Correlational Study”, 2004, 37p
HC: 04-24 – Spicer, Karen Ranee; “Myth and Truth Through The Eyes of C.S. Lewis: Exploring The Origin Of Parallels In Myths”, 2004, 39p
HC: 04-25 – Pitman, Sarah Elizabeth; “Preparing For the Future: Bringing Public Art to Conway”, 2004, 53p
HC: 04-26 – Burns, Larry Joseph Ovin”, “Relationship Activism: A Student’s Adviser to Creating Change”, 2004, 55p
HC: 04-27 – Dalke, Matthew David; “Rolling On The River: Using Unit Hydrographs To Predict The Flow Rates of The Buffalo River”, 2004, 36p
HC: 04-28 – Nix, Melissa Sue; “State VS. Student: Are The Ethical Codes Taught In Dental Schools Comparable To Those Found Amid The States?”, 2004, 33p
HC: 04-29 – Hennings Wes; “Subjective Objectivity: The Inherent Media Bias:, 2004, 33p
HC: 04-30 – Kuehn, Corey Dean; “The Affect Of Intramural Sports on Collegiate Academics”, 2004, 26p
HC: 04-31 – Massingill, Christina I.; “The Conway Community Hours Project: An Experiment In Bounded Currency Based On Trust and Community”, 2004, 76p
HC: 04-32 – Heath, Hannah Lynn; “The Eggshells Rebellion”, 2004, 119p
HC: 04-33 – Barr, Rachel Elizabeth King; “The Female Canvas of Performance Art”, 2004, 25p
HC: 04-34 – Engholm, Scott; “The Imaginer of All These Consciousnesses: Identifying The Cinematic Narrator Through Film Adaptations”, 2004, 37p
HC: 04-35 – Beckham, Whitney Marie; “The Activity Cycle of the Ecology Movement”, 2004, 21p
HC: 04-36 – Sample, Alicia Dea; “The Long Term Effects of Failure to Thrive on Body Composition”, 2004, 22p
HC: 04-37 – Ridlon, Ashley Brook; “Towards Promoting Personhood of the TransientSelf: Perspectives of Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis-Sharing and The Efficacy of Advance Care Planning”, 2004, 59p
HC: 04-38 – Parkhill, Kristin Suzanne; “The Space of Dreams: Geometry As a Adviser toReality”, 2004, 46p
HC: 04-39 – Seedah, Jennifer; “Transfer of Computer Technology to Ghana”, 2004, 22p
HC: 04-40 – Morin, Jeanette; “Transitions to the Healing of Palliative Care”, 2004, 25p
HC: 04-41 – Henderson, James S.; “Under the Influence: 40 OZ. of Hip Hop”, 2004,
HC: 04-42 – Sanders, Robbie Lea; “You Put A Root On Me”: Prominence of Voodou in African American Folklore”, 2004, 36
HC: 04-43 – Seiter, Rachel Katherine; “A Archetypal For Training for School Personnel Who Are Working With Accouchement With Hearing Impairment”, 2004, 43p
HC: 04-44 – Steinberg, Monica; “A People’s Art: Arkansas’ Post Office Murals”. 2004, 225p
HC: 04-45 – Butt, Lindsay, “Beyond Negritude: Self-Alienation In Ambiguous Adventure”, 2002, 27p
HC: 04-46 – Tolliver, Kayla Renee, “Breast Cancer Awareness”, 2004, 31p
HC: 04-47 – Beecher, John D., “Closing The Gap: Marketing Solutions for Independent Musicians”, 2004, 61p
HC: 04-48 – Finch, Jamie Leigh, “Creative Destruction: Decompositions for Piano”,2004, 7p
HC: 04-49 – Berry, Margaret Anne Jeanette, “Eating Disorders and Aliment Addiction”, 2004, 34p
HC: 04-50 – Housley, Elizabeth Celeste, “Examining Defensible Space and Surrounding Principles: A Close Attending at the Five Oaks Neighborhood”, 2004, 35p
HC: 04-51 – Toon, Natalie, “Feature Screenplay: The Very Unkosher Love Recipe”, 2004, 83p
HC: 04-52 – Smith, Shelly D., “Forty Days and Nights: Battle Ground State Advertising Spending in 2004”, 2004
HC: 04-53 – St. John, Katherine Jean, “George Hendrik Breitner and the Urbanization of Amsterdam”, 2004, 90p
HC: 04-54 – Castor, Amber S., “Germany vs. Iraq: A Comparison of United States Military Occupations”, 2004, 36p
HC: 04-55 – Elmore, Joshua Barton, “Heretic: A Novella of History” 2004, 91p
HC: 04-56 – Barr, Courtney Jo,“La Firmeza En La Ausencia, By Leonor De La Cueva Y La Silva: An English Translation”, 2004, – 62p
HC: 04-57 – Doyle, Amanda I., “Learning About Slavery and Racism in a Meaningful Way Through Literature, 2004, 37p
HC: 04-58 – Howe, Ellen Catina, “Left Overs”, 2004, 61p
HC: 04-59 – Smith, Gretchen Ellen, “Legal Ethics and Society”, 2004, 28p
HC: 04-60 – Edwards, Sarah Leanne, “Math Anxiety in American: Causes, Preventions,and Implications”, 2004, 40p
HC: 04-61 – Castleman, Elizabeth Anne, “More Than Aloof Dirt! Native American SacredSites and Abreast Legal Issues”, 2004, 27p
HC: 04-62 – Elliott, Ryan, “The Economic Effects of Bank Gambling”, 2004, 35p
HC: 04-63 – Honeycutt, Michelle Diona, “My Art Molds Me: A Child’s Perspective Apropos Character Education”, 2004, 40p
HC: 04-64 – DeVore, Nealon Jess, “Odd Man Out: A Political Coming of Age” 74p
HC: 04-65 – Harris, Lauren, “Physicians Appearance of the Pharmaceutical Industry”, 2004
HC: 04-66 – Jones, Brandy Michelle, “Portrait of a Abreast Woman Artist Statement”, 2004, 14p
HC: 04-67 – Schulz, Jennifer Ann, “Prejudice, Fear, and Hate Crimes: Here Today… Be Gone Tomorrow?, 2004, 25p
HC: 04-68 – Borengasser, Rachael Marie, “Rugged Outdoors: A Business Plan”, 2004 26p
HC: 04-69 – Glassmann, Danny, “Sexual & Gender Polymorphism: Thinking Outside the Box of Binaries”, 2004, 42p
HC: 04-70 – Moss, Meagan L., “The Art and Craft of Children’s Literature”, 2004, 34p
HC: 04-71 – Butler, Elizabeth Nicole (Philie), “The Challenge: Education Amidst Motherhood”, 2004, 39p
HC: 04-72 – Hanley, Rachel Lydia, “The Efficacy of Occupational Analysis Intervention in Accouchement with Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy”, 2004, 25p
HC: 04-73 – Graham, Traci Elizabeth, “The Recent ‘Epidemic’ of Adolescent Abduction in the United States: An Examination of Trends, Ideas, and Media Involvement”, 2004, 44p
HC: 04-74 – Brooks, Richard Aaron, “The USA Patriot Act: Justified of Aloof Intrusive?, 2004, 38p
HC: 04-75 – Jones, Rachel Hammock, “Truth, Perception, & Observation: A Photographic Journey:, 2004, 12p
HC: 04-76 – Massey, Candy Sue Lee, “The Amusing Construction of Race with Annotated Biographical Accounts”, 2004, 78p
HC: 04-77 – Morrison, Joshua Barton, “Prescription Drug Advertising and You: An Ethical Analysis of Direct to Consumer Prescription Drug Advertising”, 2004, 28p
HC: 04-78 – Alexander, Ashlie Nicole, “Crossing the Color Line: Issues of Skin Color in Two Novels of the Harlem Renaissance, 2004, 33p
HC: 04-79 – Armour, Charles W., “Misuses of Godel’s Incompleteness Theorem”, 2004, 44p
HC: 04-80 – Finer, Daniel M., “Letters and Spirits” A Postmodern Discourse on Philosophy and Theology”, 2004, 19p
HC: 04-81 – Breed, Mason Clarke, “Biology of the Gods, Modern Eugenics and Responsible Reproduction”, 2004, 30p
HC: 04-82 – Blankenship, Cynthia Elaine, “Parental Influences on Body Image”, 2004, 36p
HC: 04-83 – Bowman, Blythe E., “Current and Past Research of Retinal CA Waves and Their Medical Implications”, 2004, 26p
HC: 04-84 – Person, Julia Suzanne, “Chickens, Water, and the Law in Arkansas”, 2004, 37p
HC: 04-85 – Hooper, James Clifford, “A Attending at Total Serialism in Music through an Analysis of Milton Babbitt’s Semi-Simple Variations”, 2004, 27p
HC: 04-86 – Purkiss, Kimberly; “OMA FOOD: recipes fro kitchen island”, 2004, 61p
HC: 05-01 – Helmus, Rebekah Ann, “MDMA Assisted Psychotherapy”, 2005, 62p
HC: 05-02 – Hong, Bonnie Ngoc, “A Cultural Transformation to Partnership Societies: Ways Out of Patriarchy”, 2005, 39p
HC: 05-03 – Simers, Sarah Elva, “The Slave: A Historical Fiction Novella”, 2005, 25p
HC: 05-04 – Horne, Caleb Justin, “The History of Colonization in the Congo”, 2005
HC: 05-05 – Ledbetter, William Rudy, “Environmental Safety afterwards a Chemical Explosion: A Attending at Chemical Plumes”, 2005, 32p
HC: 05-06 – Dunlap, Bart Hayden, “Description, Discovery, and Design: What the Wonders of Mathematical Physics Intimate About the Natural World”, 2005, 28p
HC: 05-07 – Barker, Shane William, “The Battle of Rogers Avenue: A Attending at Race and Education in Fort Smith, Arkansas”, 2005, 35p
HC: 05-08 – McCay, Sarah Beth, “Focal Infection and the Root Canal Controversy: Should You be Leery of Going Under the Drill?”, 2005, 24p
HC: 05-09 – Bozarth, Amy Denise, “Creative Pen for Normal Men (and Women) APoetic Praxis for Writing to Heal”, 2005, 91p
HC: 05-10 – Vinson, Edward Bradley, “Adult vs. Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Examination Transcending Religious Ideologies and Apple Views”, 2005, 34p
HC: 05-11 – Evans, Lesley Brooke, “Japanese Women: Work, Laws, and The Media”, 2005, 37p
HC: 05-12 – Curran, Kathleen Michaela, “Poetry Slam”, 2005, 48p
HC: 05-13 – Brewer, Ashley L. “Against the Grain”, 2005, 47p
HC: 05-14 – Cook, Cody Chase, “The Appraisal of the Art of Fly-Tying in England: How Scientific, Social, and Religious Revolutions of the Victorian Age Influenced the Art of Fly-Tying”, 2005, 47p
HC: 05-15 – Trobaugh, Kimberly, “Fact or Fiction: The Reality of Neonatal Pain”, 2005, 45p
HC: 05-16 – Horton, Matt, “Evolutionary Psychology and the Amusing Theory of Emile Durkheim”, 2005, 40p
HC: 05-17 – Chin, Sze-Huan, “Resource Allocation in Buffered Crossbar Switch (Combined Input and Cross-Point Queuing) for Quality of Service Provosion”, 2005, 33p
HC: 05-18 – Miller, Jennifer Christina, “The Heroic, Faerie, and Philosophy: An Examination of the Hero in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings”, 2005, 38p
HC: 05-19 – Lisko, Michelle M., The Medically Uninsured of Arkansas: An Analysis & Demographic Profile, 2005, 31p
HC: 05-20 – Bard, Benjamin W., “Nietzsche’s Philosophy of History: History as Articulation”, 2005, 51p
HC: 05-21 – Mayhew, Anna-Kate, “Urbanization and Accent Change in the Ozarks”, 2005, 70p
HC: 05-22 – Fosko, Thomas Jeremy, “Eros’s Threnody: Analysis and Recommendations for a Cynical and Loveless Time”, 2005, 23p
HC: 05-23 – Franklin, Andrea Slade, “Not Tragically Colored: Race Consciousness and Black Womanhood”, 2005, 30p
HC: 05-24 – Smith, Brandy Michele Gray, “Autonomy and Ethics of the Dying Child”, 2005, 15
HC: 05-25 – Roper, Angela Ruby, “Isaac Newton and the Evolution of the Theory of Universal Gravitation”, 2005, 53p
HC: 05-26 – Walser, Brandon Edward, “Increasing Organ Donation: A Comparative Abstraction of Education and Presumed Consent”, 2005, 30p
HC: 05-27 – Davis, Erin Beth, “Patients Suffer with Aerial Drug Pries While Drug Companies Prosper: An Investigation, 2005, 29p
HC: 05-28 – Brown, Rebecca, “Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Chance of the Two Friends, 2005, 49p
HC: 05-29 – Land, Michael Jeffrey, “Tag Team Champions of the World: John Bull and Uncle Sam at the Dawn of the 20th Century, 2005, 35p
HC: 05-30 – Simmons, John David, “Wireless Technology: Impacts on our Quality of Life”, 2005, 34p
HC: 05-31 – Monroe, Corrinne Luna;Behind the Zipper: Problems of the Primacy of the Privates, 2005, 31p
HC: 05-32 – Wankum, Mark David, “Exporting Democracy: Where Do We Go From Here? (A Critical Attending appear Democracy in the Islamic World), 2005, 53p
HC: 05-33 – Adams, Greg, the Accord of Performance and Fuel Economy in Modern Automobiles, 2005, 40p
HC: 05-34 – Brown, Joshua Randal, “The Accomplishing of a Novel Hydrogen Storage Compound into the Hypothesized Hydrogen Economy”, 2005, 27p
HC: 05-35 – Barlow, Blake, “Job Satisfaction in College Education: Is the Center of Learning a Center of Satisfaction?
HC: 05-36 – Rogerson, Tammy Dawn, “Girl Power: Cinderella’s Cinematic Advancement, 2005, 37p
HC: 05-37 – Newton, Dana Marie, “Coming Together in Costa Rica: The Accent of Community Involvement in Rainforest Conservation, 2005, 34p
HC: 05-38 – Jackson, Brandon Carl, “Religions Undertones in the Lord of the Rings: From Frodo to Jesus, 2005, 31p
HC: 05-39 – Becnel, Nicole Elizabeth, “Eat His Body, Drink His Blood: The Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Activity of the Catholic Church, 2005
HC: 05-40 – Freeman, Sarah Louise, “The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of South Africa: Did it Work and Can it Work Elsewhere?, 2005, 42p
HC: 05-41 – Hindman, John David, “Remember, I Aloof Forgot! : Spontaneous Regression and Spontaneous Recovery, 2005, 19p
HC: 05-42 – Beall, Sarahann Renee, “The Stoned Screen: A Amusing History of Drugs in Film, 2005, 51p
HC: 05-43 – Easley, Holly M., “Even Genteel Adolescent Ladies” A Belle of the South Confronts the Civil War – A Novella, 2005, 42p
HC: 05-44 – Scarborough, Shelby Renee, “The Knitting Niche: Discovering how Knitters of all Ages and Genders Fit Into Modern Knitting Culture”, 2005, 52p
HC: 05-45 – Kelly, Caitlin Lee, “Conventionality is Not Morality:” The Unexpected Feminism of Charlotte Bronte, 2005, 33p
HC: 05-46 – White, Richard (Rick) Harrison, “Fresh Water: Rethinking Water Policy in Eastern Arkansas”, 2005, 60
HC: 05-47 – King, Portia Jane and Caldwell, Cristal Leanne, “A Woman’s Worth”, 2005
HC: 05-48 – Nash, Lauren Olivia, “Patented Genes and the Dawn of Genetic Discrimination”, 2005, 33p
HC: 05-49 – Huffman, Laura Beth, “A Taste of Obesity: Readiness to Change Sugared Beverage Intake amid College Acceptance at the University of Central Arkansas, 2005, 41p
HC: 05-50 – Pulliam, Britni, What’s For Lunch? A Attending at the Integration of Nutrition Education into the Mathematics Classrooms of Arkansas Public Schools, 2005, 52p
HC: 05-51 – Gallus, Natalia, “A Gentle Feather of Vicious Bow and Arrow: The Appraisal of Native American Images in the Media” 2005, 41p
HC: 05-52 – Brown, Kimberly Ann, “Environmental Educational in Arkansas: Ethics, Reasoning, and Five Programs Available”, 2005, 40p
HC: 05-53 – Covington, Paige Erika, “Bridging the Gap of Dental Care Amid the United States and Honduras: An Argument for the Increased Appliance of Faith-Based and Secular Health Care Initiatives in Foreign Countries”, 2005, 32p
HC: 05-54 – Greer, Jasmine, “The Box Office Draw: How Film are Sold Verses What the College Bazaar is Buying” 2005, 43p
HC: 05-55 – Vernon, Blake, “The Lie of Aaron: Marx’s Materialism and the Problem of Mystification”, 2005, 59p
HC: 05-56 – Morris, Tiffany Nicole, “Nothing But Net: A Beginning Coach’s Playbook”, 2005
HC: 05-57 – Schiefer, Jennifer Ann, “The Ethics of Mission in the Religious Marketplace, 2005, 37
HC: 05-58 – Adelstein, Jessica Ann, “Death With Dignity: An Investigation into the Legal and Ethical Implications of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide”, 2005, 27p
HC: 05-59 – Swearingen, Daniel, “Extraordinary Circumstances: Re-Establishing the Role of the Nazi Regime in the Holocaust”, 2005, 36p
HC: 05-60 – Cook, Sarah Elizabeth, “Arthor: An Impersonal autobiographical Attending at Actuality and Time”, 2005, 35p
HC: 05-61 – Thompson, Steven Charles, “For The Benefit Of All: Andrew Jackson’s Struggle Adjoin Nullifiers and Bank Corruption”, 2005, 38p
HC: 05-62 – Kuperman, Rachel Karen, “Reflections: A Journey Through Self Portraiture”, 2005, 8p
HC: 05-63 – Prati, Victor Valentin, “Perceptions of College Acceptance to the CurrentPhysical Analysis Professional and Professional Education Process”, 2005, 50p
HC: 05-64 – Nichols, Paul David, “Economic Indicators Significant for Industry Location”, 2005, 49p
HC: 05-65 – Smith, Scott Allen, “Jambands: An Historical and Sociological Appearance of Music through the Gills of Phish”, 2005, 56p
HC: 05-66 – Sterrenberg, Danielle and Wilkins, Kerry, “Preparing for the Lively Experiment: The University of Central Arkansas Summer Academy”, 2005, 24p
HC: 05-67 – Jones, Brittany, “In Pursuit of a Apple Record: The Creating, Filling, and Unveiling of the World’s Largest Christmas Stocking”, 2005, 26p
HC: 05-68 – Armstrong, John Adam, “Researching Effects of Infant Pain: Testing our Responsibility and Ethical Concern”, 2005, 25p
HC: 05-69 – Rhea, Michael, “The Last Great Riposte: A Play in One Act”, 2005, 32p
HC: 05-70 – McLelland, Kelly Lynn, “The Magical Apple of Disney: The Negative Portrayal of Females in Disney Animation”, 42p
HC: 05-71 – Meador, Billie Jo, “P.S. Attending Up”: A Case Abstraction of a Adolescent Boy With An Autism Spectrum Disorder”, 2005, 44p
HC: 05-72 – Taylor, Jessica Suzanne, “Making Lemonade Out Of A Lemon: How Third Wavers Can Change General Perceptions’ of Feminism”, 2005, 37p
HC: 05-73 – Phillips, Jessica, “Word Absurd: A Accumulating of Short Stories in the Absurdist Tradition”, 2005, 137p
HC: 05-74 – Stahle, Laurie Nicole, “China’s Latest Human Rights Abuse: The Floating Population, 2005, 56p
HC: 05-75 – Beavers, Jared Cole, “Faces of Altrusim: The Art of Giving”, 2005, 4p
HC: 05-76 – Morgan, W. Drew, “A Harm Reduction Approach to Fraternities: Maximizing Benefits by Minimizing Risks”, 2005, 45p
HC: 05-77 – Rodgers, Bradley, “The Problems and Effect of Overuse of Antibiotics” 2005
HC: 05-78 – Whitescraver, Nicholas James, “ Authoritative the Call: Why Ultimate Frisbee Should Not Abandon Spirit of the Game in Favor of Referees”, 2005, 40p
HC: 05-79 – Bennett, Meredith Raye, “Internet Advertising: What It Is, Where It Is, And Where It Might Be Going”, 2005, 26p
HC: 05-80 – McNulty’s, Jennie, “Blackbird”, 2005
