72+ Chemo Hair Growth
72+ Chemo Hair Growth
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare, Tallahassee Democrat Appear 2:34 p.m. ET Aug. 31, 2020
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare introduces use of the DigniCap® Attic Cooling System, to abate the likelihood of chemotherapy-induced beard accident in blight patients at the Tallahassee Memorial Blight Center.
Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare appear the addition of the DigniCap Attic Cooling System, to abate the likelihood of chemotherapy-induced beard accident in blight patients at the Tallahassee Memorial Blight Center. TMH is alms blight patients in the Big Bend admission to the DigniCap technology.
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Approved by the FDA, DigniCap minimizes beard accident from assertive chemotherapy treatments for women and men with solid tumors such as those associated with breast, ovarian, uterine, prostate and added tissues. Positive after-effects from the multi-center FDA analytic trial, appear in February 2017 by The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), announce that seven out of 10 patients application the DigniCap arrangement kept at atomic 50 percent of their hair.
“For abounding patients, beard accident is the best affecting and alarming ancillary aftereffect of chemotherapy,” said Karen Russell, MD, medical oncologist at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. “DigniCap provides patients a agency to abate beard accident while advancement self-esteem. We accept this will account patients and are appreciative to accomplish this technology accessible to patients at our Blight Center.”
The DigniCap Attic Cooling Arrangement consists of a computerized cooling assemblage managed through a blow awning affectation and an absorbed cooling cap. The cap is adapted to the arch and temperature-regulated coolant continuously circulates through distinctively advised channels in the cooling cap.
The temperature of the attic is lowered, consistent in vasoconstriction. This absorption of claret argosy in the attic reduces the commitment of chemotherapy to the scalp, additionally abbreviation cellular uptake of drugs, due to decreased intra-follicular metabolic rate. These factors calm abate the accident of chemotherapy-induced beard loss.
“As the longest continuously accepted association blight affairs in Florida, we are aflame to be accretion our able-bodied casework to action our patients the DigniCap technology,” said Kathy Brooks, Oncology Administrator at Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare. “Through the efforts of our able physicians and nurses at the Tallahassee Memorial Blight Center, we abide to action the highest-quality of affliction for blight patients, now including a ameliorative advantage that addresses the best arresting ancillary furnishings of blight treatments.”
For added advice on the DigniCap technology at TMH, appointment TMH.ORG/Cancer.
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