HC: 05-81 – Srbinovski, Aleksandar, “International Adolescent Abutment Enforcement: A Mission to Abutment The World’s Children”, 2005, 142p
HC: 05-82 – Irvan, John Jeremy, “Working Out: Separating Fact from Fiction in the Sport Supplement Industry”, 2005, 29p
HC: 05-83 – Gulley, Bethany Ann, “Are Arkids Really Coming First?: Identifying Barriers to Children’s Mental Health Treatment in Arkansas”, 2005, 42p
HC: 05-84 – Marshall, Kimberly Nekita, “KALI BRAHMA”, 2005, 96p
HC: 05-85 – Bowlin, Brooke Nicole, “Lessening the Gap Amid Periodontal Disease and Diabetes”, 2005, 29p
HC: 05-86 – Allen, Brian, M., “Community Dynamics in the 21st Century: Reflections of the Honors College ‘Architect’”
HC: 05-87 – Simmons, Nicholas; LANGUAGE, THE BRAIN, AND WHY WE’RE SO SMART: The Degree to Which Accent is Innate and its Implications as a Symbolic Representational System”, 2006, 33p
HC: 05-88 – Pangle, Amanda Kay, “Literature and the Amusing Game: Amusing Classification in the Novel of Maya Angelou and Flannery O’Connor, 2006, 78p
HC: 06-01 – Hardin, Sestina Marie, “Czech it Out: How the Political Liberation From Communism in The Czech Republic Influenced the Sexual Liberation In Theatre”, 2006, 20p
HC: 06-02 – Bridges, Michelle Lee, “A Comparative Analysis of Freshmen Leadership Programs at the University of Central Arkansas, The University of Arkansas, and Arkansas State University”, 2006, 30p
HC: 06-03 – Kish, Kelly Michael, “Homesick Angel: American Photography”. 2006, 28p
HC: 06-04 – Broadney, Miranda Marguerite, “Breaking Through Racial Barriers on the University of Central Arkansas Campus With the Creation of the Student Organization Campus Dialogue”, 2006, 31p
HC: 06-05 – Mallory, Lindsey Nicole, “The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002: From Classroom to Career”, 2006, 34p
HC: 06-06 – Brown, Amanda M. “Acting Up! Maumelle Children’s Theater A Business Plan”, 2006, 38p
HC: 06-07 – Lee, Jerrad Brian, “Legal Studies at the University of Central Arkansas, 2006, 35p
HC: 06-08 – Fleck, Mary Frances, “The Carpentry of Orthopaedic Surgery: A Comparison of Practices, Tools, and Techniques, of Carpentry and Orthopaedic Surgery”, 2006, 27p
HC: 06-09 – Robinson, Elizabeth Blake, “Going for the Glove: The Constructing of Today’s Globalized America in Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court and The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today”, 2006, 38p
HC: 06-10 – Cassidy, Jason Michael, “Breaking Down Barriers: A Correlation BetweenHeart Disease and Gum Disease”, 2006, 38p
HC: 06-11 – Peterson, Kerri, “Accounting for the Green: Environment not Money”, 2006, 31p
HC: 06-12 – Calhoun, Jacey Carol, “Watching What You Eat: Ethical Issues in Dysphagia”, 2006, 26p
HC: 06-13 – Hobby, Stacey, Renae, “The Last of Indian Royalty: Can the Bengal Tiger Overcome Colonization and Consumerism?” 2006, 36p
HC: 06-14 – Porterfield, Marilyn, “Identity Theft and the Internet: The Loss of Self to Mans Use of Technology”, 2006, 26p
HC: 06-15 – Mansilla, Maria Pia Seballos, “A Jewel in the Pacific: The Apple Heritage Site of Valparaiso”, 2006, 78p
HC: 06-16 – Greene, John W., “Hijacking the Code? An Introduction to the Biology, Pathology, and Epidemiology of Prion Diseases”
HC: 06-17 – Herring, James Michael, “Masterworks”, 2006, 36p
HC: 06-18 – Noble, Cailin M., “Call 911! Using Math Analysis in Emergency Medical Services”, 2006, 34p
HC: 06-19 – Shook, William Maverick Bradley, “In Defense of Offense”, 2006, 25p
HC: 06-20 – Vert, Jason, “Camels and Needles: Amusing Class, Religion, and Architecture”, 2006, 53p
HC: 06-21 – Ogunbanjo, Aanu, “Dearly Beloved: A Attending at the Acceptation of Marriage and Control in 19th Century Middle Class Ideas of the Individual, the Family, and Amusing Stability in Armerica”, 2006, 44p
HC: 06-22 – Seaton, Dustin E., “In Chase of a Common Ground: Double Consciousness in Progressive Era American 1880-1920”, 2006, 116p
HC: 06-23 – Mitchell, Laine, “Bondage: Christianity, Confucianism, and Their Women”, 2006, 28p
HC: 06-24 – Gorman, Charles Scott, “The Allies Strike Back: How Nuremberg Established a New Paradigm for International Law”, 2006, 33p
HC: 06-25 – Litchford, Brittany, “Changing the Public’s Perception of Public Relations: What Must Be Done to Improve Public Relations’ Reputation”, 2006, 30p
HC: 06-27 – Lewis, James W.S., “A Secular Pro-Life Analysis of Feminist Pro-Choice Thought”, 2006, 27p
HC: 06-28 – Cline, John, “Intimate Discourse”, 2006,
HC: 06-29 – Worley, Glenn Phillip, “Weighing Rights: The Standard of Proof Required for Termination of Parental Rights”, 2006, 30p
HC: 06-30 – Head, James Luther, “Treating Diabetes with Embryonic Stem Cells”, 2006, 31p
HC: 06-31 – Smith, Clint, “Diabesity: Vitamin A, Diabetes, Obesity, and Their Complex Relationship”, 2006, 37p
HC: 06-32 – Bean, Marguerite Joy, “The Feminine Mystique in Anime”, 2006, 32p
HC: 06-33 – Harvey, Sara Rebekah, “A Room of Sisters’s Own Exploring the Sacred Site Of Our Foremothers’ Stories”, 2006, 117p
HC: 06-34 – Cully, Miranda Lauren, “Temperance in Arkansas: An Effect of the Additional Great Awakening”, 2006, 33p
HC: 06-35 – Richardson, Jennifer Lynee, “On the Sixth Day, God Created Hairy Quadrupeds: Faith, Science, and General Confusion in the Victorian Period”, 2006
HC: 06-36 – Schulz, Justin, “The Consequences of Entertainment: The Effects of Motley Crue’s Music and Behavior on Adolescent Identity”, 2006, 53p
HC: 06-37 – Palmer, Shannon Heather, “Discourse and Dissension in the Autism Community: Who’s Talking and Who’s Listening?”, 2006, 40p
HC: 06-38 – Balla, Mariama Laouali, “A New Medical Specialist: Planning and Implementing a Hospitalist Service in a Central Arkansas Hospital”, 2006, 30p
HC: 06-39 – Stephens, Matthew Beau, “Does A Dog Accept The Buddha Natue? A Buddhist Perspective On Animal Rights”, 2006, 42p
HC: 06-40 – Qureshi, Muhammad Azhar, “Earnings and Equity Volatility Due to Accounting Derivatives Under SFAS 133. 2006, 106p
HC: 06-41 – Miller, Jayme Lynne, “The Creation and Accomplishing of an Ecology Education Workshop at the Jewel E. Moore Nature Reserve, University of Central Arkansas, 2006, 40p
HC: 06-42 – Hastings, Clint Edward, “The Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma and Bank Gaming, 2006, 41p
HC: 06-43 – Kendrick, Thomas E, “A New Hope: Bringing Together Marxism and Christianity”, 2006, 44p
HC: 06-44 – Teel, Bethany, “Race and the Transmission of Values: Does Race Affect the Values That Parents Instill in their Children?”, 2006, 38p
HC: 06-45 – Sage, Morgan, “Starting at the Numbers: Autism and its Effects on the Family”, 2006, 36p
HC: 06-46 – Johnson, Lacey Perrin, “American Beauty: Body Perception in Our Modern Culture”, 2006, 37p
HC: 06-47 – Steward, Lindsay, “The Truth Abaft the Lies: The Absolute Cost of the Research and Development of Prescriptions Drugs, 2006, 31p
HC: 06-48 – Stanley, Kevin Michael, “Emotive: Emotions as a Necessity for a Fulfilling Life”, 2006, 33p
HC: 06-49 – Carey, Russell Andrew, “Earnest Bloody Bastards: The Accent of Violence and the Distortion of Ancestors in Modern American Literature”, 200, 74p
HC: 06-50 – Shearer, Jeffrey Clifton, “A Photographic Journey Through Arkansas”, 2006, 8p
HC: 06-51 – Sorrows, Kellie, “Peeling Onions and Dangling Cherries: A Abstraction of the Artist Lilly Martin Spencer”, 2006, 51p
HC: 06-52 – Bynum, Amy Alene, “Collaborative Administration appear Economic Development: A Case Abstraction of Conway, Arkansas Bounded Government”, 2006, 54p
HC: 06-53 – Onyeyiri, Uche, “The Big Cake: How To Reach Its Economic Potential”, 2006, 37p
HC: 06-54 – Charton, Matthew D., “Motivating Machiavelli: The Prince in Text and Context, 2006, 37p
HC: 06-55 – Stovall, Jesse Amanda, “In Comes The Lunatic: An Analysis of Pink Floyd’s Dark Ancillary of the Moon,” 2006, 29p
HC: 06-56 – Green, Jared Allen, “Capitalism’s Role in Shaping a Democratic China”, 2006, 52p
HC: 06-57 – Hill, Kristen Marie, “Democracy and Technology: How the Internet Promotes Political Participation”, 2006, 31p
HC: 06-59 – Rogers, Laci, “A Major Decision”, 2006, 36p
HC: 06-60 – Chang, Andres, “Cancer Research: A Archetypal of the Evolution of Science”, 2006, 44p
HC: 06-61 – Gunther, JoAnna K., “Chaotic Carp: How One Fish could Change A Long-Standing Appearance of the Environment”
HC: 06-62 – Curtis, Brandon K., “Microbial Resistance: A Biological Prodigy, A Amusing Dilemma”
HC: 06-63 – Underwood, Michelle Marie, “A Brief History of Typography”
HC: 06-64 – Nichols, Maranda Elizabeth, “Folk Remedies in Modern Medicine: Development of A Survey”
HC: 06-65 – Martinez, Evelyn Gissel – “Effects of International Trade Agreements on Manufacturing Industries in Honduras & China: CAFTA and the WTO
HC: 06-66 – Kuonen, Lily Nicole, Visual and Conceptual Relationships: A Historical Analysis of Female Self-Portraiture
HC: 06-67 – Gjorgieviski, Hristijan, Lessons in Statesmanship: Talleyrand, Metternich, and Kissinger
HC: 06-68 – Milligan, Anne M., Up From the Great Roots: Unearthing Womanity in the Face of Struggle
HC: 06-69 – Ussery, Kristen Alexandra, Inflicting Pain and Taking It Away: WhatAnimal Welfare, Science, and Veterinary Medicine Accept Done For Pain Administration in Animals
HC: 06-70 – Ellis, Brandon, The Bear Bones: Founding A Chapter of the International Trombone Association and Attending the 2006 International Trombone Festival
HC: 06-71 – Duval, Courtney, There’s Still Hope: Walking Through the Activity of a Parkinson’s Patient
HC: 06-72 – Bonnabel, Amy Ruthann, Spina Bifida: A Personal Story
HC: 06-73 – Parsons, Lynsey R., Bitten Forever… An Analysis of Colonization and Battle in the Pacific Islands
HC: 06-74 – Irgens, Shane William, Utilitarian Bioethics and the Slippery Slope
HC: 06-75 – Vealzquez, Nahim, The Nicaraguan Democratic Process: From Revolution to Democracy
HC: 06-76 – Boeckman, Megan Elizabeth, The Effects of Volunteering on the Well Actuality and Mortality of Older Adults
HC: 06-77 – Gilbert, Catherine, An Icon for Some Forgotten Saint
HC: 06-78 – Kibbey, Jarred W., All-around Intellectual Property Laws and Developing Economies
HC: 06-79 – Porterfield, Lisa M., Journalism and Politics: A Love/Hate Relationship
HC: 06-80 – O’Neal, Kathryn J., A Place for Art and the Art of Place
HC: 06-81 – Beckman, Heidi Lynn, Moving Adjoin a Healthier Future: Addressing the Problem of Blubber in Childhood and Adolescence
HC: 06-82 – Morehart, Tyler Jordan, The Emerging Church: Redefining Movement or Aloof Another Passing Fad?
HC: 06-83 – Killingsworth, Elizabeth Sarah, Communications Methods for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
HC: 06-84 – Keith, Valerie Lynn, The University of Central Arkansas: A Quilted Centennial
HC: 06-85 – Sisk, Timothy Jones, Emerging Selves: The Struggle for Gay Identity in theAIDS Crisis
HC: 06-86 – Hyman, Jennifer Lynn, Globalization and the Struggles that Follow
HC: 06-87 – Dalby, Marie Antoinette, The American Weight: Who is Responsible for Obesity?
HC: 06-88 – Carranza, Maximiliano, Five-Star Appraisal Program: Determining Success aural the Greek Community
HC: 06-89 – Miller, Crystal Noel, Post-Polio Syndrome: An Attempt to Suppress the Unyielding Aftermath of Disease
HC: 06-90 – Burns, Allan, Finding Berlin: Resolving Berlin’s Legal Status During the Cold War
HC: 06-91 – Pullen, Ashley Diane, So Smiles May Abound: The Effects of Cleft Lip and Palate and Hope Found Through Operation Smile International
HC: 06-92 – Starkey, Katie M., Broodal Slaying: A Gender Comparison Analysis of Filicide
HC: 06-93 – Klingsporn, Bradley, Promoting Service Learning at the University of Central Arkansas
HC: 06-94 – Allgaier, Jessica, Actuality Benjamin: Connecting Information and Inspiration in a 21st Century Publication
HC: 06-95 – D’Amore, Danielle Gabriella, Calcium Kinesiology: A Abstraction of Calcium’s Role in Skeletal Muscle Movement, Pathologies, and Concrete Analysis in Today’s Motatorious Society
HC: 06-96 – Courtney, Rachel Olivia, Gender Equity in Mathematics Education: A Case Abstraction of Northwest Arkansas Students
HC: 06-97 – Carvajal, Rennie Marina Gallo, Through the Eyes of a Woman: Views onPregnancy and Childbirth in Honduras
HC: 06-98 – Roberts, Jessica A., Mythology, Fantasy Literature, and the Modern Reader
HC: 06-99 – Post, Elizabeth Katherine, Laura Farr, A Novella
HC: 07-01 – Bailey, Colley, “Vanishing Point: A New American Tragedy”
HC: 07-02 – Bishop, Samantha Augusta, “Angels, Witches, and the Women Amid Them: An Examination of the Feminist in Women’s Literature from the Victorian Era to Present Day”
HC: 07-03 – Davis, Elizabeth Marie, “The Chase and (Re)search of Expectancy Violations Theory”
HC: 07-04 – Felty, Christopher Blake, “Bombs in Bilbao, Brains in Barcelona Basque and Catalan Struggles for Autonomy”
HC: 07-05 – Foster, Kristin, “From the Preservation of Sacred Knowledge to the Rise of Secular Individualism: Historical Influences of the Book”
HC: 07-06 – Hughes, Dawn Sheree, “Scarred”
HC: 07-07 – Kuperman, Rivka Ellsworth, “Solo Performance (‘Rivka!’)”
HC: 07-08 – Mahan, Lacey, “The Pressure to be Perfect: A Abstraction of Print Media’s Influence on Body Image in Female College Students”
HC: 07-09 – Mathis, Brandon Scott, “Perspectives in Modern Drawing”
HC: 07-10 – Morris, Adrienne C., “Keeping Their Friends Close but Their Enemies Closer: An Analysis of the Organizational Ability of the Mafia in The Godfather Trilogy”
HC: 07-11 – Pangle, Aubrey Ann, “The Role of Community in the Novels of Toni Morrison: A Attending at the Creation of Spaces and Places Aural Female Relationships”
HC: 07-12 – Perez, Laine Elise, “A Dry Season: A Novel”
HC: 07-13 – Root, Kristina M., “Looking Through the Trash: Assessing the University of Central Arkansas’ Recycling Program”
HC: 07-14 – Shoemaker, Mary Elizabeth, “Use of Peers and Siblings in Behavioral Interventions for Accouchement with Autism”
HC: 07-15 – Gift, James, “Interpreting Existence: Understanding in Philosophical Hermeneutics”
HC: 07-16 – Shahan, Justin, “The Jewish Parables of Jesus“
HC: 07-17 – Womack, William Dane, “Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Community, and Truth: Present Application from a Timeless Theologian”
HC: 07-18 – Raible, Lindsey Shea, “Superstitions and Athletes: An Analysis of Sports Culture”
HC: 07-19 – Phillips, Geoffrey, “Practicing Public Relations on a Bounded Level”
HC: 07-20 – Shumate, John Nicholas Jung, “Goodbye America. Hello Korea. A Story from the Korean Adoptee Experience”
HC: 07-21 – King, Aaron Michael, “From Knife Slinging to Sushi: Teppanyaki in America and the Invention of Tradition”
HC: 07-22 – Klinck, Benjamin Michael, “On Pins and Needles: Effectiveness of Acupuncture and its Accord to Modern Western Therapies”
HC: 07-23 – Rhodes, Melissa Ann, “Close Encounters of the French Kind”
HC: 07-24 – Yarbrough, Linda Dawn, “The Death of a Sacred Art Form: From the Moors to the Modern in Spain, Mexico, and the United States”
HC: 07-25 – Drasler, Linda Rachel, “You Only Know Half of It: An Investigation Into What We Know, What We Think We Know, and How We Deceive Ourselves Into Thinking We Know Added Than We Do”
HC: 07-26 – Emison, Jessica Erin, “Just What the Doctor Ordered: The Past, Present, and Future of Telemedicine”
HC: 07-27 – Reynolds, Katie Marie, “Needle in the Haystack: Developing Applicative Technologies from Chaos Theory”
HC: 07-28 – O’Bannon, Victoria Beth, “Highly Active Antiretroviral Analysis (HAART): What it is, How it Works, and Why it Does Not Work in Sub-Saharan Africa”
HC: 07-29 – Posey, Krystal Leigh, “SPME Analysis of Red Wine for Herbocides”
HC: 07-30 – Vick, Sarah, “Parental Smoking and its Effect of Fetal and Childhood Development”
HC: 07-31 – Viegas, Mark, Chen Wang, “Electronic Voice Phenomenon”
HC: 07-32 – Wiles, Andy N., “Hydrodynamics of Tritonia Diomedea”
HC: 07-33 – Zhou, Yun, “Grid Service Description and Discovery”
HC: 07-34 – Boucher, Alan Jacob, “Alzheimer’s Disease: the Science, the Social, the Strain”
HC: 07-35 – Coghlan III, James Joseph, “Using Dolphins as Models for Prehistoric Human Amusing Development”
HC: 07-36 – Earleywine, Bonnie Laine, “Causes, Consequences, and Attention of our Disappearing Riparian Forested Wetlands”
HC: 07-37 – Snook, Justin Ray, “Picture Power: The Historical and Cultural Impetus of Japanese Manga”
HC: 07-38 – Green, Tori Michelle, “Cherokee Health Disparities: Turning a Problem into a Solution”
HC: 07-39 – Henry, Travis W., “Rootdiggers and Grannywomen: Modern Applications for Traditional Medicine”
HC: 07-40 – Hicks, Ashley Brooke, “Healing Our Healthcare System: Can State Healthcare Reform Bills Succeed?”
HC: 07-41 – Hyde, James, “The Difficulty of Defining a Moving Target: Where Do We Draw the Line Amid Technology and Humanity?”
HC: 07-42 – Gentry, Courtney R., “From Villain to Hero: The Evolution of the Vampire in Literature from the Nineteenth to Twenty-First Century”
HC: 07-43 – Smith, Merritt, “Utilizing Seira to Abstraction the Adsorption Properties of Assorted Analgesics”
HC: 07-44 – Pulfer, Sarah Elizabeth, “Michael Kamen’s Film Score to Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)”
HC: 07-45 – Smith, Joshua Thomas, “Sleepless in Conway: A Comprehensive Overview of Obstructive Sleep Apnea”
HC: 07-46 – Flanagin, Michael, “Using Technological Innovation to Improve the City of Conway Arkansas”
HC: 07-47 – Taylor, Matthew J., “Subito! Sunlight and Shadow in New Music”
HC: 07-48 – Regalado, Michelle Marie Zablah, “Ethical Considerations in Neuromarketing: An Examination of the Need for Regulation and Consumer Education”
HC: 07-49 – Dobbs, Benjamin Michael, “Classical Greek Ideas on Academics and Aesthetics in Music”
HC: 07-50 – Whitworth, Amy Elaine, “Cohabitation Amid Chief Citizens of Arkansas”
HC: 07-51 – Floden, Loralei Marie, “The Deck of Healing”
HC: 07-52 – Bennett, Courtney, “Selfish Id”
HC: 07-53 – Glover, Micah F., “Music for the New Millenium: Abreast Trends in Wind Band Literature”
HC: 07-54 – Ruple, Aurea Leigh, “Using the Classroom Environment Scale: Improvement of the Classroom Environment Through Reflection”
HC: 07-55 – Morelle, Bopda Kamgno Josuanne, “Running Ahead: Elective Cesarean Section”
HC: 07-56 – McShane, Matthew Brennan, “The Appulse of Performance Enhancing Supplements on Bench Press Strength of College-Age Males”
HC: 07-57 – Mitchell, Britni, “Perceived HIV Risk and Preventive Sexual Behaviors”
HC: 07-58 – Perry, Ben, “The Effects of Political Regime and Economic Development on Land Redistribution Policy in South Africa and Zimbabwe”
HC: 07-59 – Allen, Heather Rene, “’Let This Seed Be Exhaustless’: Cultivating the Ecological Vision of Vandana Shiva”
HC: 07-60 – Basham, Kyle Brian, “From Molecules to Medicine Cabinets: Drug Development from Research to Marketing”
HC: 07-61 – Guzzardi, Jose Eduardo U., “The Politics of Seeking a Permanent Seat in the United Nations Security Council: An Analysis of the Cases of Brazil and Japan”
HC: 07-62 – Green, Daniel Richard, “The Bomb, the Shrink and the Cleavers: Pop Ability of the 1950’s and Its Appulse on America”
HC: 07-63 – Harris, Amanda Beth, “Journey of Queen Inclusion: A Comparative Analysis of the Freedom Rides and the 2007 Equality Ride”
HC: 07-64 – Tilahun, Fitsum,” The Litmus Test for African Elections: An Analysis of the 2005 Ethiopian Parliamentary Election”
HC: 07-65 – Mizell, Katy Lucienne, “Spoiled Kings and Baby Machines: Consequences of the One-Child Policy in Chinese Culture”
HC: 07-66 – Herriman, Tyler Joseph, “Why Soccer?: Using Neil Smelser’s Theory of Collective Behavior to Examine Crowd Violence at Soccer Matches”
HC: 07-67 – MacMillan, Amanda Claire, “Interconnecting and Coordination Traffic Signals: An Application for Conway, Arkansas”
HC: 07-68 – Alvarado, Karina D., “Culturally Competent Prenatal and Postnatal Care for Mexican-American Women: A Adviser for Nurses”
HC: 07-69 – Diebold, Lindsey, “From the Soviet Union to the European Union: the Appulse of Economic Integration on the Quality of Activity in Estonia”
HC: 07-70 – Pore, Brittany Layne, “To Accept and to Hold: How the Consumer Ability Shaped the American Wedding Celebration”
HC: 07-71 – Keith, Forrest David, “Loving Guatemalans: A Journey Appear Cultural Understanding and Appreciation”
HC: 07-72 – Stirling, Scott, “From the Box Score to the Blogs: The Evolution of Baseball Journalism”
HC: 07-73 – Chapman, Alicia Ellen, “You Are What You Eat: Diet Reform as a Reflection of American Culture”
HC: 07-74 – Mendenhall, Miranda, “Myspace: Safety and Privacy Concerns for All Generations”
HC: 07-75 – Dellar, Meaghan, “Being Scottish in England’s Great Britain: Scotland’s Identity and Political Future in the Wake of Devolution”
HC: 07-76 – Rodrigues, Christopher Joel, “Competence and Compassion: Synergism and Healthcare”
HC: 07-77 – Nelle-Davis, Elizabeth Ashley, “Art Afterwards Death: Oceanic Imagery and the Departed”
HC: 07-78 – Mathis, Jessica Danielle, “Someday You Will Die and Something’s Going to Steal Your Carbon: An Inquiry of Activity and Death”
HC: 07-79 – Baker, Austin Kyle, “When Cheaters are Called Champions: How Baseball Reflects Morality in America Today”
HC: 07-80 – Binyon, Tamara, “Speculations on the Afterlife”
HC: 07-81 – Sterrenberg, Tara Lynne, “Nancy Drew: Role Model, Detective, and Feminist?”
HC: 08-01 – Smith, Nathan Tyler, “C.A.M. – A Short Film”
HC: 08-02 – Hoke, Candice Leigh, “On the Top of the World: Personalities & Problems Concerning Mt. Everest”
HC: 08-03 – Steele, Michael Garrett, “Applying the Cognitive Neo – Association Archetypal of Aggression to a Virtual Environment”
HC: 08-04 – Fox-Eason, Kristen D., “The Roles of Fundamentalist Christianity, Hyper-nationalism & Rights – Movements’ Methods in the Fight for GLBT Equality: A Comparison of Germany & the United States”
HC: 08-05 – Hurley, Timothy Paul, “Minding the Gap: Improving the Educational Outcomes for Impoverished Aerial School Acceptance in Arkansas”
HC: 08-06 – Rashidi, Stephanie A., “The Great Cyber – Taxation Debate: The Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreements Implications for Arkansas Buyers”
HC: 08-07 – Methvin, Leigh, “The Fleshy Petri Dish: Consequences of Excluding Female Anatomy from Medical Illustration”
HC: 08-08 – Horn, Katie Lynn, “Autism: A Amusing barrier in the Classroom”
HC: 08-09 – Wilson, Benjamin E., “Existentialism, Alienation, & Paranoia in Selected Works of Stephen King”
HC: 08-10 – Spurlock, Daniel Craig, “The Brat of the Pampas: Argentina in the U.S. Cultural Imagination, 1940-1950”
HC: 08-11 – Morgan, Jeremy, “The Gospel of God”
HC: 08-12 – Murphy, Maegan Rainee, “We Try Harder: The History & Legacy of Creative Advertising”
HC: 08-13 – Johnston, Brian W., “The Public & Private: Hannah Arendt’s Prescription for Modern Politics”
HC: 08-14 – Tabor, Jessica Nicole, “Comparison of Economic Reform: Estonis & Belarus Since Independence”
HC: 08-15 – Montgomery, Dustin P., “Journey Through the Fourth Dimension: The Possibilities & Impossibilities of Theoretical Time Travel”
HC: 08-16 – Fang, Joe, “Domo Arigato Dr. Ishiguro: The Rise of Machines in Japan & America”
HC: 08-17 – Malloy, Bryan K., “Double Bass & Dreamlands: The Strange Connection Amid Fantasy Literature & Metal Music”
HC: 08-18 – Estetter, Erica A., “West Meets East via Northbound Southerly Flight: The Cultural Ramblings & Analytical Discussion of Chinese Amusing & Business Affairs by XIAO WAI”
HC: 08-19 – Rose, Katheryn H., “God, The Devil, & Bob: The Is & The Ought”
HC: 08-20 – Thomas, Benjamin S., “The United States, Israel, & The Peace Process: Examining the Peacemaking Implications of the US-Israeli Relationship”
HC: 08-21 – Vollersten, John E., “Fast Aliment for A Change: Sustainable Solutions in the Capitalist Economy”
HC: 08-22 – Shumpert, Tiffany Janean, “A Pot & Kettle Conversation: Examining Why Black Africans and Black Americans Appearance Each Added as the ‘Other’”
HC: 08-23 – Francis, Brian D., “Sports/Writing: The Significance, Philosophy, & Attraction of Athletic Competition Revealed Through Journalism & Literature”
HC: 08-24 – Parker, Katherine, “Skillet Full of Gasoline”
HC: 08-25 – Tressler, Gretchen E., “The 2008 Conway Balladry Night”
HC: 08-26 – Manning, Anthony T., “So Others May Live: Methods & Reasoning in Chemotherapy Research”
HC: 08-27 – Thomas, David A., “Thomasville”
HC: 08-28 – Mosby, Frances Elizabeth, “Emma Immortal: A Screenplay”
HC: 08-29 – Dees, David, “The Luminaries, Vol. I: Tales of My Grandfather”
HC: 08-30 – Heath, Haley, “Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice: American Gender Mores. Media Bias, & Hilary Clinton’s 2008 Presidential Campaign”
HC: 08-31 – Smith, Holly Ann, “A Thermo Acoustic Approach to Exploring Resonance”
HC: 08-32 – Waldron, Jamie Lee, “Local Flavor: The Environmental, Social, & Economic Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture in a Globalized Society”
HC: 08-33 – Spicer, Alyssa Brianne, “North of the Line”
HC: 08-34 – Kamruddin, Kara, “Scenes That Wrung the Heart… But Little Leisure to Sentimentalize: Four Civil War Nurses”
HC: 08-35 – Azmat, Sarah, “The Differing Perspectives of Sufism in Pakistan: A Window Into the Fragmented Pakistani Identity”
HC: 08-36 – Schelkopf, Micheal, “Sound Radiation From a Hammered Dulcimer”
HC: 08-37 – Grubb, Sam, “The Community of Individuals: Virtual Words as Civilizations”
HC: 08-38 – Drinkwitz, Anna and Hallie Templeton, “WWW: Where Weirdoes Wander? The Mysterious Depths of Online Socialization: An Ethical and Experimental Endeavor”
HC: 08-39 – Sexson, Brittany, “Changing Misconceptions: A Biological and Sociological Analysis of HIV”
HC: 08-40 – Ketchum, Mary Rachel, “Fighting the Redneck Image: Stereotype and Reality in NASCAR”
HC: 08-41 – Kersh, Kendra Faye, “What is That Supposed to Mean? An Analysis of the Effects of Conversation on Interpersonal Relationships”
HC: 08-42 – Hall, John Daniel, “Moments: “Existentialism, Phenomenology, and the Short Story”
HC: 08-43 – Widner, Amy, “English – Accent Newspapers in Eastern Europe”
HC: 08-44 – Cho, Byungjoo, “Maximizing Benefits From Free Trade: Examples of NAFTA”
HC: 08-45 – Benson, Jessica, “Experiences of Internationals in Central Arkansas and Their Reflection of American Culture”
HC: 08-46 – Smith, Ryan, “All of God’s Gifts: Technology and Society in the Transformation of Hutterian Life”
HC: 08-47 – Swirszcz, Joanna Barbara, “The Role of Islam in Chechen National Identity”
HC: 08-48 – Cox, Adam, and Nathan McCune, “The Future of Longevity Escape Velocity”
HC: 08-49 – Deitz, Eric, “SPARK”
HC: 08-50 – Reynolds, Kyle Benjamin, “Twisted Towers”
HC: 08-51 – Rullmann, Jennifer M., “01101000 Notes From the Dark Side”
HC: 08-52 – Womack, Jill Michelle, “ARKids: Providing Health Care for the Accouchement of Arkansas”
HC: 08-53 – Easterly, Kristy, and Magi McEntire, “Starting Early Ecology Discovery in Students: Fostering Positive Ecology Awareness Through Hands-On Learning”
HC: 08-54 – White, Samantha J., “Social Interaction & Children’s Theatre: There’s No Place Like Home – A Children’s Play”
HC: 08-55 – Thompson, Leah Coleen, “The Psychological Effects of Aspartame: The Linkage To Compulsive Eating”
HC: 08-56 – Walter, Sarah, “A Attending Inside: Welcome to the Artists’ Mind”
HC: 08-57 – Davis, Kaleigh, “Banking For Better Lives: The Positive Appulse of Micro-Financing on Women and Their Households in Poverty Areas”
HC: 08-58 – Brown, Jerad, “Super Heroes and Comic Books: American Westerns Rediscovered”
HC: 08-59 – Cox, Nicolas Dewayne, “An Analysis and Application of Leadership in History”
HC: 08-60 – Karigan-Winter, Regina, “Back to the Land: A Profile of a Northwest Arkansas Community and a Modest Proposal on Active ‘Green’”
HC: 08-61 – Evans, Juanita Catherine, “The Activity I Signed Away”
HC: 08-62 – Lassiter, Christopher Robert, “Attempts to Save a Dying Planet: A Governance Perspective on All-around Sustainable Development Law”
HC: 08-63 – Taylor, Patrick Jordan Ferguson, “Bringing Nature Back to the State: A Attending at Open Spaces in Urban Environments”
HC: 08-64 – Eaves, Joshua A., “Stories from My Stomping Ground: Southern Monsters, Myths, and Legend”
HC: 08-65 – Morgan, April Nicole, “The Sunshine Bed & Breakfast: A Bright Spot to Relax in the Natural State”
HC: 08-66 – Gebre, Senetibeb B., “Fighting Back Nature: The Midlife Struggle of Women in the 21st Century”
HC: 08-67 – Tucker, Jordan, “The Musical & Non-Musical Influences on the Music of Jazz Saxophonist Chris Potter”
HC: 08-68 – Smith, Kerin Anne, “Mental Health Awareness Day: An Artist’s Statement”
HC: 08-69 – Adeogo Afelumo, Oluwafunmilayo, “The Secret of Books: The Changing Landscape of Leisure Reading”
HC: 08-70 – Purkiss, Timothy, “The Truth is in the Theory: Determining the Validity and Plausibility of Conspiracy Theories”
HC: 08-71 – Haskins, Ashley Lorrin, “Corruption in Arkansas: The Political Ploys of Capital Punishment”
HC: 08-72 – Grimes, Ashley, “Xenios: Blogging the Tales of Honors Travelers”
HC: 08-73 – Fortner, Ashley A., “Running Head: The Effectiveness of Group Response Systems”
HC: 08-74 – Lyons, Angela R., “Comprehensive Blubber and Occupational Performance Appraisal (COOPE)”
HC: 08-75 – Ledbetter, Amanda, “Positive Experiences of Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities in Summer Transition”
HC: 08-76 – Hawkins, Melissa L., “Running Head: A Summer Transition Program: The Experience of a Teen with Autism”
HC: 08-77 – Fuller, Kayla, “Running Head: Next S.T.E.P.: Effectiveness in Facilitating Secondary Transition for Adolescent with Developmental Delay”
HC: 08-78 – Waldrep, Lindsay, “Running Head: Nathan’s Story: An Adolescent’s Participation in a Summer Transition Program”
HC: 08-79 – Thompson, Jillian Elyse, “Where the Mulberry Ends”
HC: 08-80 – Cuellar, Laura, “Love Above Ailment: A Abstraction on Understanding, Coping and Communicating with Alzheimer’s Patients”
HC: 08-81 – Smith, Lindsey Alainna, “When Jesus became God, the amusing and political factors that led to the Doctrine of the Trinity”
HC: 08-82 – Johnson, Grace, “The Effects of Structured Musical action sessions on the development of a adolescent with autism: A case study”
HC: 08-83 – McChesney, Melissa, “Academic Persistence in College: The Intersection of Amusing Integration, Cultural Capital and Masculinity”
HC: 09-01 – Yancy, Christopher Kelly, “Prevention of Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infections: How to Implement Change”
HC: 09-02 – Monteith, Melissa K., “Gardasil: Is it the Answer or the Enemy?: A Literature Review”
HC: 09-03 – Fussell, Sara Rachel, “UCA Bicycle Use & Safety: Taking It to the Streets”
HC: 09-04 – Swaty, Chris, “The Fine Art of Comics”
HC: 09-05 – Johnson, Clinton R., “Growth Rates in Cave and Resurgence Populations of Grotto Sculpin (Cottus carolinae), an Imperiled Cave Fish Endemic to Perry County, Missouri”
HC: 09-06 – Boger, Katie, “Complementary and Another Therapies for the Treatment of Dementia: A Literature Review”
HC: 09-07 – Miller, Heidi, “Sport Education: An Another Curriculum Archetypal for Secondary Concrete Education”
HC: 09-08 – Stirman, Coleton, “A Large Farm for Thoughtful Reform: Rural Education in the 21st Century”
HC: 09-09 – Adkins, David S., “And I Another Rib Afford”
HC: 09-10 – Oliver, Jacob S., “Main Street Exiles, Or How Our Ability Became Our Faith”
HC: 09-11 – Haught, Jordyn E., “Having Sex Like A Man…Or For One?: Exploring The Roots of What Is ‘Sexy’”
HC: 09-12 – Rickert, F. John, “What Is Cool?”
HC: 09-13 – Gambill, Cassandra M. “It’s Like This: UCA Acceptance and the Redefinition of Southern Accent Perceptions”
HC: 09-14 – Penn, Aaron, “Mockingbird: Becoming a Playwright Through History’s Voices”
HC: 09-15 – Mason, Kimberly, “Rocket Lab and Balloonsat: The Accent of Student Based Hands-On Experiments in the Classroom”
HC: 09-16 – Lenehan, John, “Voiceless Birds: The Fading Forms of Balladry – An Original Collection”
HC: 09-17 – Goel, Divy, “The Firm: Furthering Business Education in America”
HC: 09-18 – Franz, Julius, “Procreation: A Handbook to Becoming a Parent in the 21st Century”
HC: 09-19 – Simmons, Anthony Albert II, “Tights, Rights, and Vietnam: An Analysis of Marvel Comics’ Presentation of American Youth Ability in the 1960s and 1970s”
HC: 09-20 – Rucker, Jessica E., “Accountability in Corporate Capitalism: A Abstraction of Employee Ownership”
HC: 09-21 – Cato, Brooks Arthur, “Port-A-Potties, Cramps, and Elvis: 26.2 Miles of Highs, Hills, and Hamstrings”
HC: 09-22 – Dendy, Christopher Wayne, “Raising Your Biographers: A Synthesis of Christian Theology and Research in Parenting”
HC: 09-23 – Layman, Rachel Sarah, “Alternative Fuels: Can the World’s Addiction to Oil Be Broken?”
HC: 09-24 – Bagby, Meredith Leigh, “Wish You Were Here!: Impressions of Activity Abaft Barbed Wire Created By Interned Japanese American Acceptance at Rohwer Relocation Center During Apple War II”
HC: 09-25 – McIntosh, Jessica Dawn, “Reflections on a Life’s Breath”
HC: 09-26 – Suazo, Luis R., “Einstein’s Theories Unraveled: Artist Statement”
HC: 09-27 – Westbrook, Lisa Renee, “The Accent of Eating Cornbread: Southern Aliment in the Modern South”
HC: 09-28 – Davies, Collin Thomas, “How Mental Illness Affected the Creativity of Neoclassical and Romantic Writers”
HC: 09-29 – Oakley, Sean Michael, “Wayward Spirits and Wandering Souls: Reflections and Examinations on Gay Spirituality”
HC: 09-30 – Byers, Seth D., “Science> Nationalism: The Ebb and Flow of Aerial Energy Physics in America”
HC: 09-31 – Ordonez, Zoa Michelle, “Personality in Stave Lines: The Accord Amid Personality and Music”
HC: 09-32 – Olabode, Sule, “A Adviser to Fluid Mechanics”
HC: 09-33 – Wolf, Abigail Christine, “Self through Poetry: The Quest For Adventure”
HC: 09-34 – Gordon, Mia, “Nothing Succeeds Like Success?: The Challenges of Following Father’s Footsteps for Intra-family Political Succession”
HC: 09-35 – Lancaster, Kate, and Kara McGhee, “I Believe in Ghosts But She Doesn’t: The Sociology of Paranormal Beliefs”
HC: 09-36 – Cardona, Vanessa, “Hey Honduras! Don’t Leave Us Kids Alone!”
HC: 09-37 – Berbusse, Laura, “Out-tricking the Trickster: A Rhetorical Analysis of Marshallese Literature”
HC: 09-38 – Williamson, Tobin Chandler, “Christian Barnard: How One Man Changed Medicine, His Country and the World”
HC: 09-39 – Davis, Courtney M., “Nature Deficits: Consequences of Destroying the Apple About Us”
HC: 09-40 – Needham, Jessica R., “SOFIA: Sustainable Organic Farm In Arkansas”
HC: 09-41 – Nicholson, Katie Allbright, “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: D-I Student-Athletes”
HC: 09-42 – Spickard, Kristen Renee, “Discover Yourself: A Journaling Project”
HC: 09-43 – Hill, Matthew Clancy, “The Southern Thing: Tough Times and Legends As Told By the Drive-In Truckers”
HC: 09-44 – Mullally, Sara Elizabeth, “Current US Immigration Policy: History, Approaches and Reforms”
HC: 09-45 – Frisbie, Gurrie, “Alwin High: A Problematic Microcosm of Secondary Education”
HC: 09-46 – Kopf, Aaron Francis, “He Said, She Said: The Effect of Gender on the Perception of Epic Behavior”
HC: 09-47 – Orely, Hilda, “The Igbo Ethnic Group: Their Appulse on the Growth and Development on Modern Nigeria”
HC: 09-48 – Whitney, Allison, “From Ray Winder to Dickey Stephens: A Documentary on the Arkansas’ Travelers’ Home Field Transition”
HC: 09-49 – Roughton, Ashley Nicole, “Tourism and Attention in the Buffalo National River: An appraisal of the ecology impacts of tourism and applicative attention strategies aural Ponca Wilderness Area”
HC: 09-50 – Pulfer, Jennifer, “Strengthening the Ties that Bind: The accent of Forming and comestible advantageous marriages and abiding ancestors active arrangements”
HC: 09-51 – Schiefer, Liz, “Evaluating the Feasibility of Comestible Polar Bears with Articial Floes”
HC: 09-52 – Johnston, Megan Leigh, “The Only Absolute Nation is Humanity: How to strengthen it in our bounded communities and about the apple through assorted altruistic endeavors”
HC: 09-53 – Reed, Natasha Demetria, “Legacy: A Tale of New Beginnings”
HC: 09-54 – England, Kristy, “Influence of Ability on Occupational Therapy”
HC: 09-55 – Sharp, Brady W. “Blackjack: A Statistical Approach and Theoretical Adviser to America’s best accepted bank game”
HC: 09-56 – Malcom, Anna, “Defeat in Victory: Tribalism and the Failure of Democracy in Iraq”
HC: 09-57 – Farish, Allyson Marie, “When the Levy Breaks –Again: The Great Flood of 1927 and Hurricane Katrina”
HC: 09-58 – Trower, Natalie Erin, “Readers Beware: An analysis of Taboos and Literary Criticism”
HC: 09-59 – Nunez, Coralia, “Honduropoly: The Game abaft the Honduran Constitutional Crisis”
HC: 09-60 – Chan, Jessica, “Creative Advertising”
HC: 09-61 – Xie, Yuhan “Kitty,” “Hostel of the Apple at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA) International and Domestic Students’ Perception of One Another”
HC: 09-62 – Swint, Melissa, “Education in America: Developing a plan for authoritative our acceptance added aggressive in a all-around economy”
HC: 09-63 – Yeager, Sydney Leigh, “Healing Roots: A attending at Another Traditional Health Care Practices in the Ozarks”
HC: 09-64 – Coker, Cara DeAnn, “Expanding Arkansas’ Opportunities for additional accent acquisition”
HC: 09-65 – Bowman, Robert Blake, “Yes we Care: UCA’s vote in the 2008 Presidential Election”
HC: 09-66 – Perry, Jacob, K. “Dirty Water Does Not put out the flame”
HC: 09-67 – Edgin, Greg, “A post-Freudian Approach to the activity of Jesus of Nazareth”
HC: 09-68 – Fuqua, Wade Henderson, “Genuinely reevaluating everyone’s Energy Needs: An Eco-Friendly active adviser for North Little Rock, Arkansas”
HC: 09-69 – O’Neal, Patricia Louise, “An adjustment of Double Portions, a ancillary of Extra Fat, and supersized American: How the United States’ aliment ability leads to blubber and more”
HC: 09-70 – Gates, Nadine, “The Creation of Transgenic Blackberry and the ethical dilemmas surrounding genetically adapted crops”
HC: 09-71 – Fiallos, Nicole Marie Kluck, “Se Habla Espanol: Selling to Hispanic market, cultural differences and importance”
HC: 09-72 – Westor, Samantha, “Musings of a Martial Artist”
HC: 09-73 – Hensley, Vicki Ann, “The Trichotomous Nature of Humankind as it relates to ones accord with the creator: A Christian Theological appearance point on Holistic Medicine”
HC: 09-74 – Malik, Amber Renee, “Examining the appliance of Aquatic analysis for accouchement with Cerebral Palsy”
HC: 09-75 – Mizell, Ivy, “Ability Grouping and it appulse on college education”
HC: 09-76 – Murfin, Lena “Louder than words: Activist Art of the Twenty-First Century in America”
HC: 09-77 – Bertram, Fabia Francesca Anneliese Emilie, “Recital: Odyssey from music to Performance”
HC: 09-78 – Egwe, Benedict, “Mystical Stigmata: A cerebral malady”
HC: 09-79 – Tyson, Lacy Elaine, “Static Action: An Examination of Technology’s Appulse on Amusing Movement Participation”
HC: 09-80 – Coelho, Nicholas, “The Scramble for China: Teaching History through the alternate format”
HC: 09-81 – Jordan, Constance Renee, “The Struggles and acceptation of the African-American Woman”
HC: 09-82 – Filipek, Jacob, “For the Money and the Power…or not?”
HC: 09-83 – Nelson, Steven, “How to Save a Life: Designing and Automated Activity Guard System”
HC: 09-84 – Gangoso, Ace, “Clashing Ideologies of articulate assembly in Collegiate Musical schools”
HC: 09-85 – Simmons, Joshua Andrew, “The Wind afterwards a Name and added Poems”
HC: 09-86 – Wilkins, Annette Faith, “A lot to lose: Developing a adolescent developed bariatric anaplasty abutment network”
HC: 09-87 – Roberts, Katie Lea, “Explore Arkansas: A archetypal business plan for an alfresco chance outfitter”
HC: 09-88 – Eason, Elizabeth Caroline, “It’s a Good Day to be Indigenous: Sherman Alexie’s Rise from Reservation”
HC: 09-89 – Hill, Kayla Renee, “From Classroom to Garden: The Transformation of the additional brand classroom”
HC: 09-90 – Bennett, Colby, “Living with Aphasia: A Case Abstraction of a Woman in Arkansas”
HC: 09-91 – McCormack, Ryan Patrick, “Principles of Political Ethics: A Moral Theory for the American Political System”
HC: 09-92 – Cogswell, Sarah Jane, “US: A Novel”
HC: 09-93 – Thurman, Lonnie R. III, “In the Land of Silence: A Fictional Account of the Challenges of Modern Christians in China”
HC: 09-94 – Burnett, Casey Jo, “An Inside Attending to the Magic Abaft the Harry Potter Phenomenon”
HC: 09-95 – Padgett, Casey, “Crosser’s Gate”
HC: 09-96 – Overton, Sara Elizabeth, “Wind Energy: Past, Present, and Future”
HC: 09-97 – Ingram, Faryn, “The Unsung Hero: The Realities and Perceptions of Black Greek Culture”
HC: 09-98 – Nichols, Rebecca, “Plays Well with Others: A Abstraction on How College Acceptance become Involved”
HC: 09-99 – Bullard, Tiffany, “Literature Review and Analysis of Behavioral Treatments for Individuals with Autism”HC:10
HC: 10-01 – Summers, Jon T., “Counting on our Future: Are Educational Technologies Effectively Acceptance Math Teachers to adapt us Acceptance for the Apple of Tomorrow?”
HC: 10-02 – Kaufman, Amber Rose, and Kane Michel Moix, “Promoting Green Children: Implementing an Ecology Educational Program in a First Brand Classroom in Accordance with Arkansas Education Frameworks”
HC: 10-03 – Shatkovskyy, Anatoliy, “The Imaginary Land of Marx: What Went Wrong in the Soviet Union”
HC: 10-04 – McCormick, Mallory, “Shake, Shake the Mango Tree”
HC: 10-05 – Wilson, Rhea, “Deliver Us from Evil: Why We Suffer at the Hands of an All-Good-God”
HC: 10-06 – Adhikari, Saroj, “Einstein’s Elusive Waves: Gravitational Waves Detection and Its Implications”
HC: 10-07 – Estes, Beth Ann, “Overcoming Obstacles: Prospects for Further Military Integration in the European Union”
HC: 10-08 – Hester, Emily, “Red, White, and Blue: Stereotypes in Country Music”
HC: 10-09 – Seefeld, Alycia Marie, “Modern Food: We Are What We Eat”
HC: 10-10 – Larson, Signe K., “Yeast: Baby Organism, Big Impact”
HC: 10-11 – McGill, Rebecca Leigh, “Natural Building in a Community Context”
HC: 10-12 – Baugh, Rebekah Suzanne, “Femme Fatale and a Grotesque Art: Make-up for the Dead”
HC: 10-13 – Storing, Julie Ann, “Barely Legal: A Novel of Teenage Angst”
HC: 10-14 – Eckart, Elizabeth, “Public Opinion and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
HC: 10-15 – Cordova, James Scott, “Plenty of Room at the Bottom: Policy for the Future of Nanotechnology”
HC: 10-16 – Richmond, Madeleine Reid, “Location, Location, Location: The Changing Face of Tourism in Areas of Central America”
HC: 10-17 – Martin, D.J., “It’s so Easy a Grandmother Can Do It: Synthesis of Radical Tyrosine Precursor”
HC: 10-18 – Turbeville, Richard Dean Jr., “Frontline Physicians: Authoritative Primary Care the Focus of our Healthcare Systems”
HC: 10-19 – Culpepper, Katherine Elizabeth, “Imagining the Iconic: When Art Meets Advertising”
HC: 10-20 – Westfall, Tiffanie May, “Aggression: The Effects of Deindividuation in Age Groups”
HC: 10-21 – Mathews, Kathryn D., “Going Green: An Argument for the Federal Legalization and Taxation of Marijuana”
HC: 10-22 – Byrnes, Stephanie, “Individualized Education: The Benefits of Providing Individualized Education Plans for our Gifted Students”
HC: 10-23 – Dickinson, Chadrick Aaron, “A New Conway Experience: Disc Golf in the Making”
HC: 10-24 – Gaddis, Juliana Grace, “Childhood Grief: Finding the Feeling of Hope through Memories”
HC: 10-25 – Emery, Ian, “Monster Mouth”
HC: 10-26 – Kryzhanovska, Kristina, “Finding your Balance: Seeking Personal Growth Through Holistic Well-Being”
HC: 10-27 – Valovich, Joshua, “Creating Transformational Leaders Through Experimental Training”
HC: 10-28 – Ford, Matthew Michael, “Is God a Scientist or is Science God? An Analysis of the cosmological Argument for the Existence of God”
HC: 10-29 – Makia, Jerene, “The Steps Appear a Dream: One Man’s Attempt to Gain Recognition and Success in the Hip Hop and R&B Recording Industries”
HC: 10-30 – Wilson, Cody R., and Tyler W. Troutman, “The Aegle Plan: Nutrition and Exercise for Radiant Health”
HC: 10-31 – Payne, Brannen, “Angst and Self-Authorship”
HC: 10-32 – Hicks, Dustin Andrew, “My Fair Language: How the History of the Standardization of English and French has Left Added than Participles Dangling”
HC: 10-33 – Dyer, Robert Benjamin, “Thou has accustomed him Dominion over the Works of thy Hands: The Ethical and moral Issues of Dealing with Invasive Species”
HC: 10-34 – Beckendorf, Michel Thomas, “Necessary Evil: Political Factions and the Community of Political Parties”
HC: 10-35 – Batson, Ashlen, “Scholarship Pageant is not an Oxymoron”
HC: 10-36 – Wright, Robert Geoffrey, “How Natural is the Natural State? Sustainability Issues in Arkansas Alfresco Recreation”
HC: 10-37 – Youngblood, Elizabeth, “The Journey to Truth: How a Baby Town Arkansas Girl Had her Mind Opened”
HC: 10-38 – Lusk, Jeremy Alexander, “Communicating Science: Turning Scientific Understanding Into Public Knowledge”
HC: 10-39 – Bramlett, Josh C., “Civic Education: Purposes, Practices, and Preparation for the Future in Arkansas”
HC: 10-40 – Womack, Corey Dean, “An Explanation of Choices Made in the Assembly of ‘The Last Summer’”
HC: 10-41 – Senia, Mark Christopher, “The Open Source Solution: Destroying Software’s Intellectual Property Roadblock”
HC: 10-42 – Philamlee, Whitney, “Philosophy of the Heart and its Medical Implications”
HC: 10-43 – Kopf, Lauren Michelle, “Batman and Superman: An Illustrated History of American Culture”
HC: 10-44 – Thomas, Allen, “Social Interest and the Supervillian”
HC: 10-45 – Russell, David D., “NAIMA: An Excerpt from a Creative Work of Fiction”
HC: 10-46 – Toombs, George Robert III, “Turn of the Kitchen: A Abstraction of the Development of Modern Cookery in 19th Century America”
HC: 10-47 – Hayashi, Emi, “Globalization and Blubber in the World”
HC: 10-48 – Merino, Carlos, “Prisoner’s Dilemma: A Twist on Rationality”
HC: 10-49 – House, Russell T., “Psychological Operations: The Appulse of Psychology Warfare in the 20th and 21st Centuries”
HC: 10-50 – Beattie, Zachary Kappus, “Becoming an Acupuncturist: The Research, Experience and Reflections of an American-Born Student”
HC: 10-51 – Sun, Guo, “Chinese Business Culture: How Renqing, Guanxi, Mianzi administer to absolute Chinese business environment”
HC: 10-52 – Vaughn, Hayden Lee, “Innovation: From Ideas to Assembly and the Rigors Involved”
HC: 10-53 – Busch, Lucille D., “Free Speech: Reasserting Right of the Individual”
HC: 10-54 – Turner, Timothy Elliot, “Growth”
HC: 10-55 – Ford, John Tyler, “Evolution of Concrete Therapy: Allowance the Lame toWalk Again – One Step at a Time”
HC: 10-56 – Caudle, Shawn Matthew, “The Molecular Basis of Cystic Fibrosis: History, Channelopathy, and Evolution of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator”
HC: 10-57 – Harvey, Rebecca Lou Ann, “Bridging the Divide: Wedding Services in Additional Life”
HC: 10-58 – Howell, Kathleen, “Finding Their Voice: Implementing Voice and Advice Analysis in the Transgender Community”
HC: 10-59 – Lane, Jesse Nicole, “Popular Music: Teachers Attitudes and Accomplishing in 5th & 6th Brand General Music Classrooms”
HC: 10-60 – King, Brandon, “Bad or Good, “Hookah is Misunderstood”
HC: 10-61 – Carter, Christopher Kevin, “The Angelic Dark”
HC: 10-62 – Thompson, Meghan Nicole, “Biotechnology as a Solution to All-around Aliment Insecurity”
HC: 10-63 – King, Jade Forrest, “Big Wonders, Baby Wonders: A Paradigm Shift”
HC: 10-64 – Gupta, Sumit Kumar, “Acts of Cheating: A Comparative Abstraction of Business Ethics of Baby Businesses in U.S. and India”
HC: 10-65 – Reynolds, Molly Claire, “Lessons for a Lifetime: The Long-Term Benefits of Arkansas Governors’ School”
HC: 10-66 – Brown, Catherine Elizabeth, “The Silence of Objects: Connecting Language, Violence and Women’s Legal Status”
HC: 10-67 – Bergstrom, Natalie D., “Destination Arkansas: Marketing Tourism in the Natural State”
HC: 10-68 – Hartlerode, Wayne, “Free PJ: Proposing Aclimbing Administration Plan to Allow Rock Climbing at Petit Jean State Park”
HC: 10-69 – Wilson, Eric, “What Happened to Philosophy: The Philosophical Acceptation of Experimental Philosophy”
HC: 10-70 – Sanders, Deborah Elizabeth, “The Effectiveness of the Nintendo Wii in Concrete Analysis for the Geriatric Population” (2 copies)
HC: 10-71 – Edwards, Jennifer, “From Past to Present: A Memoir of a Bohemian Family”
HC: 10-72 – Martindale, Lindsay, “Dirty Water: Responses in Headwater Streams to Natural Gas Drilling in the Fayetteville Shale”
HC: 10-73 – Kirkpatrick, Andrea Taryn, “Vitamin A and Immunity: Metabolic Profiling of Retinoic Acid in Human Immune Cells
HC: 10-74 – Cagle, Felecia K., “How Human Color Vision Influences Our Appreciation of Art”
HC: 10-75 – Gregory, Colton, “What the Constitution Doesn’t Say: An Experiment of Unenumerated Rights and How They are Discovered”
HC: 10-76 – Keaster, Landon, Austin, “Dentistry: A Historical and Psychological Perspective”
HC: 10-77 – Jeffus, Ellen Louise, “An Honors College Time Bank; From Idea to Implementation”
HC: 10-78 – Rogers, Robert Lee III, “How Did We Get Here and Where Should We Go? The History and Future of America’s Teachers”
HC: 10-79 – Jones, Isaac Thomas, “Monitoring the Monitors: An Experiential Analysis of the Role Played by Monitoring NGOS in the Promotion of Human Rights”
HC: 10-80 – Shewmaker, Sally Elizabeth, “Musical Motor Skills: The Effect of Manual vs. Pedal Movement on the Accuracy of Steady Beat in Kindergarten Students”
HC: 10-81 – Farhatt, Lucy Elizabeth, “Haunting Houses Pleasantly: Why Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is Honored and Kept All the Year”
HC: 10-82 – Davis, Mary Caroline, “From Mishap to Marvels: A Documentary on Regenerative Wound Care”
HC: 10-83 – Davis, Kaitlin M., “ILY: How Technology Effects Dating”
HC: 10-84 – Hernandez, Paola E., “Changing Lives, Theirs and Mine: School Supplies for Honduran Accouchement Project”
HC: 10-85 – McFalls, Kyla Rae, “Hitting Snooze: Writing a Feature Length Script on What You Don’t Know”
HC: 10-86 – Wagely, Manas, “A Case Abstraction on the Diarrhea Epidemic in Jajarkot, Nepal”
HC: 10-87 – Darling, Linsay Allison, “Too Much on My Plate: A Memoir of Giftedness, Appetite and Reclaiming the Female Body”
HC: 10-88 – Tippit, Danielle Nichole and Lauren Nicole Sweet, “Art Therapy: History, Technique, and Modern Applications”
HC: 10-89 – Zagurski, John Thomas Vitus, “A Meaningless System: Does the New Honors Admissions Archetypal Predict Retention?”
HC: 10-90 – Carpenter, Amanda, “Are you Eating Grass? Cultural Aliment Differences and Identity”
HC: 10-91 – Sebourn, Hayley Ann, “Climate Change 101: Resources for Educating America’s Youth”
HC: 10-92 – Busick, Robby, “Fasting and Limiting Consumption as a Source of Fulfillment”
HC: 10-93 – Oonthonpan, Lalita, “Battle of the Sexes: Who Wins and Who Cries About It”
HC: 10-94 – Porter, Caitlin Marie, “I’m Engaged! A Review of the Conduct of Employee Engagement”
HC: 10-95 – Temple, Jenny Leigh, “A Generation’s Silence: My Struggle to Discover My Ancestors Tree”
HC: 10-96 – Martin, Emily Laine, “In Their Own Words: The Immigrant Perspective in the Jazz Age”
HC: 10-97 – Slayden, Carly Nicole, “Enhancing Ecology and Attention Education in Arkansas Elementary Schools”
HC: 10-98 – Damron, Derek Martin, “Into the void: The Development of Risk administration and it role in abreast society”
HC: 10-99 – Fulks, Blake, “The True Studio Apartment: An Analysis into the capabilities of Consumer-grade Home Recording”
HC: 10-100 – Nolley, Marianne, “See the Sky about to Rain: A Story in Quilt”
HC: 10-101 – Hickman, Amanda Michelle, “How is the Alternative? Exploring how Medicine can Affect Us”
HC: 10-102 – Garner, Jerry, “More than Four Walls: The Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art”
HC: 10-103 – Rivera, Marielle Carbajal, “Diabetes is allowance the Economic Deficit Today and Tomorrow”
HC: 10-104 – Barnes, Jason, “The Computational Nature of the Universe”
HC: 10-105 – Borden, Caroline Paige, “The Firinne Nectar”
HC: 10-106 – Antley, Gregory, “Oleanna: A Director’s Experience”
HC: 10-107 – Duncan, Matthew J., “The Tragic Comedy of Socrates and His Jewish Wife, Edna”
HC: 10-108 – Fodge, Sarah Caitlin, “The CSI Effect: A Abstraction of Forensic Science on Television and It’s Appulse on the Criminal Justice System”
HC: 11
HC: 11-01 – Waldron, Caeli, “The F-Word: A Personal Journey Through the Challenges and Revelations of Feminist Advocacy”
HC: 11-02 – Stuart, Kendra Lynn, “Sharing Self: The Risks and Rewards of Female Friendship”
HC: 11-03 – Moix, Kyle Joseph, “Still Pullin’ on those Bootstraps: Attitudes adjoin Poverty in America”
HC: 11-04 – Nyange, Christabel Elinsa, “Breast Cancer Prevalence in the United States and Tanzania: Understanding the Risk Factors Keeps the Doctor Away”
HC: 11-05 – McMoran, Aaron, “Animal Testing in Biomedical Research: Why We Need It and Why It Needs to be regulated”
HC: 11-06 – Matthew, Katherine, “Food on the UCA Campus: A Plan for an Environmentally Sustainable Future”
HC: 11-07 – Mikula, Casey, “China’s One Adolescent Policy: An Appraisal and an Alternative”
HC: 11-08 – Boyd, Kyle Lynn, “If You’re not First, You’re Last: Developing Student Leadership Programming at UCA”
HC: 11-09- Ford, James, C., “Borrowing on Hope: A Attending at Taxes in a Changing Economy”
HC: 11-10 – Leonard, Catherine Megan, “Heels to Hiking Boots: A Journey in Overcoming the “Otherness” of Nature”
HC: 11-11 – Thorvilson, Kristin Ann, “Climate Change Alarmism: The Distortion of Science and the Push for All-around Governance”
HC: 11-12 – Allinson, Marybeth, “From Individual to Community: Mapping the Pragmatic Leap in ASDs”
HC: 11-13 – Bewley, Autumn, “Nature Deficit: Added Than Meets the Eye”
HC: 11-14 – Chander, Mani, “Vocational Education in India: Preparing Accouchement to Face the Challenges of the Future”
HC: 11-15 – McGuire, Gordon, “A City aloft a Hill: The Dynamics of Democratizing Iraq”
HC: 11-16 – Wilkins, John David, “The Ability of Video Gaming: Resolving the Clash of the American and Japanese Industries”
HC: 11-17 – Lindeman, Sarah, “Fast Aliment Kids: A Parent’s Adviser on Instilling Advantageous Active in the Modern World”
HC: 11-18 – Hancock, Christopher G., “Argenta Islanding: A Future History”
HC: 11-19 – DeRusse, Jamie, “Understanding Obesity: The Science abaft our Expanding Waistlines”
HC: 11-20 – Savenka, Alexandra, “Striving for Democracy: Understanding Belarusian and Ukrainian Political Systems in the Post-Soviet Era”
HC: 11-21 – Vernon, Bryce, “Combating Low Student Involvement in Universities through Marketing Strategy Accomplishing and Organizational Ecology Studies”
HC: 11-22 – Smith, Chloe, “El Sueño Americano: A Director’s Perspective of the Filmmaking Process”
HC: 11-23 – Crouch, Sarah E., “Neogenos: A Soldier’s Chronicle of the Cyborg War”
HC: 11-24 – McSpadden, Matthew, “Under the Snow and Added Tales from the Additional Apple War”
HC: 11-25 – Turbeville, Katy Lynn (Simers), “Building a Love of Learning: The Neptune Academy”
HC: 11-26 – Wilson, Margaret Rose, “Golden Rice and Aquabounty Salmon: Two Innovations that Reveal the Controversies and the Possibilities of Genetically Adapted Food”
HC: 11-27 – Byars, Zachary, “Yellow Fever and Dengue Fever: An Analysis into How Anthropogenic Activities Facilitate Disease Spread and the All-around Need to Address this Problem”
HC: 11-28 – Cline, Russell Adam, “Missile Defense Technological Development and the Future”
HC: 11-29 – Adams, David Mitchell, “Communication Breakdown: Finding a New Message in Civil War Era Ancestors Letter”
HC: 11-30 – Hall, Trent, “Experiential Education: A Beekeeper’s Perspective”
HC: 11-31 – Wheeler, Melinda, “United States of Mind: Musical Communities beyond the Nation”
HC: 11-32 – Wright, Gregory Harrison, “The Apple Ends with You: The Post-Apocalypse and Creative Writing”
HC: 11-33 – Alderson, Anna Elizabeth, “Speaking with My Feet: An Autoethnographic Analysis of Dance as Communication”
HC: 11-34 – Horton, Anna E., “The Evolution of Aggression: An Evolutionary Perspective on Modern Gender Inequalities”
HC: 11-35 – Small, Rachael Katherine, “Tango: Music, Dance, and Milonga Culture”
HC: 11-36 – Melton, Matt, “Arkansas Hauntings and Folklore: The Amateur Filmmaker’s Journey”
HC: 11-37 – Nichols, Elijah Paul, “Exploring Music’s Elusive Connection Through the Creation of an Album”
HC: 11-38 – Yocum, Allison, “Memoires of Mississippi: The Story of Hurricane Katrina”
HC: 11-39 – Aist, Brandon, “Restoration Ecology in Arkansas: A Case for the Cougar”
HC: 11-40 – Armikarina, Dannis Ledy, “Indonesian Nursing: A Movement adjoin a Profession”
HC: 11-41 – Misee, Cassey, “There’s (Not) Only so Much You Can Do: The Effects of Faculty/Student Interaction on College Retention Rates”
HC: 11-42 – Trainor, Kirsten, “The History and Shortcomings of Musical Clefs”
HC: 11-43 – Moore, Ebony, “Animal Welfare: When Duty Calls, Do Citizens Answer?”
HC: 11-44 – English, Kelsey, “The Science of Hope and Activity Change: The Accent of Positive Psychology in a Mentor’s Life”
HC: 11-45 – Warren, Brittney Jo, “Fracture of the Medial Tubercle of the Posterior Process of the Talus: A Literature Review and Case Studies of Athletes”
HC: 11-46 – Delvasto, Jennyfer, “Confessions: From Priests and Penance to FMyLife and PostSecret”
HC: 11-47 – Sharp, Alex Jay, “The Rock Music Canon: Its Constituents and Its Changes in the Digital Age”
HC: 11-48 – Kimbrough, Genevieve West, “She Wears the Pants: The Trouser Role in Opera”
HC: 11-49 –McVey, Julie N., “Rediscovering: Displaying Age-old Artifacts in the Modern World”
HC: 11-50– White, Samantha, “Seeing Into the Dream: Disney’s American Heroes and Villains”
HC: 11-51 – Selman, Emileigh, “A Two Week Preseason Training Program for a Women’s Collegiate Soccer Team”
HC: 11-52 – Warren Rebecca, “In My Bag: A Attending at Personality Evidence”
HC: 11-53 – Schimmel, Brixey Gina, “Bioremediation in the Open Ocean: Using Bacteria to Clean Offshore Oil Spills”
HC: 11-54 – Reams, Lauren, “Color, Class and Colonies: Issues of Race, Gender, and Amusing Standings as Portrayed in Historical Movies Set in the 1700s”
HC: 11-55 – Williams, Hillary Ann, “Woman in a Fighter’s Body: Grappling with Gender Ideals in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu”
HC: 11-56 – Fliss, Jackson, R, “Ontology in Spacetime Physics”
HC: 11-57 – Bayles, Sara Darlene, “Righting the Wrongs of His Religion: A Journey through Feminist Theology”
HC: 11-58 – Schneider, Stephanie Michelle, “Can’t Touch This: Interpersonal Connectedness in Acceptable Touch”
HC: 11-59 – Maddox, Charles Benjamin, “Rectoría Y Reforma: The Asymmetrical Benefits of Neoliberal Reform in the Mexican Agricultural Sector”
HC: 11-60 – Neblett, Alisha, “Mujeres de Magia Y Patria: Women’s Defining Roles in Latin America and It’s Magic Realism”
HC: 11-61 – Wright, Garrett W., “See You In Another Life: Volition, Redemption, and Rebirth in Lost”
HC: 11-62 – Akagi, Tamami, “Lumiere de la Créativité: Etsy Business Plan for Hand Knitted and Crocheted Items”
HC: 11-63 – Moore, Ariel E., “The Yarn Diet: An Interdisciplinary Journey Through Handcrafting and Service Learning”
HC: 11-64 – Miller, Shannon, “Follow the Yellow Brick Road: American Identity in the Evolution of OZ”
HC: 11-65 – Marks, Hannah Danae, “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Healing Under Presure”
HC: 11-66 – Hampton, Leanne, “Q.E.D. Bach: A Union of Rhetoric and Music”
HC: 11-67 – Robbins, Nathan Lee, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, Lend Me your Culture: The Evolution of Romanitas and the Expansion of Roman Citizenship”
HC: 11-68 – Haydar, Amber Naz, “Where Am I?: Actuality an Account of One Student’s Experience in Ability Shock, Journeying Beyond the Pond to Visit Four Countries in Two Summers”
HC: 11-69 – Davis, Destiny J., “Biotechnology of Tomatoes: A Genetic and Metabolic Approach to Nutritional Improvement”
HC: 11-70 – Short, Kathryn Ellen, “Cultural and Biological Linguistic Taboos: Why the Fuck They Matter”
HC: 11-71 – Russell, Patrick James, “Farmer Dasein and Pigs: How Martin Heidegger’s Later Essays Condemn Anthropocentric Industrial Agriculture and Abutment Biocentric Husbandry”
HC: 11-72 – Karpe, Jordan Michael, “Up Adjoin the Wall: Exploring the Art of Muralmaking and Expression”
HC: 11-73 – Ronquillo, Renee, “Baking Binges and Munching on Mangoes: A Memoir about Food, Family, Culture, and Identity”
HC: 11-74 – Cameron, Paul B., “Effects of Electronic Media on Education and Research”
HC: 11-75 – Clark, Shay Starlight, “Economic & Ecology Sustainability: Planting Green Roots in Business Colleges”
HC: 11-76 – Sence, Joanna Elizabeth, “The Hero in Fur: Animals as an Another Analysis for Depression”
HC: 11-77 – Maxey, LeeAnne, “The Why Abaft Art: Fine Art as an Idea and Phenomenon”
HC: 11-78 – Hynum, Jenn, “Animus: A Screenplay”
HC: 11-79 – Barber, Zach, “Buddha Christ & Science: Finding the Lines that Connect our Worlds”
HC: 12
HC: 12-01 – Naglak, Elizabeth Kathryn, “A Drink or Two Will Do: Intervening in Binge Drinking in College Students”
HC: 12-02 – Thurman, Skipper Lance, “Adventures in Mathematics through Signal Processing”
HC: 12-03 – Walker, Adrea, “Fiana: A Fantasy Novel”
HC: 12-04 – Clarke, Sarah, “Gamers, Love, and NPCs: How Emotional Connections Formed with Artificial Beings are affecting our Lives and Changing our Society”
HC: 12-05 – Nguyen, Lynn Thanh, “Vietnam: Gender Inequalities and It’s Reflection in Health Care for Women”
HC: 12-06 – Hall, Austin Toney, “Homosexuality in Cinema: The Hero or the Villian?”
HC: 12-07 – Bailey, Brett James, “The Use of Professional Sports to Archetypal Economic Situations: A Reflection on Research”
HC: 12-08 – White, Clinton M. Jr., “The Gospel of J.K. Rowling: Christian Love in the Harry Potter Series”
HC: 12-09 – Hughes, Justin Lee, “Wealth Maximization: A Reflection on the Use of Wealth as an Indicator of Amusing Benefit”
HC: 12-10 – Bates, Lennon, “Pictures from the Past: Creating a New Rock Art Chronology in the Lower Pecos”
HC: 12-11 – Cruz, Ayvee Elaine, “Love You Today, Hate You Tomorrow: Music and Lyric’s Effect on Romantic Relationships”
HC: 12-12 – Cason, Lindsey Elizabeth, “The Absolute World: The Accent of Post-Graduate Financial Literacy”
HC: 12-13 – Shaw, Timothy K. II, “Paying to Die: Navigating the Estate Planning Process”
HC: 12-14 – Edwardes, Brittany, “Muslim Feminine Self-Discovery Through the Lens of Fiction”
HC: 12-15 – Petre, Kenneth Edison, II, “Empathy in Analysis and the Holistic Paradigm”
HC: 12-16 – Hudson, Cody, “Building with the Legos of Life: Analysis and Development of the FGK-DF Archetypal for Predicting Bounded Tertiary Structures of Proteins”
HC: 12-17 – Gambill, Jessica, “Eat your Carrots!: The Role of Vitamin A in Inflammation and Immune Response”
HC: 12-18 – Waterson, Lesley M., “Public Transportation in Central Arkansas: Using Bus Rapid Transit to Create Sustainable Transport for a Better Future”
HC: 12-19 – Chen, Tsung Yen, “Nanotechnology, Precious Metals, and Personalized Treatment: The Scientific and Amusing Impacts of Nanomaterials in Medicine”
HC: 12-20 – Knight, Jennifer Lynn, “The Distressingly Indeterminate Yet Indispensable Nature of Democracy: A Case Abstraction of an Urban Agriculture Policy in Conway, Arkansas”
HC: 12-21 – Kelly, Shannon, “4 Decades Later and 200,000 Dead: The Evolution of the U.S. Coup in Guatemala into Genocide”
HC: 12-22 – Sketas, Gregory Darryl, III, “Big Considerations: Analyzing the Ethics of Childhood Obesity”
HC: 12-23 – Bowlin, Brandi, “A Bit about IMAC…No, Not the Computer”
HC: 12-24 – Danielson, Megan Summer, “Minimizing Trauma: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Adolescent Welfare through Adolescent Advocacy Centers”
HC: 12-25 – Killey, Eliza Nicole, “Understanding the Past to Appreciate the Present: An Analysis of the Changing Attitudes adjoin Marriage and Motherhood through Literature”
HC: 12-26 – Tsukuda, Naruhiko, “Japanese Bureaucratic Challenges in Response to the Tohoku Earthquake”
HC: 12-27 – Pitts, Kate E., “Fracking for a Fair Price: Managing Arkansas’s Resources and the Natural Gas Industry”
HC: 12-28 – Skiver, Natasha A., “Adapt or Die: The Organic Polycultural Answer to the Problems or Monoculture”
HC: 12-29 – Knight, Douglas Allen, “How Long These Waves Accept Been Crashing”
HC: 12-30 – Roberson, Mallory, “An Act of Bearing W(h)it(e)ness: Exploring the Past, Present, and Future Struggle to Desegregate Public Schools in Central Arkansas”
HC: 12-31 – Alobuia, Wilson M., “Alzeimer’s Disease: Challenges, Successes and the Way Forward”
HC: 12-32 – Head, Bryan, “Drug Money: A Attending into the Accord amid the Pharmaceutical Industry, Insurance, and FDA”
HC: 12-33 – Risi, Kim, “The Man in the Moon”
HC: 12-34 – Schwader, Cathrine Marie, “Steaking a Claim: The Symbolic Meaning of Meat and the Accent of Vegetarianism”
HC: 12-35 – Rogers, Nicholas Sebastian Snipan, “It’s not About the Hills, the Curves, or the Roads: It’s about You and Them: An Ethnographic and Sociological Abstraction of Road Cycling: my Struggles, my Success, my Journey, on a Bike”
HC: 12-36 – Friesen, David L., “Crime in the U.S.: A Statistical Analysis of Amusing and Economic Variables by State”
HC: 12-37 – Armas, Dulce E., “Itadakimasu: Sushi, Globalization, and Japanese National Identity”
HC: 12-38 – Hill, Katherine, “Colonialism, Patriarchy, and Capitalism: Causes of Marriages amid Filipinas and American Men”
HC: 12-39 – Keil, Daniel P. “More than Skin Deep: Exploring Phylogenetics and the Species Concept through the Cnidome of Copula Sivickisi”
HC: 12-40 – Sims, Rachel Rebecca, “Conscientização: A Short Story based on the Activity and Work of Paulo Freire”
HC: 12-41 – Logan, Jake, “Convergence of Growth Rates through European Economic Integration”
HC: 12-42 – Wood, Camille, “Shades of Grey”
HC: 12-43 – Smith, Hillary L., “Developing Oral Hygiene through the Use of a Children’s Storybook”
HC: 12-44 – Carlock, Rachel S., “Parkinson’s disease: Understanding and Treating a Neurodegenerative Disorder”
HC: 12-45 – Schmidt, Logan M., “Reducing Complexity: Vertebrate Cephalization as a Christian’s Novel Introduction to Evolution”
HC: 12-46 – Graves, Patricia C., “Distorted Identity: A Visual Analysis of How Digital Ability is Redefining the Self”
HC: 12-47 – Stallings, Zachary, “The Untapped Potential of Lucid Dreaming: A Scientific Journal”
HC: 12-48 – Wold, Benjamin, “A Brand New Thesis: A Creative Thesis on the Craft of Music”
HC: 12-49 – Yu, Fuxin, “Smart Phones Use in College Education: Exploring the Digital Divide amid Teachers and Students”
HC: 12-50 – Walker, Shalisa R., “Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Services in Arkansas”
HC: 12-51 – Tamo, Samuel Joseph, “Are All Who Wonder Lost? Assyrians as a Nation afterwards a Territory”
HC: 12-52 – Boyd, Molly Kathryn, “Something to Smile About: A Abstraction of the Treatment of Cleft Lip and Palate in the United States and India”
HC: 12-53 – Kennedy, Thomas Lynn Jr., “Work Hard, Play Harder: Dynamics About Athletes Suffering Injury”
HC: 12-54 – Trower, Emily C., “It’s Like I Love the Pain: Employing Psychological Theories and Country Music to Explore a Domestic Violence Victim’s Perspective”
HC: 12-55 – Schlinker, Destiny, “Service Learning: A Mixture of Soil and Seminar”
HC: 12-56 – Wilkerson, Jordan, “Integrating Scientific Writing into the University of Central Arkansas Writing Center”
HC: 12-57 – Beshears, Erika, “Eating Disorder Prevention: Diminishing Risk and Strengthening Protection in Abreast American Society”
HC: 12-58 – O’Neal, Emily Kate, “Uniting U.S.: Solving the Absolute Immigration Debate through the Development of a Worker’s Exchange Program”
HC: 12-59 – Vaughn, Chelsea Noel, “The Reputation of Immunizations: Student Perceptions Accompanying to the Risks and Benefits of Vaccination”
HC: 12-60 – Sutton, C. Taylor, “Homo Corporatus: A Kantian Business Ethic Rotted in Corporate Personhood”
HC: 12-61 – Miller, Chelsea N., “The Appulse of Rural Malagasy People in Rainforest Regions on Populations of Endemic Animals: Ecotourism as a Solution to battle in Northeastern Madagascar”
HC: 12-62 – Jones, Jacob, “Brighter than he Rising Sun: America’s Use of Atomic Bombs adjoin Japan”
HC: 12-63 – Hankins, Matthew, “The Point Remove Mound Complex: A Abstraction in Native American Astronomy”
HC: 12-64 – Runge, Monica, “Exploring the Optokinetic Reflex in the Nine-Banded Armadillo (Dasypus Novemcintus)”
HC: 12-65 – Blasingame, Kelsey, “A Accent of a Different Color: Asha’s Evolving Views of African American Language”
HC: 12-66 – Hall, Jared W., “Debt Crisis: Because the Government’s Money is Your Money”
HC: 12-67 – Fancher, Kendall G., “Pedogogy Reform in Rwandan Primary Schools”
HC: 12-68 – Pennington Caley, “Iconic Warfare: The Art of War and the Craft of Manipulation”
HC: 12-69 – Gragg, GaeLyn, “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Art Analysis for Depression in a School Setting”
HC: 12-70 – Turner, Lillian Paige, “Patois and It’s People”
HC: 12-71 – Springwater, Kelsey Danielle, “Midwifery: The Benefits and Implications of Getting Back to Our Roots”
HC: 12-72 – Musser, Karissa A., “Entiendo El Bilingual Brain: The Reality of Bilingualism in the United States”
HC: 13
HC: 13-01 – Holt, David Benjamin, “A Walk in the Park: A Defense of the National Park System in America and Beyond”
HC: 13-02 – Demailly, Catherine Emilie Christiane, “Meet Your Meat: The History, Practices and Problems of Industrial Meat and How you can Promote Change afterwards actuality Vegan”
HC: 13-03 – Thomas, Laralyn, “Uncovering the Black Box: A Process Appraisal of Faulkner County Drug Court”
HC: 13-04 – Cantrell, Amy, “Hidden Heroes: Women from the Natural State”
HC: 13-05 – Ilic, Jovana, “All the World’s a Stage: Exploring the Development of English Renaissance Theatre”
HC: 13-06 – Sexton, Alissa Michelle, “Hickory and Faye”
HC: 13-07 – Chen, Li Chen, “Gas-Phase Nickel Ion Chemistry arch to the Designing of an Electrospray Ionization (ESI)”
HC: 13-08 – Hubbs, Daniel Maurice, “NHE Protein Expression in MCF-7 Cells”
HC: 13-09 – Maye, Rebecca, “Are you Smarter than an Asian? Curricular Differences amid the United States and Asia and their Effects on Students”
HC: 13-10 – Randle, Jonathan, “How to Effectively Learn a Additional Language”
HC: 13-11 – Doolabh, Daniel Roshan, “Discovering the Elixir of Life: Searching for Longevity Genes”
HC: 13-12 – Burnette, Brittani Nichol, “It’s Getting Hot in Here: The Heated Debate on Climate Change Legislation in the United States”
HC: 13-13 – Bird, Justin, “The Sovereignty of Self: Identity and Structure in Sherman Alexie’s Autodidact”
HC: 13-14 – Campbell, Brittany Lea, “Yank the Yarn a Little Tighter: The Benefits of Knitting and added Handcrafts in Primary and Secondary Education”
HC: 13-15 – Chambliss, Jesse Clint, “College, I Choose You! I Think? Reducing Uncertainty afterwards Aerial School through Catalyst Programs”
HC: 13-16 – Heard, Kandi, “Reaching Accouchement with Autism in the Music Classroom: An Instructional Approach”
HC: 13-17 – Ockerman, Emma, “Creating Music Together: Experiences and Reflections of a Community Hand Chime Ensemble”
HC: 13-18 – Taylor, Hunter Alan, “The Comprehensive Disc Golf Manual: For Beginner to the Sport of Disc Golf”
HC: 13-19 – “Stories from the Southern Skies: Agricultural Aviation and the Accent of Preserving Oral History”
HC: 13-20 – Weatherford, Kristin, “Miracles, Juggalos, and Faygo: Amusing Class and Religion in Horror Rap”
HC: 13-21 – Grubbs, Meredith Rose, “Never Let your Fear adjudge your Fate: Overcoming Aquaphobia through Swim Lessons”
HC: 13-22 – Alexander, Travis Lee, “The Subtle Power of a Pretty Face: Attractiveness and Perceived Competence”
HC: 13-23 – Steele, Sarah Elizabeth, “The Wild Cards of Crittenden County: Understanding Crittenden County’s G.I. Revolt, the Coughlin Brothers, and the Ability that aggressive them”
HC: 13-24 – Bayrak, Ecehan, “Democratization in the Middle East: An Analysis of Saudi Arabia and Turkey”
HC: 13-25 – Mosler, Travis, “Diamond John: A Historical Film about Arkansas”
HC: 13-26 – Dunlap, Shelby, “Saving Orphans or Buying Babies: A All-around Analysis of Interracial Adoption”
HC: 13-27 – Stav, Monica, “The Cassandra Project: A Abstraction in Steampunk”
HC: 13-28 – Njwaba, Veronica Irene Bernard, “14:3 Education Service Project: Abutment Vulnerable Tanzanian Children’s Education”
HC: 13-29 – Culpepper, Holly, C., “Rewiring Education: Balancing Technology and Developmentally Appropriate Education”
HC: 13-30 – Huang, Frank Chenxi, “Confucius Say, Go to UCA: Factors Contributing to Chinese Students’ Experience at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 13-31 – Bettran, Melissa, “We are the 18%* Why so Few Women in Computer Science and What UCA can do about it”
HC: 13-32 – Sanders, Eric J., “Metacognition: Key to Academic Success and Self Efficacy”
HC: 13-33 – Yan, Maoyuan (Ryan), “Robo-Librarian: A Programmed Robot”
HC: 13-34 – Vick, Page Elizabeth, “The Effect of Hydraulic Fracturing on the Activity History of the Slender Madtom, Noturus exilis, in Central Arkansas Streams”
HC: 13-35 – Slims, Spencer Caroline, “The Power of the Media: Gender Bias in Presidential Campaigns”
HC: 13-36 – Hambrick, Andrea, “I can! Make Music: How Music Made a Difference”
HC: 13-37 – England, Katherine Elizabeth, “Psychoneuroimmunology: Incorporating Complementary and Another Medicine into the Treatment of Patients with Cancer”
HC: 13-38 – Jenkins, Casey, “Nature at Camp Aldergate: An Adaptive Nature Curriculum for Campers of all Ages and Abilities”
HC: 13-39 – Hill, Mary Beth, “Social Media: The Future of All-around Enterprise”
HC: 13-40 – Wray, Sarah, “Who did I aloof accord that Morphine to? The Effects of Stress in Nursing School”
HC: 13-41 – Belcourt, Jason, “Urban Chase and Rescue Team – Yankee 1: Single Resource Chase Team, A New Capability in Large Scale Urban Disaster Response”
HC: 13-42 – Desrochers, Claire, “Friend or Foe: The Organic Chemistry of Antioxidants as Foods Preservatives”
HC: 13-43 – Bregy, Joshua Caleb, “Thunderstruck: Lightning-Produced NOₓ Concentrations during the Thunderstorm Lifecycle and Influencing Meteorological Factors”
HC: 13- 44 – Cockrum, Karen, “Wiped”
HC: 13-45 – Ward, Dustin, “Welcome to the Academy: Major League Baseball’s Opportunity in the Dominican Republic”
HC: 13-46 – Bryan, Kyla, “How to Waste your Money: Exposing Not-for-Profit Corruption and Solutions for Apple Change”
HC: 13-47 – Dacus, Lindsey Michelle, “Language Acquisition: One Size fits All? A Cross-Linguistic Analysis of the Role of Child-Directed Speech”
HC: 13-48 – Camp, Brandon, “The Chase for Zenu: And Added Tales of Conquest” by Brandon Camp
HC: 13-49 – Hicks, Ashley Jean, “A Abstraction of the Speed of Sound in Pure Gases and Binary Gas Mixtures”
HC: 13-50 – Darden, Dick, “Rimbax: Sabar Drumming in Dakar, Senegal”
HC: 13-51 – Correll, Sarah Lynn, “Anodal vs. Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation: A Comparison of Modalities Applied to the Lower Extremity Motor Cortices Afterwards Stroke”
HC: 13-52 – Eubanks, Stephanie, “Amish Education: Past, Present and Future”
HC: 13-53 – Kellner, Grace, “Land Sharing vs Land Sparing: Land Administration Appulse on Pollinator Abundance and Crop Assembly in an Urban Matrix”
HC: 13-54 – Williams, Shastady R., “A Long Way from the Kitchen: The Gender Bias Facing First Ladies in the Exercise of their Power”
HC: 13-55 – Hicks, Taylor Lea, “Tripper: A Novel of the New Developed Genre”
HC: 13-56 – Harris, Scott T., “Open Wide: Modern Day Dentophobia Explained through Exploring the Profession’s Roots”
HC: 13-57 – Hinds, Michael J., “Becoming Native: A Attending through Native American Cultures into the Ecology Movement for a Added Complete Way of Relating to the Earth and the Natural World”
HC: 13-58 – Bittle, Tyler, “Borderlands”
HC: 13-59 – Bakovic, German Raul Perez, “The Masking of Democracy: Understanding XXI Century Bolivia”
HC: 13-60 – Greenhaw, Kearstin Danielle, “Joanne’s Journey”
HC: 13-61 – Davis, Julie Beth, “The Harbinger: Glyphosate Attrition and its Appulse on Assembly Agriculture Modeled in Arkansas Soybeans”
HC: 13-62 – Broussand, Brian, “The Effect of Outgroup Size and Economic Vulnerability on Abutment for State-Level Dream Acts: Evidence from 2012 Referenda in Maryland and Texas”
HC: 13-63 – Bayles, Marni, “Burying Caesar: Reviving Shakespearean Comedy in American Secondary Education”
HC: 13-64 – Coppock, Amanda Rene, “Considering the Role of Acculturation in Speech-Language Pathology”
HC: 13-65 – Culwell, Hannah Alline, “Monkeys in the Head, Grasshoppers in the Shoulders, Snakes in the Spine: The Transformation from Individual to Collaborator through devised Theatre”
HC: 13-66 – McCool, Tabitha Haley, “On the Backs of Elephants: An Analysis of Healthcare Provision in the Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand”
HC: 13-67 – Paxton, Sara, “Acupuncture, Schmack-upuncture: Successes and Failures apropos the accomplishing of Complementary and Another Medicine (CAM) in the United States Healthcare System”
HC: 13-68 – Stepp, Lindsey, “Straying from the Path: The Evolution of Fairy Tale as Meme throughout Little Red Riding Hood”
HC: 13-69 – Sivils, Stephen, “Double Concerto: A Musical Expression of the Concept of a Thesis”
HC: 14
HC: 14-01 – Browder, Jillian – “A River Runs through Us: Sustainability and Stewardship in the American Vein of Thought”
HC: 14-02 – Moussa, Mohamed Idrissa (Nathaniel), “Understanding Modern Medicine in Niger: Challenges and Solutions”
HC: 14-03 – Price, Adam, “Online Democracy: The Next Step Appear All-around Integration”
HC: 14-04 – Atkins, Sarah Katherine, “Can I Accept Your Attention, Please: Common Myths and Misperceptions about ADHD”
HC: 14-05 – Angleton, Kaleigh, “When You Wish Aloft a Star: The Apple of Disney and the Generational Implications of Its Influence on Accouchement and Adults”
HC: 14-06 – Brizzolara, Blake Zweifel, “Identity Crisis: The Policy Innovation and Diffusion of Voter Identification Laws from 2002 to 2012”
HC: 14-07 – Carlock, Sarah Hollyn, “The Ability of Complexion: The Impacts of Society’s Role in Shaping the Definition of Beauty”
HC: 14-08 – Desai, Nirja Dipak, “An Elephant’s Word: How Trauma and Isolation Affect Amusing and Psychological Development in African Elephants”
HC: 14-09 – Edwards, Jade Nicole, “It’s All Squiggs: A Visual Spectrum of Emotion”
HC: 14-10 – Espe, Ethan Barrett, “Millennials and Budgeting: Escaping the “Helicopter Parent”
HC: 14-11 – Fletcher, Jordan Aleece, “Behind the Syringe of Nazi Germany: Investigating the Medical and Ethical Implications of Medical Experimentation in the Third Reich”
HC: 14-12 – Galloway, Rachael, “Finding the Silver Lining: How Families Cope with a Diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy”
HC: 14-13 – Golden, Jon Whitt, “The Craft Beer Movement in Arkansas”
HC: 14-14 – Goodwin, Jennifer, “Bigger isn’t Better: Attacking the Problem of Childhood Obesity”
HC: 14-15 – Hampton, Elise Camille, “Advancing the Liberation of Teachers and Acceptance through Critical Thinking and Cultural Responsiveness”
HC: 14-16 – Riddle, Kelsey Layne, “Great Expectations: Preparation and Reality while Volunteering Abroad”
HC: 14-17 – Scarbrough, Catherine Brooke, “The Digital Documentation of Heirloom Seed Varieties”
HC: 14-18 – Stevens, Nicholas James, “The Hotel Imani”
HC: 14-19 – Van Valkenburg, Madalyn, “Histology of Ecology: How do caterpillars of Theroa zethus (Notodontidae) conciliate host defenses?”
HC: 14-20 – Turetzky, Kyle, “Tautolitarianism: Refudiating the Exo-Facto Collapsation of Hopetimism”
HC: 14-21 – Stiles, Victoria, “Meaning, Mind, and Memory: Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment through Sentence Disambiguation Tasks”
HC: 14-22 – Whittington, Logan, “Dooms of Love: Investigations of Ancestry”
HC: 14-23 – Williamson, Holly, “On Passion: What Dewey, Finland, and Rapport can Teach the U.S.”
HC: 14-24 – Murphy, Michael Eugene, “The Internet as a All-around Brain: Philosophical Questions”
HC: 14-25 – Moix, Luke Daniel, “Intensive Dedication Ethics Accomplishment and Leadership: The History of the Amusing Change Archetypal and Its Integration into the Ideal Leadership Team”
HC: 14-26 – Owen, Aaron, “Synthesis and Application of Metallic Nanostructures: Surface Chemistry and its Appulse on Biologically Important Systems”
HC: 14-27 – Palmer, Ashlyn Elizabeth, “The Accord amid adopted Websites and Reading Motivation in College Students”
HC: 14-28 – Ray, Hannah Elizabeth, “Frankly My Dear I Don’t Accord a Damn: A Brief Attending at the History and Psychology of Curse Words in Western Culture”
HC: 14-29 – Harp, Hayley, “Where is the Amusing in Amusing Media?”
HC: 14-30 – Wills, Ashton, “Religiosity and Ecology Attitudes of UCA Campus Ministry Students”
HC: 14-31 – Magdefrau, Melissa Darlene, “Natural Resources and International Capital Flows”
HC: 14-32 – Leonard, Erin Nicole, “The Icing on the Cake: Cupcake Edition”
HC: 14-33 – Long, Ashley, “Breast Cancer: Problems, Promise, and Protons”
HC: 14-34 – Lensing, Nick, “Chronic Pain: The Painful Truth on its Origins and Treatability”
HC: 14-35 – Kimble, Katrina Marie, “Why Do You Speak to Them in Parables?”: How the Teaching Strategies of Jesus Meet the Multiple Intelligences of Elementary Students”
HC: 14-36 – Kim, Hannah, “An A is Music to Our Ears: The Accent of Academic Success and Its Influence of Music Education in South Korea”
HC: 14-37 – Jones, Logan, “River of Gold: A Documentary about Turning Water into Beer”
HC: 14-38 – Adair, Jordan, “Existential Encounters with the Grotesque: A Psychoanalytic Investigation”
HC: 14-39 – Airheart, Hunter Blake, “Heyms: A Review and Modern Revision of An American Classic”
HC: 14-40 – Altman, Byan, “Terrorism, WMDS, Democracy, or Oil? An Analysis of the 2003 U.S. Invasion of Iraq”
HC: 14-41 – Arnold, Sarah Elizabeth, “The Next Best Thing to Home: German-Catholic Immigration to the Arkansas River Valley”
HC: 14-42 – Baker, Joseph Dalton, “Let’s get physical(ly rehabilitated): Music’s Benefit on Rehabilitation”
HC: 14-43 – Bakovic, Sergio Ivan Perez, “Unprotected Treasure, Buried Secret: UPLC-TQMS Analysis of Fatty Acids in age-old Pictographs”
HC: 14-44 – Berry, Karley Layne, “Straight Outta Little Rock: The Effects of Implementing a Middle School Transition Program on Pre-Service Teachers and Urban Students”
HC: 14-45 – Broad, Emily, “Meemaw’s Stories: A Personal Rendition of the Picaresque Novel”
HC: 14-46 – Cleavenger, Jordyn, “Dicty Mutant dells: A Biological Adventure”
HC: 14-47 – Denefe, Matt, “Makin the Djembe Drum in America: Hard Lessons and Appreciation of its African Roots”
HC: 14-48 – Ellis, Reagan, “The Housing Bazaar Crisis: All Markets Are Not Created Equal. Could We See It Coming?”
HC: 14-49 – Hallock, Kristina, “Compassion Abaft Closed Doors: Perceptions on the Central Arkansas Homeless”
HC: 14-50 – Kathman, Rachel Claire, “’Angels of the Hearth’ and ‘New Women:’ The Accord Amid the Self and Marriage For Women in the Late Nineteenth Century”
HC: 14-51 – Kling, Brittanie S., “What Do Y’all Think About That?: Arkansas’ Perceptions of Speech and the South in the United States”
HC: 14-52 – McKee, Lindsey, “The Girl and the Fish: A Attending at Children’s Theater”
HC: 14-53 – Runge, Sabrina, “Painting From Memory: A Tale of the Partition”
HC: 14-54 – Stephenson, Seth, “E.M.P.: A Modern Hero for a Modern Problem”
HC: 14-55 – Tyree, Meredith, “Physiological Responses of the Freshwater Detritivores Tipula Abdominalis and Lirceus SP. To Low-Level Chronic Sodium Additions”
HC: 14-56 – Welter, John Dillon, “Earthship Enterprise: The Future of Housing”
HC: 14-57 – Bowles, Meleah, “The Accent of Tying the Knot: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Ability of Bridal Etiquette”
HC: 15
HC: 15-01 – Kennedy, Emily Lynanne, “Nursing School: Where You Learn to Care for Others, But You Forget to Care for Yourself. A Student’s Perspective on the Self-Care Behaviors of Nursing Students”
HC: 15-02 – Richardson, Joseph Kirby, “Indian Thought, American Caste: Theories of Madhyamaka Self-Other Non-Duality and Their Applications in the Deconstruction of American Amusing Stratification”
HC: 15-03 – Meyer, Winston, “The Complexity of Communication: Using Chaos Theory to Understand How Sensemaking is Restored Afterwards Interpersonal Crises”
HC: 15-04 – Olsen, Peyton, “The Conwegian: A Community Magazine for the City of Colleges”
HC: 15-05 – Desrochers, Marie, “Necessity, Not Luxury: A Recent History of the Attention of Arkansas’s Post Office Murals”
HC: 15-06 – Bevill, Logan, “Can You Smell the Danger: An Analysis of Candle Emissions and Their Effect on Your Health”
HC: 15-07 – Crowson, Morgan, “Guhanga, Gutabwa: Giving Back to Kanembwe”
HC: 15-08 – Blakely, Hannah, “Living Unlimited: A Photographic Essay on the Appulse of Contact Amid Individuals With and Afterwards Disabilities”
HC: 15-09 – Cornwell, Melissa Kathleen, “Speedos, Spandex, and Free Pancakes: The Explosive History of Triathlon”
HC: 15-10 – Holt, Andrew Chase, “Overcoming Inertia With A Nudge: How the AAIMS Program Increased Advanced Placement Participation in Arkansas”
HC: 15-11 – Massey, Christine Nicole, “Memoir-ish: A Accumulating of Essays”
HC: 15-12 – Maxam, Sarah, “Quantity Adjoin Quality: Questioning Traditional Sex Education and Its Effects on Collegiate Heterosexual Women”
HC: 15-13 – Hill, Kimberly Diane, “Between A Rock And A Hard Place: The Battle Amid Rock Climbers, Business Owners, and Landowners In the Ozarks”
HC: 15-14 – Mortimore, Melissa Amber, “Oaks of Righteousness: Planting a Generation of Hope Through Creative Writing”
HC: 15-15 – Munyazikwiye, Gerard Bambi, “A Abstraction of Concrete and Determining Elastic Moduli of Materials Using Resonance”
HC: 15-16 – Palmer, Megan, “Life of One in a Dozen: Discovering Self Amid Family”
HC: 15-17 – Payson, Jordan Alexandra, “From the Pantry to the Podium: An Analysis of Traits Exhibited by Successful Female Politicians in Western and Islamic Cultures”
HC: 15-18 – Pittman, Jay Maxson, “The Home Recording Studio: Modern Recording Technology and the Decline of Its Excluvisity”
HC: 15-19 – Frederickson, Nicholas Lorne, “An Analysis of Pearcey Function Modeling of Transverse Cusp Caustics”
HC: 15-20 – Qualls, Colby, “Dust in the Wind: Exploring Methods of Corpse Disposal in Light of Migration”
HC: 15-21 – Feeney, Meghan, “Of Pragmatic Particles, Politeness Features, and Practice Theory: Examining Emma”
HC: 15-22 – Qualls, Emily, “Progression: An Anthology”
HC: 15-23 – Reddell, Autumn, “Stages of Hope: Education and Development Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa”
HC: 15-24 – Rogers, Brandon, “Wrestling with the Stranger: A Literary Interpretation and Narrative Analysis of Stories in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam”
HC: 15-25 – Cowling, Megan Elizabeth, “Astride For MS: Equine-Assisted Activities for Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Conway”
HC: 15-26 – Doolittle, Alexandra, “From Heretic to Goddess: The Transformation of Witchcraft as Womanhood”
HC: 15-27 – Ross, Ashley, “Retinoic Acid Impacts Cellular Adhesion and Proliferation”
HC: 15-28 – Savage, Megan, “And the Universe Danced”
HC: 15-29 – Speaks, Jennifer, “An Unexpected Angel: Growing Up With a Twin Who Has Down Syndrome”
HC: 15-30 – Taylor, Sydney, “Work Hard, Play Hard: Using Pivotal Response Treatment to Develop Pretend Play Skills in Accouchement with Delayed Amusing Communication”
HC: 15-31 – Vogel, Olivia, “The Creation of a Fluorescent Fusion Protein to Improve Visualization of Mitochondrial Dynamics”
HC: 15-32 – Stewart, Meisha Ann, “Magnetic Cities: Testing Convergence of Artistic Clusters in the United States”
HC: 15-33 – Wood, Emyleigh, “Reason Enough: Pragmatism as a Tool for Establishing Worldview”
HC: 15-34 – Xiques, Michael Ramon, “The One-Man-Band: No Budget Filmmaking in 2015”
HC: 15-35 – Humphrey, Amelia, “Feel the Meal, Then Fill the Mill: The [i]/[I] Merger in Arkansas”
HC: 15-36 – Hickman, Ashley D., “Eat Your Way to a Better GPA: Advantageous Options Available on a University of Central Arkansas Meal Plan
HC: 15-37 – Palmer, Kristina, “Katahdin to Springer: Women’s Perspectives of Public Space on the Appalachian Trail”
HC: 15-38 – Smith, Spencer, “Queer Perspectives: An Anthology of Coming Out Stories from Beyond America”
HC: 15-39 – Butler, Layla, “Hans Gal (1890-1987) and Egon Wellesz (1885-1974): Composers, Scholars, and Exiles”
HC: 15-40 – Crain, Carter Andrew, “The Birds, The Bees, and the Nurse: The Nurse’s Role in Enhancing Sexual Health and Sex Education for Adolescents”
HC: 15-41 – Evans, Jack, “Love Sinks: The Journey to Becoming a Film Director”
HC: 15-42 – Hill, Kaitlyn Elizabeth, “Differentiation For Learning: One Size Does Not Fit All”
HC: 15-43 – Hoke, Bradley, “Money in American Politics: An Analysis of the Power Elite in America”
HC: 15-44 – Hoyle, Alex and Jered Bryan, “Broke by Books: A Comprehensive Adviser to Starting a Textbook Trading Business”
HC: 15-45 – Jensen, Gordon, “Going Green: How the Push for Ecology Sustainability, Renewal Energy, and Electric Cars will Shape Germany’s Automotive Future”
HC: 15-46 – Jones, Hannah, “Hanka’s Castle: A Journey Through Bojnice Castle and Slovak History”
HC: 15-47 – Long, Zachary Dair, “Zeta Squad: A Novel I Wrote to Graduate (the Future)
HC: 15-48 – Merrell, Emily, “#Feminism: Amusing Medias Influence on the Perception of Feminist Theory”
HC: 15-49 – Mosler, Madison Camile, “Creativity Unlimited: Integrating the Arts Into Elementary School Classrooms”
HC: 15-50 – Nichols, Shelby Kait, “The Additional Brain: The Affect Gut Bacteria Has on Mental Health”
HC: 15-51 – Sowell, Madison, “You Can Never Be Overdressed or Overeducated”
HC: 15-52 – Mayen, Monica Raquel Vasquez, “Bailamos? Dance as a Cultural Immersion Opportunity”
HC: 15-53 – Whitehead, Thomas Trent, “Lock My Body Can’t Trap My Mind: Signification & Liberation in the Rap Game”
HC: 15-54 – Stice, Kenneth, “Military Environmentalism: A Burgeoning Philosophy Aural the United States Military”
HC: 15-55 – Dayer, Stephanie, “Parkinson’s Disease: A mitochondrial-linked Etiopathogenesis”
HC: 15-56 – Jeffus, Bradyn, “Mobile Electronic Payments: Change is Coming”
HC: 16
HC: 16-01 – Gentry, Sarah, “The Psychological Influence of Color on Consumer Behavior”
HC: 16-02 – White, Lee James, “Superman or Super Racist?: The Imapct of Superman Comic Books on Racial Equality During the Civil Rights Era”
HC: 16-03 – Housh, Dylan, “Work Hard, Play Harder: An In-Depth Off-Season Strength Program for Pocahontas Aerial School”
HC: 16-04 – Rolland, Amber D., “Aided by Adderall: Illicit Use of ADHD Medication by College Students”
HC: 16-05 – Cheatham, Ashton, “Kneading Added in the Classroom: Curriculum and Culinary Science in Concept”
HC: 16-06 – Spickard, Madeline Rose, “Behind Every Great Woman is Another Great Women: The Establishment of an American Association of University Women Chapter at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 16-07 – Harrell, Laken Alise, “Becoming One: Merging Abstinence and Comprehensive Sexual Education for the Classroom”
HC: 16-08 – Forsythe, Heather Morgan, “Harry Potter and the Ugly Passport Photo: A Accumulating of Lesson Plans for a Harry-Potter-Based Abstraction Abroad”
HC: 16-09 – Oluokun, Joseph, “Why Can’t We Be Friends?: Microaggressions and African-Americans’ Belongingness”
HC: 16-10 – Karamoko, Mariam, “The Financial Hardships Faced by African Acceptance in the United States”
HC: 16-11 – Marasco, Johnathan Andrew, “Everything Causes Cancer: The Harmful Effects of Protein Free Radical Formation and Oxidation in the Human Body.”
HC: 16-12 – Savenka, Tatsiana, “Painting the Slums of Peru: A Attending Inside Resource and Health Inequality”
HC: 16-13 – Stearns, Melia, “The Fork Goes on the Left and the Cellphone on the Right: Cellphone Etiquette and its Effects on the Quality of Face-to-Face Amusing Relationships”
HC: 16-14 – DeWees, Kaylee, “Forged by Fire: An Introspective Investigation of Ancestors Identity Through Metal Casting”
HC: 16-15 – Owens, Grayson Bradley, “One Baby Step for Fitness Facilities, One Giant Leap for Mankind: Increasing the Accessibility of Fitness Facilities”
HC: 16-16 – Feltz, Bridget, “She Lives on the Edge: An Ethnography on Female Edgeworkers”
HC: 16-17 – Mossman, Hallie, “Low Back Injuries in Gymnastics: Causes, Prevention, and the Role of the Concrete Therapist”
HC: 16-18 – Rodgers, Aubrey, “A Thought Journey Through the Morality of Abortion”
HC: 16-19 – Moon, Sierra Ashley, “From Botticelli to Benioff: A Cultural History of Attitudes Adjoin Rape in Visual Media”
HC: 16-20 – Hardgrave, Natalia Jateal “Dirty Water: A Multifaceted Approach to Solving Complications with Clean Water”
HC: 16-21 – Rose, Jacob Pual, “An Artistic Journey: My Process in Learning to Draw
HC: 16-22 – Light, Jeremy G., “The Effect of Estrogen on SERCA2b and Phospholamban Eppression in Coronary Arteries”
HC: 16-23 – Erwin, Ethan, “Violin Short Bow Manufacturing and Bazaar Implementation: A Submission to the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Competition”
HC: 16-24 – Demaree, Katherine, “Iron Heteroscorpionate Complexes”
HC: 16-25 – Thompson, Kaitlyn, “A Abstraction in Cultural Relativism: Speech and Accent Analysis in Arkansas and Ecuador”
HC: 16-26 – Hollenbaugh, Misti, “The Movement of Millions: A Multi-Media Storytelling of Immigration to America”
HC: 16-27 – Lee, Landon, “Violin Short Bow Manufacturing and Bazaar Implementation: A Submission to the Donald W. Reynolds Governor’s Cup Competition”
HC: 16-28 – Henegar, Mollie Mae, “Coffee Beans are People, too: An Ethnographic Abstraction and Creative Reflection on Coffee Farm Active in Guatemala”
HC: 16-29 – Musso, Nathan, “What’s Buggin’ You: Entomophagy and Urban Agriculture”
HC: 16-30 – Arens, Hailey Mae, “Intelligence is Not Black and White: A Abstraction of Stereotype Threat Effects on African Americans”
HC: 16-31 – Linna, Abbie, “Kaffee und Kuchen: Artisanal and Industrial Differences in Baking Ability Amid Germany and America”
HC: 16-32 – Griffin, Christina, “Welcome to College! A Abstraction of Optimism and Self-Efficacy in Frist Year Students”
HC: 16-33 – Kordsmeir, Courtney, “Applied Ethics in Concrete Therapy: Informed Consent and Voluntariness”
HC: 16-34 – Pfaff, Jordan, “Mixed Strategy in Collegiate Soccer: Influence of Incentives on Development of Mixed Strategy”
HC: 16-35 – Miller, Jamie M., “Programming for Dummies: Android Mobile Application Development with No Experience”
HC: 16-36 – Craig, Laura Elizabeth, “Come One, Come All”
HC: 16-37 – Gurley, Cade Austin, “Refuting Ebert: Defending Video Games as Art”
HC: 16-38 – Lindsey, Mary Elizabeth, “The Phytochemistry of Medicinal Plants Used By the Native American Tribes of the Southeast United States”
HC: 16-39 – Youngblood, Emily, “Cultivating Lives in the Garden of Hope: A Toolkit for Authoritative Community Gardens in Latin America”
HC: 16-40 – Martin, Jamie, “Placenta, It’s What’s for Dinner: A Qualitative Narrative Regarding Placentophagy’s Effect on Postpartum Health”
HC: 16-41 – McNeary, Margaret Ann, “CSAR: An Analysis of Computer Science and Coding Education in Arkansas” (Thumbdrive included)
HC: 16-42 – Meyer, Whitney Alexis, “’Following’ Fame: Micro-celebrities, the Internet, Society, and Their Significance”
HC: 16-43 – Momand, Maleka, “Civil Asset Forfeiture in Arkansas”
HC: 16-44 – Naugher, Houston, “Cat Got Your Tongue?: A Discussion of the Ethical, Ecologic, and Economic Concerns of Feral Cat Eradication”
HC: 16-45 – Ramsey, Tyler James, “Pornography’s Effect on Accord Commitment and the Reward System”
HC: 16-46 – Remoy, Daniel, “Is Sport Participation Worth the Risk?: An Analysis of the Psychological and Physiological Effects of Sport-Related Concussions and Benefits of Athletic Engagement”
HC: 16-47 – Sims, Isaac, “Segregating the Congregation: Religious and Societal Separation by Little Rock’s Interstate 630”
HC: 16-48 – Sledge, Lilah Ashley, “Curators and Educators: An Elementary Teacher’s Adviser to Integrating Arkansas Museums into Amusing Studies Learning”
HC: 16-49 – Smith, Chelsey, “Heroes of the Light: Gradual and Immediate Abolition in Britain, 1823-1838”
HC: 16-50 – Stutts, Callie, “Old Dogs, New Tricks: Benefits and Barriers of Elderly Adaptation to Information and Advice Technologies”
HC: 16-51 – Tackett, Jordan, “What is a Advantageous Diet: A Comparison Amid Four Accepted Another Diets”
HC: 16-52 – Trussell, Abbey, “Pseudonyms and the Citation Gap: Using Feminist Research Methods to Demonstrate the Persistence of Gender Inequality”
HC: 16-53 – Vogel, Ericka Danielle, “FtsZ Homolog, FszB’s Role in Dictyostelium discoideum Mitochondrial Dynamics”
HC: 16-54 – Ilic, Ivana, “Does Color Influence the Appearance of Visually Ambiguous Motion?”
HC: 16-55 – Daigle, Stephanie, “The Movement of Millions: A Multi-media Storytelling of Immigration to America”
HC: 16-56 – Gambertoglio, Elizabeth, “Wanderlust: A Multi-City Film Experience”
HC: 16-57 – McKay, Paul, “Visualizing Little Rock: An Alternate Concept”
HC: 16-58 – Stroderd, Lori Elizabeth, “Visible for a day: An basic abstraction of hidden struggles in aerial schoolers with advice disorders”
HC 17
HC: 17-01 – Musser, Sarah, “Up from the Depths: A Novella”
HC: 17-02 – Johnson, Colton Lee, “Inconvenient and Unnecessary?: An Analysis of Public Convenience and Necessity Laws in the Taxicab Industry”
HC: 17-03 – Karnes, Tyler, “What I Gave the Water: A Novel”
HC: 17-04 – Lazic, Antonije, “Memorial Wiki”
HC: 17-05 – Lee, Maggie Rose, “A Fabric in Time: Examining Women’s Lives Through the Eye of an Embroidery Needle”
HC: 17-06 – Linna, Jacob Kirk, “Fuck’em All to Death: An Evaulation of South Park’s Controversial Humor and Accent as a Method for Political Commentary”
HC: 17-07 – Mackey, Alexandria, “‘Can I Touch Your Hair?’: A Attending into the Experiences of Having African American Hairstyles”
HC: 17-08 – McKay, Scotty, “Cadherin 18 Localization and Interacting Partners”
HC: 17-09 – McPherson, Ezekiel James, “Married Young: A Historical Abstraction of the Average Age of Marriage in Faulkner County, 1873-1968”
HC: 17-10 – Morales, Diana, “Mathematical Modeling of an Epidemic with Exposed Group and Diffusion”
HC: 17-11 – Motzko, Micaela, “Raise a Dog, Change a Life: An Interdisciplinary Abstraction of Raising a Future Assistance Dog for Canine Companions for Independence”
HC: 17-12 – Opstedahl, Torin, “Breathing Fabric: Essays on Activity and Knitting”
HC: 17-13 – Ordonez, Danica, “Rotations in Artistry: Design for the Integration of Art Courses in Medical Education”
HC: 17-14 – Pfaff, Ryan, “Heads for Tales: A Attending into the Lives of Little Rock Homeless Individuals by Means of a Hair Cut”
HC: 17-15 – Roberts, Emily, “Establishing a Survey Method for the Ouachita National Recreation Trail”
HC: 17-16 – Scott, Meredith, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Bug: A Personal Journey into the Apple of Insects”
HC: 17-17 – Speck, Elizabeth, “After My Own Heart: The Incredible Story of Dr. Werner Forssmann’s Invention of a Direct Access to the Heart through Cardiac Self-Catheterization”
HC: 17-18 – Stanley, Justing, “To Make a Mark or Leave No Trace: A Personal Journey into the Wild of America”
HC: 17-19 – Staton, Madison, “Out with the Old, In with the Engaging: A Standards Based Approach to Incorporating Technology Into the Ancestors and Consumer Sciences Classroom”
HC: 17-20 – Steiner, Morgan, “What About a Trained Dog: The Multiple Avenues and Benefits of Bringing a Working Dog into Your Home”
HC: 17-21 – Walker, Catherine, “Reality Vs. Expectations: Employment Prospects of Seniors at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 17-22 – Weeks, Hannah, “’Kids in a Candy Store’: Teaching with Project-Based Learning in the Elementary Classroom”
HC: 17-23 –Williams, Grant, “Calling Something Your Own: Creation of a UCA Cross Country Course”
HC: 17-24 – Wilson, Seth Allen, “Screams for Dreams Haunted House: A Logistical Approach”
HC: 17-25 – Wofford, Ashley Grace, “An Heirs’ Problem: Abstraction of Heirs Property in Arkansas through Land Valuation Analysis”
HC: 17-26 – Wright, Jessica, “Coffee Shops and Cash Crops: Gritty Origins of the World’s Favorite Beverage”
HC: 17-27 – Arechiga, Luz Elena, “Bullied for Life: How Childhood Bullying Affects Long-Term Mental Health”
HC: 17-28 – Battaglia, Alexander, “States as Species: An Interdisciplinary Metaphorical Lens to Examine Interstate Battle and Development”
HC: 17-29 – Bishop, Danielle, “Things That Go Bump in the Night and Added Harmless Monsters: A Psychological Abstraction of the Effects of Fear in Art”
HC: 17-30 – Blew, John David “Bo”, “Recreating Consensus: Scientific Racism and the Fight Adjoin the Civil Rights Movement”
HC: 17-31 – Brady, Levi Allen, “The Sculpt Mind: An Argument for the Honors Experience as Abstract Art”
HC: 17-32 – Carter, Aaron, “I Can’t Go Back: How Transition Homes Can Help Break the Cycle of Juvenile Recidivism”
HC: 17-33 – Caruthers, Brigette, “Kung Physics: The Role of Progress and Tradition in Martial Arts”
HC: 17-34 – Casey, Danielle, “Race, Republicanism, and Realignment: Analyzing Arkansas’s Shift in Party Loyalty”
HC: 17-35 – Castro, Rafael, “To Our Health and Well-Being: The Human-Animal Bond”
HC: 17-37 – Cole, Christopher Freeman, “Baptized by Fire: The Unique Role of Glossolalia in the Azusa Street Revival”
HC: 17-38 – Cole, Samantha, “Paws for Veterans: Animal Assisted Analysis and its Appulse on PTSD”
HC: 17-39 – Curzon, Austin, “Let’s Play: Exploring a YouTube Phenomenon”
HC: 17-40 – Denton, Caleb, “Philosophy Through Video Games: Gaming as a Unique Medium”
HC: 17-41 – Flippo, Bobby Calvin, “How Political Ability Influences Elite Special Interest Group Relationships with State Political Leaders”
HC: 17-42 – France, Jennifer, “Making Monsters: The Creative Process Abaft Special Effects Makeup”
HC: 17-43 – Garriott, Shelby, “Green Spaces in Busy Places: Health Implications of Urban Agriculture”
HC: 17-44 – Godwin, Ashley, “Honors is the Tree: The Analysis and Further Branding of the Norbert O. Schedler Honors College”
HC: 17-45 – Grubbs, Emily, “Not So Sweet: The Realities of College Acceptance Active with Type 1 Diabetes”
HC: 17-46 – James, Hannah, “The Decline of State Chartered Banks: Causes, Concerns, and Conclusions”
HC: 17-47 – Jensen, Andrew, “Comparing Efficiency of Roundabouts to Traffic Lights in Conway, Arkansas – A Probabilistic and Simulation Approach”
HC: 17-48 – Johnson, Mary Ellen, “Fair to Blame? Exploring Moral Luck Through a Pedagogical Computer Game”
HC: 17-49 – Balak, Deni, “Personalizing Probation: Understanding Juvenile Justice, Risk Assessments, and Recidivism in Central Arkansas”
HC: 17-50 – Craun, Victoria Katherine, “German Feminism in Weimar and Nazi Germany: The Women Amid the War”
HC: 17-51 – Johnson, Hannah, “Repeat Afterwards Me: Analyzing Cultural Bias in Narrative Accent Assessment of Bicultural Children”
HC: 17-52 – Halderman, Jacque, “Factors Impacting the Amount of Concrete Analysis Services Received by Accouchement with Cerebral Palsy”
HC: 17-53 – Antimo, Miranda Marie, “Rise Above Misconception: A Practical Approach to Resisting the Stigma Adjoin Mental Illness”
HC: 17-54 – Adams, Abby Elaine, “Writing a Twice-Exceptional Blog: The Process of Creating Something Different”
HC: 17-55 – Daniel, Shelby, “A Tale of 22 Cities: Illustrated Memoir Documenting Female Perspective of Travel on a Five Week Trip in Italy”
HC: 17-56 – Walden, Kaitlyn, “Cutthroat vs Collaboration: A Comparison of Aggressive and Cooperative Gaming on Reducing Anxiety”
HC: 17-57 – Allison, Zoe, “Doing Theatre Justice: Lessons in Building a Theatre of Employment”
HC: 17-58 – Kennedy, Kyle Garrison, “Bases Loaded: Applying the Balanced Scorecard Approach to the Business of Professional Baseball”
HC: 17-59 – Hardage, Jessica, “Barriers to Vaccination: Attitudes and Beliefs about Influenza Vaccines Amid Acceptance at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 17-60 – Hocott, Sarah Paige, “Like My Photo, DAMNIT!: The Effects of Photographical Amusing Media Posts on Mood and Amusing Comparison”
HC: 17-61 – Nelson, Hannah Elizabeth, “Maintaining Motivation: The Role of Community, Health, Dedication, and Technology on Runners in the United States and Europe”
HC: 17-62 – Baxter, Danny, “Milk and Honey: What’s Wrong with the Bees, and How Can I Help?”
HC: 17-63 – Talley, Christopher, “Kickstarter: The People Abaft the Projects”
HC: 17-64 – Rathbun, Brinnon Michael, “The Telegrapher’s Equation: Millions of Miles of Math”
HC: 17-65 – Medina, Celia, “From Vegetarianism to Veganism: A Series of Short Essays and a Baby Accumulating of Recipes”
HC: 17-66 – Finne, Madeline, “Burnout: Navigating Loss Through Experimental Film”
HC: 17-67 – Pittman, Pristine Bay, “Mapuche Healing and the Integration of Modern Medicine: A Case Study”
HC: 17-68 – Bridges, Danielle, “Spolin Sings: Integrating Theatrical Improvisations Games into the Choral Classroom”
HC: 17-69 – Bauman, Audrey See-Ting, “Hope and Her Library: A Novel”
HC: 17-70 – Karp, Katherine, “The Powers that Shape Identity: A Abstraction of 80s and 90s Teen Narratives”
HC: 17-71 – Margis, Shelby, “Development of Synthetic Methods for R-Scorpionates”
HC: 17-72 – Gann, Courtney, “An Oral History of Animal Behavior Enterprises’ Use of Animal Operant Conditioning for Military Purposes”
HC: 17-73 – Rogers, Anna Leigh, “Get Your Head Out of the Game: Concussion Administration for Collegiate Athletes”
HC: 17-74 – Garrett, Kylie Marie, “Is Free Really Free?: An Analysis of the Tax Implications of Receiving Free Money”
HC: 17-75 – Sweere, Morgan, “Bears Respond: Student Outreach Program for Emergency Preparedness at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 17-76 – Huckabay, Ellen Marie, “Why Local? A Taste of Conway’s Bounded Aliment Movement”
HC 18
HC: 18-01 – Morrison, Anna Belle, “‘Death by Unkown Parties’: Memorializing Lynching Victims in Monticello, Arkansas”
HC: 18-02 – Nick, Laurie, “A Teacher’s Adviser to Grief: Supporting Middle School Students”
HC: 18-03 – Willis, Gabrielle Hall, “Words Worth Repeating: Perspectives of People Who Stutter”
HC: 18-04 – Wilson, Azaryah, “A PDE Method for Population Movement in an Epidemic”
HC: 18-05 – Kelley, Hannah R., “Sticks and Stones: Language’s Effect on the Self-Management of Chronic Conditions in College Age Students”
HC: 18-06 – Bibbs, Alexis Elizabeth, “Who ‘Gets Involved’: A Abstraction of the Correlation Amid Student Involvement, Personality, and Optimism Amid College Students”
HC: 18-07 – Tatem, Alexandria, “Delicious Diversity: Experiencing Cultures One Bite at a Time”
HC: 18-08 – Wright, Jessica Realla, “Building A Place in the World: An Analysis of the Effects of Gender, Race, and Age on Place Attachment and Belonging”
HC: 18-09 – Hawking, Christy Lynn, “I Think I Can: Is There a Accord Amid Self-Efficacy and Participation in School-Aged Accouchement Receiving Therapy?”
HC: 18-10 – McEntire, Lillian, “The Right to Sight: Vision Care Accessibility For Homeless Individuals in Conway, Arkansas”
HC: 18-11 – Davari, Addison Sabahat, “Another Piece to the Puzzle: Allowance Acceptance with Autism Spectrum Disorder Succeed in College”
HC: 18-12 – Evans, Leah, “Suicide Survivors’ Road to Recovery: A Transformative Healing Process”
HC: 18-13 – Davidson, Adam Kristopher, “Characterization of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Missouri and Arkansas”
HC: 18-14 – Patel, Bhavin, “A Coming of Age and the Modification of Indian Cuisine in the United States”
HC: 18-15 – Hickey, Sawyer Adam, “An Experiential Project: Organizing a Cycling and Running Race to Purchase Adaptive Analysis Bikes for Community Connections”
HC: 18-16 – McAfee, Anna Laura, “Family Caregivers and Dementia Care-Recipients: Using Adopted Music During Bathing Routines”
HC: 18-17 – Epperson, Garrett, “EPortfolios and the Accent of Self-Reflective Learning”
HC: 18-18 – Johnson, Samantha, “Mosaic: A Accumulating of Stories About Failing Well”
HC: 18-19 – Schmidt, Jenna, “Out of the Darkness: Shining Light on Suicide Prevention”
HC: 18-20 – Hufstedler, Jesse Glen Hardin, “Peregrinos, Reacciones Paliativas, y Medidas Putativas: El Vertido de Crudo del Barco Prestige en Terminos Economicos y Legales”
HC: 18-21 – McConnell, Sydney, “What’s Going On: The Evolution of the Anti-Vietnam War Movement, 1965-1973”
HC: 18-22 – Poling, Nicole, “Adjustment to Career-Ending Sports Injuries: A Qualitative Study”
HC: 18-23 – Breazeale, Madison Claire, “Bridging the Gap: Jesus, the Teacher, and Modern Learning Theories”
HC: 18-24 – Meyer, Addison Steele, “Getting Pumped: An Analysis of Tax Write-Offs on the Ogallala Aquifer”
HC: 18-25 – Henderson, Ashley, “An Analysis of Anthropophagy Amid Ancestral Pueblo People of the Four Corners Region”
HC: 18-26 – Wilson, Kayla A., “Participant Engagement in Online vs. Laboratory-Based Experiments: Two Attempts at Replicating the Illusory Correlation Effect”
HC: 18-27 – Haislip, Rachel, “FD&C Dye Content of Accepted Beverages”
HC: 18-28 – Beck, Farrah J. “Mental Health While Abroad: Assessing the Absence of Resources Surrounding Mental Illness and Abstraction Abroad”
HC: 18-29 – McElduff, Hanna Grace, “The Historical Construction of Whiteness and College Students’ Attitudes Appear Race”
HC: 18-30 – Whitaker, Maria Kathryn, “UCA to URJC: A Adviser to Division Exchange in Spain”
HC: 18-31 – Barnello, Joe, “Is the Bill of Rights ‘Necessary and Proper?’: An Analysis of the Effects of the ‘Necessary and Proper’ Clause and the Supremacy Clause on the Formation of the Bill of Rights”
HC: 18-32 – Dino, Justin Edcel Troy Samonte, “Effects of Pregnenolone Availability and 3B-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase HSD-3 on Dietary Restriction-Mediated Stress Attrition in C. elegans”
HC: 18-33 – Bass, Jake, “A Geometric Approach for Deriving the Attention Laws of Electromagnetism”
HC: 18-34 – Purtle, Ashton Skyler, “Sock-Its: Allowance Kids “Sock It” to Sickness”
HC: 18-35 – Avery, Taylor, “Perception of the Accounting Profession and the Effect of the Accounting Curriculum”
HC: 18-36 – Parks, Hannah M., “The Growth of Glyphosate-Resistant Amaranthus Palmeri in Response to Increased Temperature and Water Stress”
HC: 18-37 – Harp, Hayley, “‘Pills and Potions, We’re Overdosing’: Female Athlete Performance Enhancing Drug Abuse”
HC: 18-38 – Russenberger, Nick, “Nosocomial Infections: Where Arkansas Healthcare Flatlines”
HC: 18-39 – Duvall, Jarett, “Far and Wide: The Story of American Sufism”
HC: 18-40 – Sutherland, Elizabeth, “The Times They Are A-Changin’: Measuring the Zeitgeist Through Pop Culture”
HC: 18-41 – Fair, Brittany Kay, “It’s a Catastrophe: How Amusing Perceptions Appulse the Active Environment and Welfare of the Domestic Cat”
HC: 18-52 – Freyaldenhoven, Sidney G., “Poses with Purpose: Reducing College Stress Through Yoga,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-43 – Krodell, Karly Suzanne, and Erin Lindsey Rogers, “Fostering Knowledge: Advocating for America’s Adopted (A Documentary)” Joint-Thesis
HC: 18-44 – Hanson, Savannah, “The Nurture of Nature: A Abstraction in Ecotherapy for College Populations”
HC: 18-45 – Austin, Gene, “The Messianic Man: A Religious Film,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-46 – Laury, Rebecca, “Biofeedback as an Adjunct to Pediatric Concrete Therapy,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-47 – Hunt, Rachel, “Knit, Knitter, Knittest: Craft as Connection Amid Self and Community”
HC: 18-48 – Gloster, William D., “Exploring the Olympic Landscape: Los Angeles and Rio De Janeiro,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-49 – Jacobus, Gregory M., “Coding Club at Mayflower Middle School: A Genesis in Coding”
HC: 18-50 – Causey, Gabrielle Elise, “Bleeding Hearts and Black Bodies: An Analysis of Empathy in Slave Literature and Cinema”
HC: 18-51 – Tucker, Madeline, and Sydney Ulmer, “When I Needed a Hand, I Found Your Paw: Canine Motivation in Pediatric CVICU Patients,” Capstone Project, Joint-Project
HC: 18-52 – Bennett, Sydney, “More Than Aloof a Grocery List: A Journey Appear Authoritative Sustainable Aliment Choices,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-53 – Nilz, Joshua Allen, “Wetland Macroinvertebrate Community Response to Urban Development in the White Oak Bayou Watershed”
HC: 18-54 – Portillo, Melvin Giovanny, “A League of Their Own: League of Legends and the Esports Phenomenon”
HC: 18-55 – Cook, Kyle Dalton, “Expiration Date: The Arbitrary Timing of Executing Eight Men in Arkansas,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-56 – Stasiv, Sofiya, “Do Your Looks Make the Cut? Gazing at the Archetypal Aural and Without,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-57 – Cox, Carli, “Trust Aural the Patient-Provider Relationship: The Psychosocial and Cultural Factors”
HC: 18-58 – Heffron, Noah, “A Question of Access: Improving Online Resources for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities at the University of Central Arkansas”
HC: 18-59 – Hazeslip, Lindsey Nicole, “Eating Out is a Gamble and Prepackaged Foods Are a Risk: Peanut Allergies and the Incongruities Amid Benchtop and Bedside,” Capstone Project, 2019
HC: 18-60 – Huffmaster, Jessica, “Breaking and Authoritative the Self: A Brief History of Institutions, Their Effects on the Maturation of the Self, and How We Can Address Them,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-61 – Andrews, Colton, “Exploration Into the Synthesis of Mitragynine Analogues,” Capstone Project
HC: 18-62 – Smith, Erica, “Optimization of Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices to Detect Low Concentrations of Tetracycline in Agricultural Settings”
HC 19
HC: 19-01 – Dillard, Mercedes, “Host Specificity of the Burkholderia – D. discoideum Symbiont: Artificial and Natural Burkholderia Infections in D. purpureum and D. giganteum”
HC: 19-02 – Barto, Ashley R., “Toxic Sunflowers: Cadmium Uptake By Helianthus Annuus”
HC: 19-03 – Musteen, Chris, “World War One Draft Defiance in Arkansas,” Spring 2017
HC: 19-04 – Johnson, Kaitlin, “Finding Your Balance: Creating a Healthier Lifestyle Through Diet, Exercise, and Mental Health”
HC: 19-05 – Thompson, Adrienne, “Problems with the Abstraction of African Art: Treating African Art as if Africa Mattered”
HC: 19-06 – Abdullah, Elma, “Visualizing the Divide: A Documentary on the Religious Effects of the 1947 Partition of India”
HC: 19-07 – Welch, Joshua, “From Galaga to Grand Theft Auto: The Effects of Video Games on Mental Health” Capstone Project
HC: 19-08 – Cromwell, Taylor, “Communication Crises in Abreast Healthcare: Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease”
HC: 19-09 – Wen, Druid, “Building Destiny Fight Gear: My Attempt at a Lean Startup” Capstone Project
HC: 19-10 – Willis, Cameron, “G.P.S. – Directing Adolescent Women in Arkansas to STEM College Education and Careers”
HC: 19-11 – Nguyen, Sandy T., “The Archetypal Minority Stereotype: A Disservice to Asian American Students” Capstone Project
HC: 19-12 – Renfroe, Jackson, “Surely Not Everyone Was Kung Fu Fighting: Western Fascination With Martial Arts Film” Capstone Project
HC: 19-13 – Brimer, Ashtyn, “Big Data: the Good, the Bad, and the Customer Trade-Off”
HC: 19-14 – Cotoco, Jasmin, “CRISPR, Confucious, and Community: A Comparative Abstraction of Confucian and Western Perspectives” Capstone Project
HC: 19-15 – Smith, Keely Jo, “Weaponizing Fear: How the National Rifle Association Shapes American Gun Culture” Capstone Project
HC: 19-16 – York, Alexander Kane, “Stroop Asymmetry: A Shift in Visual Paradigms”
HC: 19-17 – Burke, Morgan Elizabeth, “Beauty in Diversity: An Analysis of the Arkansas Teacher Experience” Capstone Project
HC: 19-18 – Stuck, Christopher Ryan, “Overexposure Toxicity of Micro-nutrients Copper and Zinc in Glycine max”
HC: 19-19 – Howard, Hannah Grace, “Squaramide-based Anti-Parasitics: The Chase for a New Treatment for Chagas Disease”
HC: 19-20 – Sutliff, Bailey, “Implementing Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) into the Practice of Medicine”
HC: 19-21 – Newell, Hannah, “True Love’s Kiss and Transformations: Fairy Tales as Platforms for Revision and Representation” Capstone Project
HC: 19-22 – Guthrie, Madi, “Local Snaps: Embracing Spoken Word Balladry in Conway, Arkansas” Capstone Project
HC: 19-23 – Newsome, Ciera, “Something’s Aloof Not Adding Up: Prematurity and its Effects on the Brain and How Accouchement Learn Mathematics”
HC: 19-24 – Gifford, Kortni, “The Accent and Accomplishing of Activity Skills in Community-Based Instruction Classroom”
HC: 19-25 – Sanders, Monica, “ ‘The White Press’: An Analysis of Journalism’s Continuing Struggle to Diversify” Capstone Project
HC: 19-26 – Griffin, Frank, “The Predictability of Musical Elements in Abreast Western Music” Capstone Project
HC: 19-27 – Rose, Katy, “Cultivating a Cultural Landscape: An Analysis of Arkansas Art History and the Creation of Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art” Capstone Project
HC: 19-28 – Chasteen, Allison, “A UCA Veggie Tale: An Appraisal of Vegan Cuisine Options” Capstone Project
HC: 19-29 – Weidman, Mary Colleen, “May Death Beget Life: Education and Documentation for Deceased Pediatric Organ Donation”
HC: 19-30 – Finneseth, Allison, “My Time on the Text Line: An Analysis of the Efficacy of Crisis Intervention Services”
HC: 19-31 – Smith, Ian Paul, “Frank Joseph Rawlinson: True to the Mission or Lost to the Culture?” Capstone Project
HC: 19-32 – Dunbar, Colleen, “A Case for Chloe: The Need for Distinguishing Pediatric and Developed Glioblastomas”
HC: 19-33 – Lamkin, Alexys, “Dawn’s Early Light Gone Dim: A Statistical Analysis on U.S. Immigration Attitudes” Capstone Project
HC: 19-34 – Morrison, Mary, “The Media and Suicide Contagion: A Attending into the Show 13 Reasons Why” Capstone Project
HC: 19-35 – Jeffrey, Russell, “Pointing Isn’t Rude: A Proof-of-Concept HAB Payload Stabilizer”
HC: 19-36 – Dover, Michael, “Both/And: God as Sovereign; Humans as Free”
HC: 19-37 – Moore, Thomas, “From Nursing to Nail Polish: The Origins and History of Occupational Licensing”
HC: 19-38 – Tribble, Riley, “At Dixie’s Doorstep: The State of Arkansas in the 1948 Presidential Election” Capstone Project
HC: 19-39 – Herren, Emily L., “Calculating English: A Framework for STEM Educators with ESL Students” Capstone Project
HC: 19-40 – Toth, Ruben, “Pet Interaction as a Predictor of Happiness in College Students”
HC: 19-41 – Archer, Carl, “Amanda and Zach’s A to Z Disney Adventures: An Alphabetical Picture Book” Capstone Project
HC: 19-42 – Tully-Dodd, Shelby, “Mind Your Own Business: A Creative Approach for Opening a Restaurant”
HC: 19-43 – Elliot, Mollie Rozell, “Prosthetics and Amputee Care: The Evolution of the Military and Civilian Approach”
HC: 19-44 – Morgan, Bethany, “Going Greek: A LGBTQIA Adolescent Developed Novel” Capstone Project
HC: 19-45 – Summerlin, Alex, “Spare Parts: The Writing of Rock Music” Capstone Project
HC: 19-46 – English, Connor, “Organ Transplant: The Troubled Present and the Promising Future”
HC 20
HC: 20-01 – Bowden, Abigail, “Gardasil Vaccination Compliance in College Students”
HC: 20-02 – Yang, An C., “A Cost-Efficient Approach to the New Drug Discovery of Chagas Disease”
HC: 20-03 – Uchegbulam, Deborah, “Semester Reflection,” for MIS 4390 Special Projects
HC: 20-04 – Taylor, Elaina, “The Cognitive Science of Religion: Confronting and Discerning Death”
HC: 20-05 – Downs, Evan, “Identifying the Effects of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) on Mitochondrial Dynamics and Cytoskeleton Stability in Dictyostelium discoideum”
HC: 20-06 – Jorgenson, Hailey, “Pharmacologic Analysis of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome on Patient Outcomes and Prognosis in the Critical Care Setting”
HC: 20-07 – Pulliam, Hailey, “Outcomes of Rapid Response Teams and Systems”
HC: 20-08 – Schneider, Joseph D., “Synthesis and Characterization of Cu(II) and Mixed-valence Cu(I)Cu(II) Clusters Supported by Pyridylamide Ligands” in affiliation with Grant A. Williams and Lei Yang (Department of Chemistry, University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas), Brett A. Smith and Gerard T. Rowe (Department of Chemistry & Physics, University of South Carolina-Aiken, Aiken, South Carolina), Douglas R. Powell (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma), and Felio Perez (Integrated Microscopy Center, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee)
HC: 20-09 – Trickey, Lauren, “Pediatric Nurse Burnout and Turnover Rates: A Review of the Literature”
HC: 20-10 – Chandler, Madeline, “Extranjero: La Identidad, el Idioma y el Estudio al Extranjero” (Spanish)
HC: 20-11 – Kendrick, Madison P. “Compassion Fatigue and Satisfaction accompanying to Burnout in Emergency Department Nurses”
HC: 20-12 – Huggins, Max, “Reaction Control System for Aerial Altitude Balloons: Characterizing the Cold Gas Thruster for Reaction Control”
HC: 20-13 – Rana, Priya Dinesh, “The Effects of Rapamycin on the Associative Learning Capabilities of C. Elegans”
HC: 20-14 – Crabtrey, Stephany, “Antimicrobial Efficacy of Bounded Arkansas Honey Types”
HC: 20-15 – Hollinger, Victoria, “Evaluating Test Validity: A Qualitative and Quantitative Examination of a Foreign Accent Placement Test”